The American Red Cross has always been my choice, allow me to explain why

Jan 2, 2020
During times like these, they are aware and still responding to the many other situations that are in crisis. Certainly, sympathy and dollars follow the headlines but, need and suffering continue from other misfortunes.

This was how I decided where to go.
I was one of the millions of people duped into donating to the Red Cross after 9-11. I was dead broke at the time and still scraped together some money to send them because they seemed to be the right, trustworthy place that was directly responding to the crisis... A few months later we all learned that their executives got a ton of the donations handed to them in bonuses instead of the money going to help those affected by the crisis, and I vowed to never again give a penny or drop of blood to that shell corporation run by greedy liars. Virtually every major crisis that hits our country we immediately see the Red Cross begging for our money and our blood, and after virtually every one we find out later some sort of miss-use of funds occurred with the donations. If you want to give, I suggest you give your time and energy directly to a local cause you can volunteer at instead of this shell corporation that preys off of our country’s misery to make millions for their execs.