Fellow Gamecocks,

Could anyone suggest a general admission tailgate lot (where passes are not needed,) where I could set up my DJ rig and enjoy some fun and fellowship with family and friends, old and new? Thank you in advance for your feedback.

To be honest, most of us hate it when other tailgaters being equipment and play their music loud. I like to hear my own music, or be able to talk to my friends. When th types bring their stuff, it forces everyone around you to either move or deal with the djs music
Agreed. forcing others around you- who also paid for their spots and cannot move- to listen to your music whether they want to or not is obnoxious.

It is different if people paid money to have you play an event, party.. or paid money to go into a show you are having in a club, but just to set up arg in a pay lot like that is not going to make people happy most anywhere you do it... If you want a suggestion though, go where the frats are... Partying college kids MIGHT be OK with it because they will have their own music going so loud they won't have any room to complain.
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"set up my DJ rig and enjoy some fun and fellowship with family and friends, old and new"

hope he pulls this off and that some here get over the trauma and deal with it

go cocks!