Please Help the University of SC Bass Fishing Team

Forgive me, I do not mean to insult anyone. But, how fking stupid would someone need to be, to pay ... excuse me ... DONATE ... for someone to go FISHING???

get a life.

I guess just as stupid as someone needs to be to donate money just for someone play football.

However, unlike the football team, the Fishing team knows what it feels like to win Championships.
ouch, not only that, but you actually donate just for the priviledge to be able to purchase tickets
As someone who was intimately involved with Club Football from 2010ish until 2013, the clubs do need to look to the school for funding, the intramural and club department(s) in particular. The problem at times was being penalized for not having money or enough participation, and consequently, not being allowed to receive money because of that, i. e. having games canceled, even if it was the other team. Shoot, refs are $500 a game. It was surprising at a large football hungry school, how hard it was to have even 60-80 kids show up. We’d usually have a decent turnout for games, but getting kids to pay the dues was tough. And I’m not generalizing, but I am, like the Varsity, football players don’t always come from money. Lax on the other hand was a different story. Pretty pricey dues that I’m sure were met. Different demographic, no Varsity option, and they apparently got a pretty substantial amount from the school those first few years as well, around the time I was with Club. Apparently, the football team did start up again last year by the original founder, but I’m not involved at all, so no idea on the $$.
This is a good reminder that our competitive club sports (including the bass fishing team as well as Rugby, Hockey, Fencing, and many others) are not part of our Athletics Department and receive little funding from the university so every little bit helps.
Was this one of the men's sports cut due to Title IX?