Since we are taking about recruiting......Chubb USC visit mean Spurrier didn't cancel his trip because a high school recruit decided to make a "last minute visit" to SC? The audacity of SOS to continue on to FL to accept an award that had been planned months in advance. Everyone knows high school football players need their ass kissed, even when they decide on "last minute" visits. You people never cease to amaze me. If I was Spurrier or any coach I'd tell Chubb if you're not mature enough to understand conflicts in calendars, then you're too damn stupid to play here. Better yet, if you're immature enough to think a college coach should change his travel arrangements because you decided you wanted to take a free trip to visit for the hell of it (cause everyone knew he was going to UGA), then we don't want you. This is such a non story. You must have been really bored.
Is that writer's name REALLY Jason Butt or was this pulled off the Onion?
What a pathetically stupid article. The State should just die a quiet death... Nobody would notice and it would open up more space beside the stadium for tailgating.