It's been 20 years since I spent any real time on or around the campus. I did show my wife around it briefly about 12 years ago. In my college days there was nothing beyond Carolina Coliseum, The Roost (The Sarge), The Horseshoe, and Capstone. The Vista, and Koger Center were brand new when I moved from Columbia. The place has absolutely exploded since. As for college towns, that's all in the eyes of the beholder. If you are from a small place, like me, Columbia is and was a wonderful place. It is amazing now, and offers so much more than a nice place to tailgate. If that's all you're going to measure a town by, then no, Cola is not your typical college town, but with Cola, you get to see and experience history, where the old meets the new, government meets commerce, science & technology meets performing arts, and some of the best restaurants, nightlife, and college sports and venues in the U.S. We are so much more than a nice place to tailgate, but on that note, in just a few more years, you'll be able to add that to the list as well, and in another 10-20 years, WB Stadium will be on campus!