#Soybeanwind twitter link...nobody likes Dabo...nobody

Funny part is Dabo's a Bama guy. 99% of his college team was getting paid while he was in school. The only one not getting paid was Dabo himself.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Love him or hate him.... bunch of four stars and several 5 stars like him enough to sign on the dotted line.
He's a complete fraud and a total narcissist.

And Clemson doesn't want other universities to play their players because they would lose their advantage.
not totally nobody, they are falling all over themselves on Tillman-net trying to spin the fact that everyone thinks their coach is a doofus/asshole hybrid. Yes, that's right Tillmanites, Dabo is the greatest guy since Jesus walked the earth, and everyone in the world that isn't a Tillman is just a hater

you keep believing that
Trust me, if you don't have HBO and don't know who Oliver is, go to youtube and watch his stuff. The guy is spot on about a lot of stuff besides daybo. Funny guy.
The happiest students (unless you are a black kid) in college better enjoy their little success last year because other than finally winning one against us, nothing to talk about but spring practice , all their other athletic programs really are bad. Come September, Dabo, Venables and the rest of Swinnie's boys hit the reality of losing to the USC Gamecocks in Willy B again. They as always are overrated in pre season, primarily because of all the hype and false claims (which by the way are taken as gospel by too many of our fans). They will get their easy 7 or 8 wins but will fail to have any meaningful victories as usual. Another year will find them falling even farther behind in the arms race and strength of our programs vs theirs. Also, I look for their racial keg of TNT to explode this year. Cain't cover it up much longer.

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