So I didnt know for sure...But Jon Hoke has his son on our staff too....


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2004
this is getting ridiculous. Friends, wonder there will be no changes made anytime soon.
its ridiculous and not professional at all to hire your sons when its NOT YOUR Organization
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Scotty was a USC player at least. I don't like Hoke's son getting a GA spot when we have former players that are just as deserving.
Clemson wastes scholarships on legacy recruits sometimes. I won't mention names of players, but it happens. It sucks, but coaches are going to run the programs the way they want. What can us fans do?
Clemson wastes scholarships on legacy recruits sometimes. I won't mention names of players, but it happens. It sucks, but coaches are going to run the programs the way they want. What can us fans do?

I know what TWO of you can do.

joedcock also wrote:

" ... its ridiculous and not professional at all to hire your sons when its NOT YOUR Organization."

Both of you can go on each others boards, whine and moan, talk about your coaches 'sack' or how some things they do 'suck' and, in general - support one another with your version of a Jimmy Carter 'malaise' speech.

... I'm sure Jodie appreciates you're wading in to commiserate with his grief during this, his time of need. Doing so was not at all ridiculous and utterly professional. And thank you for your insight!

It was wonderful to learn (being a Gamecock fan) there are clemson fans who believe Dabo 'sucks' at some things, just as I'm sure you're happy to read here what fans like joedcock have to say about the HBC.
There are very good reasons not to put a family member on the payroll. There are nepotism policies in government and private business for a very good reason. It promotes favoritism and an imbalance of accountability. If anyone thinks this is a good idea.....then you are clueless. I have witnessed it first hand and it rarely....if ever, works for the better of those involved.
There are very good reasons not to put a family member on the payroll. There are nepotism policies in government and private business for a very good reason. It promotes favoritism and an imbalance of accountability. If anyone thinks this is a good idea.....then you are clueless. I have witnessed it first hand and it rarely....if ever, works for the better of those involved.

I'm ignorant about a lot of things but certainly not 'clueless' on this subject.

First I don't agree with your opinion at all; indeed, I 'respectfully' DISAGREE. Certainly there are uncountable cases of 'junior' gone bad but at least as many, if not more cases of sons and daughters not only taking over but successfully growing and expanding businesses.

Assuming you've done your job as a parent both from a moral standpoint and an educational one who better can a person trust than his own child to help him?

Second there are NO national 'federal' nepotism laws on the books, it's not 'illegal' to hire relatives. Some but certainly not all 'local' governments, states, counties, towns and cities have various types of laws related to hiring relatives, i.e., co-approval may be required by a third-party - but, to flat-out deny anyone a job due to race, marital status, sex, religion or who they may be related to is on its face prima facie discrimination and THAT IS against the law.

As far as 'private' businesses having policies against hiring 'relatives' I can assure you if they have more than 15 employees they have NO POLICY to 'prohibit' it (illegal discrimination) and if they have fewer it's probably a 'family' business to begin with and nobody's business but the owner anyway.

I don't even have to think about it and could probably name a dozen cases of second and third generation success stories in my own community, from gas stations and garages to restaurants and farms, distributorships and sales organizations, service and construction companies, law firms, development companies the list is almost endless of solid companies who have only gotten BETTER on little bub or bubbette's watch ... and that goes for some widows and widowers, too.

Most 'jobs' have some basic descriptive outline and it's up to the 'guy or gal in charge' to either delegate filling those positions or doing it themselves. If they want to do that with a 'relative' so what? Who's to say if that person isn't HIGHLY QUALIFIED to do that particular job? The person who hires 'em is WHO.

Some guy was on here recently talking about 'making his numbers' and if he did so his 'boss' didn't care if he worked just one day a week to get it done. What's his response going to be if his 'boss' calls him at 2 AM and says "we've got a problem in timbucktoo and you need to leave in 30-minutes, get down there and fix it". I know what MY children - ANY of them would say ... "yes sir".

Anyone with a bum for a child raised them. Many of the smartest, kindest and most successful people I know or have EVER known grew up somewhat in someone else's 'shadow' but found their own way out from under that shade into the sunlight and did something that ultimately was even more impressive. What they got was GUIDANCE, encouragement, a good education (or the equivalent 'required' experience) and as often as not, good CREDIT and an established 'cash-flow'.

That last part is what often chaps people the most, the so-called 'silver spoon' ... that's often a problem for junior, too - but so what. You can't be concerned with other people's envy, jealousy or prejudices.

You say it 'rarely' works out for the better. I have NO IDEA where you've been looking 'cause I've seen example after example of GREAT companies built then expanded and made MORE PROFITABLE by the 'relatives' of their founders. I've NEVER begrudged anyone who may have had it a 'little' easier than me. If I had I would have STAYED chapped all the time. What I've been able to experience is getting to know some VERY SMART people who had not only good ideas but the where with all to put those ideas into practice.

MORE power to 'em.
First I don't agree with your opinion at all; indeed, I 'respectfully' DISAGREE. Certainly there are uncountable cases of 'junior' gone bad but at least as many, if not more cases of sons and daughters not only taking over but successfully growing and expanding businesses.

This isn't like you are hiring your son to work at the hardware store you own, because he is going to own it one day.

It's more like you have a star in a play at a Broadway Theater. One day the play will be over, and another one will be in it's place.

You see the star has a son that he hired to be his understudy. And he wants his son to be the star of the next play.

But it's not his theater. And frankly his son just can't hold the stage like his old man could. Most of the time the progeny of someone like this don't have the same talents.

But you see this star is getting old, and his ratings are slipping some. But his son followed him into the business (though he probably shouldn't have; off Broadway is as far as he would have gotten on his own). And the old man desperately wants his son to follow in his footsteps. Legacy or som s*#t. He can't be happy with his awards and career, he has to have the Theater hire his kid too.

Well good if you can pull it off. But the people who own that Theater would have to be pretty dumb to bit on that one.
I'm ignorant about a lot of things but certainly not 'clueless' on this subject.

First I don't agree with your opinion at all; indeed, I 'respectfully' DISAGREE. Certainly there are uncountable cases of 'junior' gone bad but at least as many, if not more cases of sons and daughters not only taking over but successfully growing and expanding businesses.

Assuming you've done your job as a parent both from a moral standpoint and an educational one who better can a person trust than his own child to help him?

Second there are NO national 'federal' nepotism laws on the books, it's not 'illegal' to hire relatives. Some but certainly not all 'local' governments, states, counties, towns and cities have various types of laws related to hiring relatives, i.e., co-approval may be required by a third-party - but, to flat-out deny anyone a job due to race, marital status, sex, religion or who they may be related to is on its face prima facie discrimination and THAT IS against the law.

As far as 'private' businesses having policies against hiring 'relatives' I can assure you if they have more than 15 employees they have NO POLICY to 'prohibit' it (illegal discrimination) and if they have fewer it's probably a 'family' business to begin with and nobody's business but the owner anyway.

I don't even have to think about it and could probably name a dozen cases of second and third generation success stories in my own community, from gas stations and garages to restaurants and farms, distributorships and sales organizations, service and construction companies, law firms, development companies the list is almost endless of solid companies who have only gotten BETTER on little bub or bubbette's watch ... and that goes for some widows and widowers, too.

Most 'jobs' have some basic descriptive outline and it's up to the 'guy or gal in charge' to either delegate filling those positions or doing it themselves. If they want to do that with a 'relative' so what? Who's to say if that person isn't HIGHLY QUALIFIED to do that particular job? The person who hires 'em is WHO.

Some guy was on here recently talking about 'making his numbers' and if he did so his 'boss' didn't care if he worked just one day a week to get it done. What's his response going to be if his 'boss' calls him at 2 AM and says "we've got a problem in timbucktoo and you need to leave in 30-minutes, get down there and fix it". I know what MY children - ANY of them would say ... "yes sir".

Anyone with a bum for a child raised them. Many of the smartest, kindest and most successful people I know or have EVER known grew up somewhat in someone else's 'shadow' but found their own way out from under that shade into the sunlight and did something that ultimately was even more impressive. What they got was GUIDANCE, encouragement, a good education (or the equivalent 'required' experience) and as often as not, good CREDIT and an established 'cash-flow'.

That last part is what often chaps people the most, the so-called 'silver spoon' ... that's often a problem for junior, too - but so what. You can't be concerned with other people's envy, jealousy or prejudices.

You say it 'rarely' works out for the better. I have NO IDEA where you've been looking 'cause I've seen example after example of GREAT companies built then expanded and made MORE PROFITABLE by the 'relatives' of their founders. I've NEVER begrudged anyone who may have had it a 'little' easier than me. If I had I would have STAYED chapped all the time. What I've been able to experience is getting to know some VERY SMART people who had not only good ideas but the where with all to put those ideas into practice.

MORE power to 'em.
OK...first off this is not a business that can be taken over by someone's kid or kids....this is a program that when someone is hired they usually clean house. Second...I have owned my own companies and did not hire my kids. I did not want that burden on my family. You have to make choices in business that have to be removed from emotions....if you want to be successful. You do not judge people the same and you are extremely naive if you think people do. You either treat them with favor or with more ridicule. There is rarely an in between that's exactly why those policies are so prevalent. If this program was growing and successful then maybe you get a pass but it's not. It's obvious where the problems are and it's obvious why there has been no solution. The people that own their own companies will for the most part tell you they put their kids in on the bottom floor and made them work their way up. They were the rightful successors to a family business or company.....and I will bet you that they had nepotism policies for other employees......I will bet you good money on that. That said....Spuirrier does not own this program and Junior or Scott are not the rightful successors......your point is moot !
There are very good reasons not to put a family member on the payroll. There are nepotism policies in government and private business for a very good reason. It promotes favoritism and an imbalance of accountability. If anyone thinks this is a good idea.....then you are clueless. I have witnessed it first hand and it rarely....if ever, works for the better of those involved.

And it's not just about how deficient the son is at his position; it's also about the guy who doesn't get hired. For example, Urban Meyer was Lou's wide receivers coach at Notre Dame. Maybe Lou brings him to Columbia instead of Skip if nepotism wasn't part of the deal.

And who knows what potential coaching talent we have missed out on here because Spurrier jr is on staff?

But I enjoyed 33 wins in 3 years and 5 straight against Clemson. I guess if hiring the coach's son was part of the price, then it was worth it.
And it's not just about how deficient the son is at his position; it's also about the guy who doesn't get hired. For example, Urban Meyer was Lou's wide receivers coach at Notre Dame. Maybe Lou brings him to Columbia instead of Skip if nepotism wasn't part of the deal.

And who knows what potential coaching talent we have missed out on here because Spurrier jr is on staff?
That's where you're wrong. Neither Spurrier nor Lou come here without the ability to hire their kids. I also doubt Harbaugh goes to Michigan without the ability to hire his son. In any of those situations, it would have been foolish to let those hires slip through the cracks. With where Brad Scott had taken this program, Lou turning that around as quickly as he did, and even leaving us with a 6-5 season, was nothing short of a miracle. And Spurrier taking us to heights we have never seen, also miraculous.

Thinking back to 99, when we probably had half of Clemson's financial budget, if it weren't for Holtz we would have been looking for the next Brad Scott or Sparky Woods and hoping we got lucky. And if we did they would've bolted as soon as the next best thing opened up.

Bitching about a DC hiring his son, not as a position coach, but as a GA is about the dumbest thing I've seen on FGF. That is quite a feat.
OK...first off this is not a business that can be taken over by someone's kid or kids....this is a program that when someone is hired they usually clean house. Second...I have owned my own companies and did not hire my kids. I did not want that burden on my family. You have to make choices in business that have to be removed from emotions....if you want to be successful. You do not judge people the same and you are extremely naive if you think people do. You either treat them with favor or with more ridicule. There is rarely an in between that's exactly why those policies are so prevalent. If this program was growing and successful then maybe you get a pass but it's not. It's obvious where the problems are and it's obvious why there has been no solution. The people that own their own companies will for the most part tell you they put their kids in on the bottom floor and made them work their way up. They were the rightful successors to a family business or company.....and I will bet you that they had nepotism policies for other employees......I will bet you good money on that. That said....Spuirrier does not own this program and Junior or Scott are not the rightful successors......your point is moot !

Whoever follows the HBC can clean house, everybody knows that. Have at it!
My point's not 'moot' THAT is my point!!! ... the guy in charge AT THE TIME can hire anyone he likes.

I, too started, built and sold three companies - NONE 'went out of business' - all did well, one did very well, had a couple of valuable patents and the business was sold to a Fortune 500 (who could afford to DEFEND the IP and collect royalties we had no chance of forcing competitors to pay-up on). Lawyers to me were an EXPENSE I could NOT afford, the company who bought us literally has dozens (if not hundreds) of lawyers who are OVERHEAD ... they go to work every day LOOKING for somebody to bite in the a$$. They've been successful negotiating very lucrative agreements with anyone who ever 'infringed' out technology. My children turned DOWN job 'offers' (as did both my brothers) - all were either happy where they were or made more than I could afford to pay 'em ... but I would have loved to had them working with me. ALL of them are smart and successful in their own right.

Fortunately, I'm the only 'scofflaw' in my clan.

You keep talking about 'policies' ... give me ONE example (other than third-party approval) of an enterprise where hiring relatives is NOT permitted.

And please don't use as your example that it was YOUR policy. ANY 'well-known' enterprise will suffice.
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For what it's worth, Scotty Spurrier's job title is Offensive Quality Control Coordinator. Duties include "working with the tight ends while assisting with the run and pass game coordinators".
Whoever follows the HBC can clean house, everybody knows that. Have at it! My point's not 'moot' THAT is my point!!! ... the guy in charge AT THE TIME can hire anyone he likes.

I, too started, built and sold three companies - NONE 'went out of business' - all did well, one did very well, had a couple of valuable patents and the business was sold to a Fortune 500 (who could afford to DEFEND the IP and collect royalties we had no chance of forcing competitors to pay-up on). Lawyers to me were an EXPENSE I could NOT afford, the company who bought us literally has dozens (if not hundreds) of lawyers who are OVERHEAD ... they go to work every day LOOKING for somebody to bite in the a$$. They've been successful negotiating very lucrative agreements with anyone who ever 'infringed' out technology. My children turned DOWN job 'offers' (as did both my brothers) - all were either happy where they were or made more than I could afford to pay 'em ... but I would have loved to had them working with me. ALL of them are smart and successful in their own right.

Fortunately, I'm the only 'scofflaw' in my clan.

You keep talking about 'policies' ... give me ONE example (other than third-party approval) of an enterprise where hiring relatives is NOT permitted.

And please don't use as your example that it was YOUR policy. ANY 'well-known' enterprise will suffice.
You know you have always been kind of "out there" so to speak. I generally just ignore you because you seem to be a simplistic type of person with just quirky little rants. I have had my fill, as have a lot of others, so rather than reply to a simpleton . I shall ignore you....much like a pesky gnat!
its ridiculous and not professional at all to hire your sons when its NOT YOUR Organization

Graduate Assistants have ALWAYS included Coache's sons if they are interested in the sport and the right age. Look through history. GA's are ALWAYS friends family or former players.
You know you have always been kind of "out there" so to speak. I generally just ignore you because you seem to be a simplistic type of person with just quirky little rants. I have had my fill, as have a lot of others, so rather than reply to a simpleton . I shall ignore you....much like a pesky gnat!

SS just made you look stupid, and you have zero retort, so you just put him on ignore. What a bitch.
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SS just made you look stupid, and you have zero retort, so you just put him on ignore. What a bitch.'re right.....I am so intimidated.....actually he just gets on my nerves with his little sunshine pumping self....If you agree with him, that's fine. I am just not going back and forth with an idiot.....he's a Gamecock idiot, but an idiot none the less.
There are very good reasons not to put a family member on the payroll. There are nepotism policies in government and private business for a very good reason. It promotes favoritism and an imbalance of accountability. If anyone thinks this is a good idea.....then you are clueless. I have witnessed it first hand and it rarely....if ever, works for the better of those involved.
Maybe you should learn what a GA actually gets paid........then your post might have some credibility. (They don't get paid......they get school paid for but that's it)
That's where you're wrong. Neither Spurrier nor Lou come here without the ability to hire their kids. I also doubt Harbaugh goes to Michigan without the ability to hire his son. In any of those situations, it would have been foolish to let those hires slip through the cracks. With where Brad Scott had taken this program, Lou turning that around as quickly as he did, and even leaving us with a 6-5 season, was nothing short of a miracle. And Spurrier taking us to heights we have never seen, also miraculous.

Thinking back to 99, when we probably had half of Clemson's financial budget, if it weren't for Holtz we would have been looking for the next Brad Scott or Sparky Woods and hoping we got lucky. And if we did they would've bolted as soon as the next best thing opened up.

Bitching about a DC hiring his son, not as a position coach, but as a GA is about the dumbest thing I've seen on FGF. That is quite a feat.

Would have liked this twice if the button would allow it! Bingo!
Maybe you should learn what a GA actually gets paid........then your post might have some credibility. (They don't get paid......they get school paid for but that's it)

As I said....A completely idiotic OP....If you did a bit of research they would have figured this out....

But NOOOOO we get all outraged before knowing any facts....Frankly if you think the biggest problem we have right now is a coach's son being a GA you are probably clueless......
You know you have always been kind of "out there" so to speak. I generally just ignore you because you seem to be a simplistic type of person with just quirky little rants. I have had my fill, as have a lot of others, so rather than reply to a simpleton . I shall ignore you....much like a pesky gnat!

I realize you aren't 'receiving' this superflyby but thought perhaps some of the "others" you reference might - your statement implying you either: a.) type in a group-setting at the local library and thus would know such intel, or b.) sit around at lunch discussing who's 'in' and who's 'out' on the FGF.

Hoping b.) isn't the case it must be a.) so I'll just be quick and tell you all 'hey!' to let you know I hope you have a nice day! While at the library I suggest you check-out Tom Wolfe's 'A Man In Full' ... it's a quasi-football hero tale of an Atlanta Buckhead-area developer who has his G5 repo'ed after flying back from a quail hunting trip at his south Georgia plantation having built a near-empty office-tower edifice to himself 'somewhere' a little too far north up GA400 northeast of Atlanta. Who would have dreamed such a thing was even possible!
When it's time to replace SOS, I guess we better scan possible candidates for employable children.
No, we better take the best deal we can get. Like we did with our last two hires. Anything else would be FGF level stupid.