The taters are scared

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i appreciate everything spurrier did for this program....he laid the foundation for the next coach and whoever that is will be a good one, but it will be several yrs before clemson is ever afraid of us again
I really believe a great back and a steady QB would change USC's whole outlook..I believe Bailey and some others are SEC type lineman and if you upgrade some on the DL ,it will make the secondary and LB positions look like world beaters.
Jamcrack you have a better chance winning a national title this year. Let's be honest,you play 2 games.FSU and Notre Dame. Both are a little overrated, but top 20 teams. You get them both at home. You play No difficult road games and the only difficult environment you play in will be Columbia. Next year your not as fortunate. At FSU, at G Tech, at Auburn. Its not always about when your better,it's about who you play and where you play them at.
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Yeah. It's weird to say but it's actually good for us that they're doing well. Forces us to pull out all the stops to put together a great staff. Clemson isn't looking like an easy game anytime soon with how they coach and recruit. Would be cool to have a bama/auburn type rivalry and the game mean something every year
I actually felt the same way about South Carolina's recent success making Clemson better. While I don't like losing to our rival 5 years in a row, it did sharpen our recruiting/coaching/etc.
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Jamcrack you have a better chance winning a national title this year. Let's be honest,you play 2 games.FSU and Notre Dame. Both are a little overrated, but top 20 teams. You get them both at home. You play No difficult road games and the only difficult environment you play in will be Columbia. Next year your not as fortunate. At FSU, at G Tech, at Auburn. Its not always about when your better,it's about who you play and where you play them at.
I for one am not predicting a CFB Playoff appearance yet. I haven't seen enough that makes me think that my Tigers will make it but...
Louisville and Miami qualify as more "difficult environments" than Columbia this year. As for FSU, Gtech and Auburn, Clemson can win all 3. Honestly, the worst team of that bunch is a toss up between GT and Auburn at this point. They are terrible.
This USC fan gets it. I love watching fans (short for fanatic) show their ignorance on these boards. Facts are that this is a SETBACK for this program. No different than if he had left 3 years ago. NO BIG TIME COACH will want to come to Columbia right now. They will grab a young and up-and-coming coach, which in my opinion is the best option. Someone who can recruit is the BIGGEST need for this team.

For all the garnet colored glasses wearers.... Clemson is better top to bottom. Other than Cooper, not one of the USC players would be starting there. Not one.

I have no dog in this hunt, so my posts will always bring the real deal to the table :)
Hey real deal, go look at the composite of the recruiting rankings over the last four years and get back to me about the overwhelming top to bottom talent differential. You don't know what the hell you're talking about. In fact, just b two years ago the aggregate rankings had USC ahead of the taters, something you could discover with a Google search.

Clemson has won one game in six years against SC and those those were double digit beatings.

Yeah, ignorance indeed.
I didn't think we would win a national championship during that 5 yr stretch nor do I believe we win one this year. Now next year.....
Wait til next year...

You're welcome for that saying. Ask bobble head about his Heisman and national championship that he promised you guys. I'm sure it's in the trophy case right next to that imaginary ACC basketball championship.
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I wish I could agree with you, but I can't imagine any Clemson fans currently being scared of us. We just lost the best football coach our program as ever had, one of the top 5 coaches in NCAA history, (that's about impossible to replace), our talent level is on par with a Southern Conference school, our recruiting budget, if doubled would still leave us in the middle of the SEC pack with a smaller budget than UK and Vanderbilt, we haven't had recruiting coordinator since Shane Beamer left and our state is in a down cycle in producing talent. Add to that Clemson has everything in place to keep bringing in top 5 classes.
This will be the most important hire in Tanner's career, he's got to knock this one out of the park. First and foremost , our new coach has got to be able to recruit. This is where SOS's downfall began, he basically signed Jadaveon Clowney and stop recruiting. As we've all seen, even SOS can't coach up players with no talent
Though South Carolina is at the bottom of the Southeastern Conference when it comes to football recruiting spending, the actual football recruiting budget is limitless, according to Gamecocks athletics director Ray Tanner.

“From my vantage point with our coaches in all sports, recruiting is one of those areas we do not compromise,” Tanner told the Board of Trustees on Friday. “We try to satisfy their needs for doing what they need to do. Academics, recruiting and compliance, we give them the numbers they need.” So the bottom line here is that South Carolina's athletics administration will do what is needed to support its coaches with any recruiting budget that is necessary. Just because it isn't spent doesn't mean it isn't available.
A 1 loss ACC Champ is not making the playoff.

Totally agree. There's no way they make the playoff losing the 12th game of the season, especially if the Taters come into WB and crap the bed against us.
The title of this thread basically said "Clemson is afraid of USC". It seems, judging on the posts, USC is more afraid of Clemson doing well over the next couple of years. CU has a "chance" of winning a Naty this year and next depending on who leaves for the pros early. Are we worried about losing the 12th game. Sure. But it sure is nice to have something to lose as opposed to just fielding a team.How about USC? Usually don't get into these pissing matches but the topic was just to good to pass on.
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