School record for victories in 1 season?

Pretty sure it was 25-3 the year we lost the ACC Championship Game to NC State in double OT when State came out in a slowdown, Roche was hurt in the game ... the Gamecocks were the best team in America that season.
Back then only the conference champion went to the NCAA tournament,

" ... WE was ROBBED in Greensboro!!!" We were preseason ranked #1 - lost the opener by 1-point to Tennessee then went on a roll and were ranked #1 for probably 15-weeks that season, including going into the championship final. UNC's Charlie Scott could not beat John Roche.
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SS.....Roche was hurt in the Semi-final against Weak Florist. He was about 50% against the Wusspack.
Pretty sure it was 25-3 the year we lost the ACC Championship Game to NC State in double OT when State came out in a slowdown, Roche was hurt in the game ... the Gamecocks were the best team in America that season.
Back then only the conference champion went to the NCAA tournament,

" ... WE was ROBBED in Greensboro!!!" We were preseason ranked #1 - lost the opener by 1-point to Tennessee then went on a roll and were ranked #1 for probably 15-weeks that season, including going into the championship final. UNC's Charlie Scott could not beat John Roche.
Actually, we was robbed in Charlotte that year........
Actually, we was robbed in Charlotte that year........

I'd forgotten that. Heck, I probably never even KNEW it! ... since no way I had tickets as a student - we watched on TV with a whole bunch of PBR's and several bottles of Ripple, afterwards trying half the night in a state of altered consciousness to get through (without success) to Norm Sloan by telephone to talk about the 'success' we'd experienced with his daughter at the beach the previous summer (yea, it was a 'slight' fib). That was a sorry Spring ... new arena, lose the ACC final and then having to 'host' somebody else in the Eastern Regional ... bunch of really sick Gamecock fans than season.
What a really great team that was. I LOVED that time. In those days Blue Nun in their clay crocks was also a beverage of choice for my 'lady friends' who enjoyed the 'finer' things (it was $7-$8 bucks, Ripple was < $2). My crowd really didn't do the 'weed' thing ... one joint was a felony!!!, public drunk was just a $35 fine and you were out in four hours, very easy math for a guy attending school on bank loans and working. I thought Columbia must be like what it like to live in NYC ... back then even Atlanta didn't seem all that much more urban than Columbia did to me, even with the Falcons and Braves.
We will never have a team as good as the 25-3 team, regardless of the number of wins!!
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Never say never

That 25-3 team was before I was born. The best team I've ever seen at USC was the team that won the SEC Championship with BJ Mckie, Melvin Watson, and Larry Davis running that 3 guard offense. They were a fun team to watch.
The 25-3 team, played great team ball, there wasn't a 3 pt line, or dunks allowed. The bench wasn't real deep but those guys could play. Love to see what Roche would have scored with a 3 point line.

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