OT: funniest thing(s) your kid(s) ever said when little


Jun 8, 2020
Playing with our 3 year old daughter tonight and she was playing with a doll and put the doll’s hand up to her mouth. I asked “aww, is baby Sarah sucking her thumb?” My daughter replied matter-of-factly “no, smoking.” No idea where she got that. Certainly not in anything she’s allowed to watch and all public places are smoke-free up here.

Got me to wondering...funny things your kids said when little??
When my daughter was about 7 she told me something was not her "bag of tea". We would never correct things like that because they were so cute. But when she heard the real figure of speech she said hers was better. It kind of is better. She asked if she could charge people for using hers.
My neighbor told me her daughter and my middle daughter were listening to music one day when my daughter asked the other little girl who she was listening to. (They were around 7 at the time) The other little girl said it was "One Direction" and my neighbor said my daughter replied "Well they need to go in the other direction because they are terrible!"
When my daughter was a toddler, we would play this “how much do you love me” game back and forth all the time. - I love you more. No, I love you more. - Well, one night I told her I loved her more, a whole bunch more. Couple of nights later when she came to tell me good night, she told me she loved me and I asked, how much? Without missing a beat, she proclaimed, I love you “a holdja bunch” Daddy. Needless to say, that one stuck. Even to this day, she is now in her 30’s, we tell each other I love you “a holdja bunch.”
Friend’s young son wanted to go play in the play area one day when they had finished lunch at McDonald’s. Dad told him, “We’re in a hurry today, but we’ll do it another day”. For awhile afterward, each time they drove by a McDonald’s, the little guy would point & cry out, “Another day, another day”!!
Our son was looking through DVDs when he was 5 and looked over at me and said “Who is this pretty lady?” I looked over and he had Who Framed Roger Rabbit and I told him that was Jessica Rabbit. He looked back at me and said “Daddy that’s no rabbit!” My wife almost fell of the couch laughing. I had no idea that started that young.
When my middle son was about 5 or 6 he had to get a shot. The nurse was great and took her time explain what they were going to do. When she finished he told her she better get some help. He meant it, it took three nurses to hold his azz down.
My 5 year old this week when I was teaching her the letter F. I said give me a word that starts with F. She looked me in the eye and said I know one but I don’t think I should say it.
Well before the stones get cast here too much she has attended usc sporting events with me the last two years and that seems to be the most frequent exposure. I’m not the morality police and don’t look to pick a fight with someone letting a curse word go as long as its not overly excessive.

What I am saying is that it's what our world has come to these days- not your little girl. But the language that is used at major sporting events. Heck I've used it myself and small kids were around. Shame on me and everyone else that has done such.
Well before the stones get cast here too much she has attended usc sporting events with me the last two years and that seems to be the most frequent exposure. I’m not the morality police and don’t look to pick a fight with someone letting a curse word go as long as its not overly excessive.
At least she knew she shouldn't say it.
What I am saying is that it's what our world has come to these days- not your little girl. But the language that is used at major sporting events. Heck I've used it myself and small kids were around. Shame on me and everyone else that has done such.

I agree. I have to be honest in my younger days I was much worse about it. Part of the reason why I don’t enjoy it but also have a hard time being the morality police.
Tubing with the family in Helen, GA years ago. My five-year old daughter's tube is connected to mine as we float through downtown where all the beer-gartens are overlooking the river. They don't allow alcohol on the water so I jokingly said to my wife 'I wonder if someone would throw me a beer.'. So my sweet little five year old overhears this and yells about as loud as she can "Hey, someone throw us a beer!!"
My daughter used to call Parmesan cheese farmer John cheese.
Instead of saying how about we go outside and play, my son would say,”who bout we go outside and play “. If I ask my grandson something he doesn’t know the answer to he replies, I tant know, Papa.
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Did the "pull my finger, fart thing "... my son said "how does your finger do that?". Then it became "do it again ". I think now they understand that farting on demand isn't easy.
Tubing with the family in Helen, GA years ago. My five-year old daughter's tube is connected to mine as we float through downtown where all the beer-gartens are overlooking the river. They don't allow alcohol on the water so I jokingly said to my wife 'I wonder if someone would throw me a beer.'. So my sweet little five year old overhears this and yells about as loud as she can "Hey, someone throw us a beer!!"
Reminds me of another one from my son. I was cutting the grass a when he was almost 4 and my wife was talking to our neighbor and when I finished she asked if I wanted her to grab me a water from the garage fridge. Before I could respond our son said “Mom you know after you cut the grass you have a beer.”
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