Students not attending college football games. I've seen two different reports

What's wrong with those millennial's? I personally think the millennial's are the laziest generation in the history of America.
What a lazy take. Human beings don't change that much over time; circumstances do. If there were no cable tv and internet people of all generations would be a lot more tied to those football stands. People do what they want now when they want. I'm a millennial and still attend football, basketball and baseball games and stay to the end FWIW. Just helping you understand since you think some fundamental change in human nature occurred in the last generation
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For the record, I'm 35, married for a decade, have 3 children, a postgraduate degree, a stable job and make good money, active in my church and community, and also starting my own company on the side.

Most of my friends who are my age or younger are busting their tails to make it in this world.

Prior generations have allowed the cost of living and education to go through the roof and have had no backbone to stand up to politicians (in both parties) who kick the debt can down the proverbial road. We have allowed the cost of education to hamstring our nation to the point that people are struggling to survive. Most people cannot afford to pay their student loans, eat, and have a mortgage.

Are there losers in my generation that have no perception of hard work and would rather sit around and smoke weed with little ambition, absolutely. However, every generation has had this dynamic. Remember the Hippie movement.

Bottom line is that if you don't like the way kids behave today, you need to look at the parents that raised them. Those parents probably came from the same generation as many of you who are posting in this thread bashing millenials.

All of that said, looking back on my life during college, I definitely didn't have it all together. It took God's grace, the right woman, and time for me to mature into a functioning member of society.

No need to bash 20 year olds. They still have time to figure it out and make a difference.
Pretty good post. You seem like the kind of person I'd like to sit down and speak with.
Life will beat the socialism out of millennials. My fellow boomers needn’t worry about that one bit.

What I do think is worrisome is the impact of technology. I think that is hard to forecast. I haven’t worked with a millennial who doesn’t have their face buried in a phone all day.

Or your generation destroying the economy again like you did in 2008, amiright or amiright?

Also.. As someone else pointed out. It's hilarious to see Boomers and Gen X diss younger generations for social media. Those in your generation who discover tech and social media are absolutely as addicted (and FAR more creepy) than younger folks. Extreme hypocrisy.
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I get the feeling that UofSC students are less socialist than PAC12 and BIG10 students.

I also can't blame the millennials in some regards....they do carry more debt, no longer have the same white collar job availability, and have less income potential in most cases. As for the national debt, definitely not their fault. Social security will not even be there for generation x, so no whining about that.

There just are not a lot of nouveau riche anymore. As the boomers age out of attending games and spending their money on college athletics, there will be a major contraction in the marketplace for college sports. I also believe that the value of attending a college on campus will decrease. There will be more casual fans and fewer fanatics who appreciate a good or bad day tailgating and watching kids (who for the most part don't like us) play a game that continues to be hamstrung by new contact rules.

Thus, UofSC plans to contract the stadium and stratify the cost of attendance. I hope it works. I think our tailgating in the Carolina Park is some of the best in college football, and even Clemson and UGA fans have told me so. It is still worth it for me, but not sure my kids will want to pay what I do when I am all used up!
When I grew up, if you wanted to watch Carolina football, you had to get in the car and drive down to the stadium. Tailgating was part of the experience.
I would assume, with almost ALL the games on tv now, most of these kids grew up watching it on tv. Probably just continuing their tradition.
The "kids" are at the game. Have you seen what goes on in the fraternity lots? That is the primary draw. They might go into the game for a bit but they are anxious to get back to their coolers if we're up too much, or down too much, or the opponent isn't good enough, or it's too hot, or too cold, etc.
And your/our generation said “Don’t trust anyone over 30.” And they were right also
Every generation knows more than the next succeeding generation. It's inevitable. Every succeeding generation thinks it knows more than the one immediately preceding it. That's just as inevitable but more fallacious. Knowledge comes from living. It's just that some individuals learn better than others.
I don't think it has anything to do with laziness Freddie. IMHO it's a social media thing. Many, many things happen in the course of 3 hrs on social media. If they're really interested, they can watch it on TV or stream it in near live time. Too much hassle to go to the games. Traffic, cops, etc. Much more efficient to click on a link or tap on an app. One could argue that's lazy. I argue it's efficient.

FWIW, I am not a millennial fan or defender. I just think they do things different.

But, I guess what I don't understand is, do the students not want to be with their friends at the game and have a good time. That's more or less where I'm coming from.
They may or may not be lazy, I don't know. But I'm pretty sure laziness is not measured in the number of sporting events NOT attended. I'm pretty sure lazy people enjoy MORE sporting events and other leisure activities than workaholics.

Not arguing but it does take a certain amount of effort to get dressed walk or drive to the stadium, pick up tickets, etc. I guess that was at least part of the basis for my comment.
For the record, I'm 35, married for a decade, have 3 children, a postgraduate degree, a stable job and make good money, active in my church and community, and also starting my own company on the side.

Most of my friends who are my age or younger are busting their tails to make it in this world.

Prior generations have allowed the cost of living and education to go through the roof and have had no backbone to stand up to politicians (in both parties) who kick the debt can down the proverbial road. We have allowed the cost of education to hamstring our nation to the point that people are struggling to survive. Most people cannot afford to pay their student loans, eat, and have a mortgage.

Are there losers in my generation that have no perception of hard work and would rather sit around and smoke weed with little ambition, absolutely. However, every generation has had this dynamic. Remember the Hippie movement.

Bottom line is that if you don't like the way kids behave today, you need to look at the parents that raised them. Those parents probably came from the same generation as many of you who are posting in this thread bashing millenials.

All of that said, looking back on my life during college, I definitely didn't have it all together. It took God's grace, the right woman, and time for me to mature into a functioning member of society.

No need to bash 20 year olds. They still have time to figure it out and make a difference.

It took a while to get my life together after college and one of those things was meeting the right woman. But, I didn't feel anyone owed me anything and my success was up to me. I did not feel entitled and I had respect for authority.
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I’m a millennial but do not fit the stereotype as I am very gritty and work My ass off with very average to below average technology ability. It is true that a lot of people in my generation are pathetic but there are losers in every generation. One good aspect I’ve seen in working along side and managing mellinials is adaptability and openness to change. The sorry thing about your generation is that you are so stuck on old school tradition that it inhibits you. You do things just because they always have been done that way instead of bracing change and updating and doing things because THEY MAKE SENSE. That’s pretty “ loseresque” and poisonous/lazy in its own right. Also I convinced that with today’s technology and resources your generation in its youth would have been the same way. My dad who is in his 70s is addicted to his phone like a teenage girl. I’m just a little cautious of “The Greatest Generation” Tom Brokaw mentality because there are losers and winners in every generation but times change and they manifest in different ways according to times.

Well, sir I worked for a Fortune 250 Company for 40 years. I have seen many changes in my life and have successfully migrated through those changes. In fact, I conceived many of the changes that were made at my plant. The company I worked for was a very dynamic company and you either changed or left the company. So in due respect, I've very familiar with changes and know they are very necessary to survive in today's market place. In fact, with my company part of ones performance reviews were based on how many changes one implemented and how many ideas one generated.

Going back even further, I used a slide rule in college and since then there have been many technological changes to improve business and society as a whole. I personally welcome all things that advance life in a positive way and I am not one of those people that want things to remain the same.
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Freddie starts this same thread once every couple of weeks..

'...those dang ole millenials ruining everything so damn lazy.." "

"ok cool Freddie, how many games do you go to a season?"

"Well I, uh, can't, because I, uh, live in NC.."

Attendance at all sports is going to continue to decline. I'd much rather watch a game with a group of friends, case of beer, and have food on the grill.

I attended many games while I lived in NC. I must admit I have not attended a game recently, in the last couple of years, because my best friend cannot attend the games due to personal issues (and it's not financial). Bottom line is I have no one to go to the games with. My wife use to enjoy the games and we went to a lot of them together but that was many years ago. I have driven to Carolina football games by myself twice since attending my first game at WB in 1971 and they were totally no fun. If I had someone to go to the games with I would be right there. I have another friend who is a die hard Carolina fan that lives in Marion and attended Pharmacy School at Carolina in the early 50s and he went to a game with me about 3 years ago. He is now 94 and is not in good health. So again, I have no one to go to the games with and it's no fun driving by yourself.
What a lazy take. Human beings don't change that much over time; circumstances do. If there were no cable tv and internet people of all generations would be a lot more tied to those football stands. People do what they want now when they want. I'm a millennial and still attend football, basketball and baseball games and stay to the end FWIW. Just helping you understand since you think some fundamental change in human nature occurred in the last generation

I realize there are no human behavioral changes have occurred over the last couple of years at least for the most part. And I certainly agree the changes technology have made a difference in the way we all do things. But, I know the younger generation at work would take offense when they were corrected on something, plus the high school football coach lives just a few houses from me and he says the kids just don't practice as hard as they use to.

And the person above that mentioned today's generation (whichever one it is) is probably the result of previous generations wanting their kids to have more, do more and not have to experience the hardships of former generations. And I'm the same way, if I had a kid, there is no way in heck I would want them to experience the hard times I experienced - like starting to work at such an early age.
How many women go to a football game on their own? The trend is that more women than men go to college. Larger percentage of women probably means less football attendance.
...Going back even further, I used a slide rule in college and since then there have been many technological changes to improve business and society as a whole. I personally welcome all things that advance life in a positive way and I am not one of those people that want things to remain the same.
You made me remember something a dear friend of mine - a guy who graduated from Florida State in the late 1950s with a math degree - related to me as being one of their adages. "The old slip-stick doesn't lie", he told me. Can you relate to that?
I must admit you are correct, but all I'm saying, regardless of the generation, students in grades 1- college are lazy and feel entitled.
WTF??? I can tell you one thing, my daughter who is in the class you describe is anything but lazy and definitely does not feel entitled...despite every reason to feel that way. Neither do her friends.
Mellenials get left with 22 trillion in debt and sky high education costs. Boomers lament their lack of accountability. Alrighty then!
$22 trillion and climbing at a rate of one trillion a year with no end in sight. There are no true fiscal conservatives anymore.....just a bunch of damned social/cultural conservatives who want to tell everyone how to live.
I’m a millennial and I have a full time job, in graduate school full time, own a house and have a family. All my friends work their tail off too. I work with public of all ages and I can assure you laziness is not generational it’s in every generation.
Yes, but I paid for my SS ever since I was 15, plus I have a pension from my company that I worked for many years.

And you do realize that because of unchecked corporate greed, most of those students at Carolina will never see a similar pension to the one you enjoy, right?
"Slip-stick" = slide rule??

Well, you have to be able to interpret the answer you get from using a slide rule. Take this simple example, say that you get an answer of 10. What does the answer represent? It could be 10, 100, 1000, etc. You have to have some idea of what the number presents, if you get 10 but it represents the number of particles per square/ft contained in ambient air, then you have to realize the answer is not 10 but a number much higher.
And you do realize that because of unchecked corporate greed, most of those students at Carolina will never see a similar pension to the one you enjoy, right?

Maybe so maybe not. I do know corporations are trending away from pensions and going with what is called an enhanced 401K. About 10-12 years ago my company did away with pensions for new employees and went with the enhanced 401K. I was very fortunate in that area, not only did I get a nice pension but I didn't put a penny into my pension.

I will give this piece of advice to anyone just joining the workforce, don't go to work for a company that doesn't have any money. I mean if they can't afford good benefits just wait until you can get a job with a better company, unless you need a job immediately. Then of course you do have to go to work but just wait your time until something better comes along.
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$22 trillion and climbing at a rate of one trillion a year with no end in sight. There are no true fiscal conservatives anymore.....just a bunch of damned social/cultural conservatives who want to tell everyone how to live.

That's not true, there are many fiscal conservatives who want to reduce the national debt. It's just going to take some time. I did not like the huge tax cuts for the corporations, I had much rather put more money in the hands of the average American and much less in the hands of Corporate America. I think that would have benefited the national economy more than anything right now.
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Maybe so maybe not. I do know corporations are trending away from pensions and going with what is called an enhanced 401K. About 10-12 years ago my company did away with pensions for new employees and went with the enhanced 401K. I was very fortunate in that area, not only did I get a nice pension but I didn't put a penny into my pension.

I will get this piece of advice to anyone just joining the workforce, don't go to work for a company that doesn't have any money. I mean if they can't afford good benefits just wait until you can get a job with a better company, unless you need a job immediately. Then of course you do have to go to work but just wait your time until something better comes along.

With all due respect I think that takes shows a disconnect from how the economy has changed. Americans across the board are working longer hours, taking less vacation for stagnated wages with reduced benefits and a sharp dive in #'s of companies that provide good retirement benefits. The economy young people are entering today is hugely different from lets say the 60's and 70's and in many regards has changed in ways that benefit the bottom line of the corporation and not employees.

I respect today's young people and the complex world they enter after college graduation.
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I had one in high school; it mystified me.
It got me through HS
That's not true, there are many fiscal conservatives who want to reduce the national debt. It's just going to take some time. I did not like the huge tax cuts for the corporations, I had much rather put more money in the hands of the average American and much less in the hands of Corporate America. I think that would have benefited the national economy more than anything right now.
I don't disagree with that....let's just say fiscal conservatives are few and far between.
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It got me through HS

I don't disagree with that....let's just say fiscal conservatives are few and far between.

Well, the Soci
With all due respect I think that takes shows a disconnect from how the economy has changed. Americans across the board are working longer hours, taking less vacation for stagnated wages with reduced benefits and a sharp dive in #'s of companies that provide good retirement benefits. The economy young people are entering today is hugely different from lets say the 60's and 70's and in many regards has changed in ways that benefit the bottom line of the corporation and not employees.

I respect today's young people and the complex world they enter after college graduation.

They do face a much more complex world than I faced when I graduated college in 1969. But the big manufacturing jobs are going overseas for a reason. We, as a country are going to have to figure out a way to keep the good jobs in America and hopefully get some of the jobs that have already left America back.
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I don't think it has anything to do with laziness Freddie. IMHO it's a social media thing. Many, many things happen in the course of 3 hrs on social media. If they're really interested, they can watch it on TV or stream it in near live time. Too much hassle to go to the games. Traffic, cops, etc. Much more efficient to click on a link or tap on an app. One could argue that's lazy. I argue it's efficient.

FWIW, I am not a millennial fan or defender. I just think they do things different.


God help us.
$22 trillion and climbing at a rate of one trillion a year with no end in sight. There are no true fiscal conservatives anymore.....just a bunch of damned social/cultural conservatives who want to tell everyone how to live.

Not sure why you're bringing politics or conservatives into this. Seems like the debt starting increasing $1trillion/year under our last president.
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Well, the Soci

They do face a much more complex world than I faced when I graduated college in 1969. But the big manufacturing jobs are going overseas for a reason. We, as a country are going to have to figure out a way to keep the good jobs in America and hopefully get some of the jobs that have already left America back.
I think it's happening to some extent. A good many foreign automakers and their suppliers are manufacturing products over here. That's something.

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