OT: Open letter to world governments on vitamin D and COVID-19

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Nov 19, 2020
As of today, 184 of the top physicians & researchers from all over the world - including two from the Medical University of South Carolina - finally making a stand.

IMO, the lack of information on this subject continues to be one of the biggest coverups in history. {WHO, CDC, NIH, Big Pharma, and other beneficiaries of the fast-tracked "vaccine."}

<< Open letter to world governments on vitamin D and COVID-19 >>

{scroll down for all of the signees and their recommendations. An impressive list.}
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This isn't really news, nor has it been covered up.

Have you heard anyone from our government taking about immune system health or Vitamin D for COVID? It's all been about the vaccine.

AND, why would these professionals feel the need to participate?
This isn't really news, nor has it been covered up.
Why isn’t it news? This should be a TV commercial ran every 5-10 mins. I am 62 and take, Vit D, Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother and a Tumeric supplement daily. I went from getting a shot in my knees twice a year to actually jogging again with the Tumeric. And haven’t had any sickness after starting the Vit Supplement.
Why isn’t it news? This should be a TV commercial ran every 5-10 mins. I am 62 and take, Vit D, Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother and a Tumeric supplement daily. I went from getting a shot in my knees twice a year to actually jogging again with the Tumeric. And haven’t had any sickness after starting the Vit Supplement.

100%. All we've seen is constant propaganda about masking and social distancing, in part to create demand for the multi-trillion dollar VAXX where you will get a card and be monitored the rest of your life.
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I take my 4000 IUs of D3 every day. I have to say I have seen reporting on its benefits in several news pieces.
I just started taking it a couple of weeks ago. My wife was already taking it. I started taking two a day, until yesterday when I realized each capsule was 5000iu. LOL! I’m now taking one a day. 👍
I take my 4000 IUs of D3 every day. I have to say I have seen reporting on its benefits in several news pieces.

Just haven't seen anything whatsoever from our government, nor any other government around the world. It's all about the vaccine.

Meanwhile, most of America is sitting around waiting on a largely untested therapy when there's a 99.8% chance of survival for those under 70....Insanity.

Vaccines should be tested for 10+ years, not 10 months.
As of today, 184 of the top physicians & researchers from all over the world - including two from the Medical University of South Carolina - finally making a stand.

IMO, the lack of information on this subject continues to be one of the biggest coverups in history. {WHO, CDC, NIH, Big Pharma, and other beneficiaries of the fast-tracked "vaccine."}

<< Open letter to world governments on vitamin D and COVID-19 >>

{scroll down for all of the signees and their recommendations. An impressive list.}
So taking D3 is going to stop the spread of a deadly disease?

I also hear drinking water also helps with covid and the government hasn’t said ANYTHING about it
Taking vitamin d and vitamin c for YOUR immune system THE BIG SECRET THE GOVERNMENT DOESNT WANT YOU TO KNOW
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There are exceptions and you are not a specialist. Your opinions are political. Lemme voted Trump?

There are exceptions to everything and every disease.

Pfizer announced that the first dose offers protection for 21 total days:

It's no wonder their CEO cashed out a large holding of his Pfizer stock a few weeks ago:

I'm actually aggressively centrist. If I walk into a room and FOX or CNN is on, I walk out.

I also hear drinking water also helps with covid and the government hasn’t said ANYTHING about it

He was pressed on that issue and answered the question.

Have you heard anything from our government on how to bolster innate immunity?
He was pressed on that issue and answered the question.

Have you heard anything from our government on how to bolster innate immunity?
You mean common knowledge? Did you honestly not know that vitamin c and d boosts your immune system?
What does this have to do with Trump? He's the one pressing the vaccine.

Totally agree that our government has dropped the ball - whether it was intentional or not.
LOL! Trump is the government. When was the last time trump mentioned getting a vaccine?
You mean common knowledge? Did you honestly not know that vitamin c and d boosts your immune system?

Dude - he's talking about it's effectiveness as relates to COVID.

Like was stated, why would 184 of the world's top medical professionals sign something like this two weeks ago unless they felt it needed to get out there?
Like was stated, why would 184 of the world's top medical professionals sign something like this two weeks ago unless they felt it needed to get out there?
And now we should abandon the vaccine and just take C, D3 and zinc! Bam!
You know being well rested is one of the most vital factors in a good immune system, is there a petition I can sign regarding the government never telling me to have a good nights rest?
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The vaccine could be helpful for the elderly and selected immunocompromised, as cellular REDOX begins to wane by age 60-65.

If you don't fall in that category, I have no idea why one would signup.
The vaccine could be helpful for the elderly and selected immunocompromised, as cellular REDOX begins to wane by age 60-65.

If you don't fall in that category, I have no idea why one would signup.
Because it will help eliminate the spread of the virus? You know, the one that currently has many hospital staffs working to the point of exhaustion?
You didn’t need the government to explicitly tell you to? Weird
I can read. I read long ago about the benefits of vitamin D, as well those of other supplements. I went to public school. I suppose some people would therefore assign all credit for my health regimen to the government.
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100%. All we've seen is constant propaganda about masking and social distancing, in part to create demand for the multi-trillion dollar VAXX where you will get a card and be monitored the rest of your life.
You are spreading dangerous miss-information and have no fkn clue what you are talking about! You think they are putting microchips in the vaccine too? You want to be a tinfoil hat wearing psycho in your own home? Fine. Do not try to infect others with your stupidity.

This is not some trick to monitor people. The government has been and can monitor any aspect of our life they want to right now.

It does take years yo develop a new TYPE of vaccine- maybe even ten years. These MRNA vaccines like Moderna made have BEEN in development for other types of diseases for like 15 years... All they had to do was sequence the DNA and adapt the existing vaccines to this virus.

The government has touted Vitamin D since early on as a POTENTIAL treatment/preventative but is nowhere NEAR as effective as a vaccine. It is also something you would have to take every day the rest of your life!! As opposed to two sticks maybe every year or two?

Everything you wrote in this thread is conspiracy theory debunked BS- stop spreading dangerous lies and trying to KILL PEOPLE by making them lose faith in the only shot we have to beat this thing with any form of expedience you moronic fool. I cannot believe anyone is buying any of this shit!!
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Because it will help eliminate the spread of the virus? You know, the one that currently has many hospital staffs working to the point of exhaustion?
Agreed. That’s why I took the vaccine today.
We have a lot of nurses, MDs etc as patients and they are all exhausted and have stated they need this vaccine. Most people aren’t at risk but the only way we are going to protect those at risk is to take the vaccine. It’s just reality.

Also, for those who are interested, mRNA vaccines were started well over a decade ago because they offered a better flexibility and improved safety profile.
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We'll see how that works out.
Yeah, good point- vaccines have never been that effective. We just started eating more Vitamin C and vitamin D and suddenly polio and Small Pox suicided themselves... 🙄

tha fuq is wrong with ya’ll? How is this type of dangerous miss-information allowed to be spread around so freely on a SPORTS FORUM! Ya’ll need to Go back to the anti-vax facebook groups and circle jerk the other crazies.
Yeah, good point- vaccines have never been that effective. We just started eating more Vitamin C and vitamin D and suddenly polio and Small Pox suicided themselves... 🙄

Again, we'll see how it works out over time. This is not Polio, Small Pox or the Flu. Completely different pathways which they've had no answer for until there was a large windfall in their vision.
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