Penn State ......


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Sep 22, 2002
Hickory NC
I know they still only have 60 or so on scholarship but ....... I have never seen a worse OL in my life than theirs. Hackenburg got sacked 10 times by Temple. A couple of times they got sacks with a 2 man rush. Think about it. 5 OL could not block 2 DE's. And this was with a back held in for protection. Amazing. Until they can shore up their OL with at least average play, winning 2 or 3 might be as good as they can do.

Expect Franklin to fire his OL coach as well as bring in a new OC. He cannot survive 2 or 3 years of this performance. At some point duing the year I think he ends up benching Hackenburg ( probably the best Pro Style QB in college this year) for a read option or veer style QB.
I'm sure there are worse offensives lines in college football; however, those teams have mobile quarterbacks to compensate for their O line's deficiencies.

Even Bobby Petrino -- guy who coached Ryan Mallet -- was forced yesterday to bring in a true freshman who could run for his life.
2 man rush

Didn't we lose a major OL recruit to Penn State last year or the year before?
Penn St had a huge hole to dig out of and I hope they don't think they will be back in a year or two.....Franklin by all accounts is a good coach but they have a ton of issues with all the sanctions they got hit with....

Starting a coaching merry-go-round would be about the dumbest thing they could do at this point....Its going to take time and patience.....