There is a group of wussies who want the March Madness games be played in

I don't even know where to begin so I won't respond to the whole rant... CNN not MSNBC have never reported anything positive on the president.. Fox at least during the day reports pos. And negative reports. I get my news from many different sources like I said in previous posts. When I compare all my news sources Fox is closer to the truth than both CNN an MSNBC. I would like to Know who you get your news from
The video link below is how fox news covered obama. If you think fox is covering both sides fairly, I'm not quite sure you understand what fairly means. Everything in this video that fox is chastising obama for, they could say the same about trump but that's not what they're doing. I've given numerous examples of how fox doesn't cover both sides fairly. I've looked for similar videos from the other side of the coin too but did not find any. If you have any examples to back your claim I would love to see it because I have an open mind and can change my opinion if given facts that go against my beliefs. Also, any news outlet that pushes conspiracy theories such as Obama wasn't born in America or the Clinton's have murdered people loses all credibility.

The video link below is how fox news covered obama. If you think fox is covering both sides fairly, I'm not quite sure you understand what fairly means. Everything in this video that fox is chastising obama for, they could say the same about trump but that's not what they're doing. I've given numerous examples of how fox doesn't cover both sides fairly. I've looked for similar videos from the other side of the coin too but did not find any. If you have any examples to back your claim I would love to see it because I have an open mind and can change my opinion if given facts that go against my beliefs. Also, any news outlet that pushes conspiracy theories such as Obama wasn't born in America or the Clinton's have murdered people loses all credibility.

Couldn't find anything from MSNBC or Cnn huh. You lost me there. I couldn't click on your video after that statement. I also said I get my news from many different sources, how bout you. Who do you tune in to. Let me guess Maddow or Chris Mathews. You miss him
The video link below is how fox news covered obama. If you think fox is covering both sides fairly, I'm not quite sure you understand what fairly means. Everything in this video that fox is chastising obama for, they could say the same about trump but that's not what they're doing. I've given numerous examples of how fox doesn't cover both sides fairly. I've looked for similar videos from the other side of the coin too but did not find any. If you have any examples to back your claim I would love to see it because I have an open mind and can change my opinion if given facts that go against my beliefs. Also, any news outlet that pushes conspiracy theories such as Obama wasn't born in America or the Clinton's have murdered people loses all credibility.

Hannity is an opinion show. Its not news.
The issue is when opinions are presented as facts. Sort of like editorials vs news articles in print. Is that a difficult concept??
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This is nothing, it being blown out of portions...

This virus is more like a cold the effects the respiratory system...
Simply not true. I won't repost the Dr. Anthony Fauci video. It might help if you watched it. As I said in my prior post, believe what you want, that won't change reality. The NBA didn't suspend their season and lose tons of money over the common cold. I do hope you get real about this and you at least act responsibly so as not to pass this on to someone vulnerable.
And look where scientists got us today.. They don't have a clue on the coronavirus...

People who uses common sense has better knowledge than these so called scientists...

Mom know more than scientists - Wash your hands, cover your cough, wipe down every thing with Lysol and get your flu shot...

It won't stop the spread of coronavirus, but it's better preventive measures...
umm, what?
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Nah, having more money doesn’t mean someone has done well for himself. In fact, he’s a sad human being in many ways.

He’s a liar for one.

he failed out of college, has had many failed marriages, has no children, was addicted to drugs, can’t even own a gun because of his doctor shopping.

nah, Many people have done better.

What did he lie about????
Arenas without fans so we won't get the coronavirus spread....

Why don't we wrap ourselves in plastic bubble???? Oh , sorry, plastic isn't environmental friendly and banned in most cities...
I remember you spreading propoganda about a plot which had Obama wanting to infect the US with ebola. You are routinely not just wrong but nuts.
except Hannity presents many opinions as facts. He often says he verified something with an unnamed source that he just can’t reveal.

He spent a lot of time spreading the conspiracy theory about Seth Rich quoting a Twitter account based in another country as if it were a fact. He kept doing that even though the grieving Rich family begged him to stop spreading rumors and unproven theories. He kept doing it until Fox Management ordered him to stop.

Hannity is an opinion show. Its not news.
The issue is when opinions are presented as facts. Sort of like editorials vs news articles in print. Is that a difficult concept??
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I can't wait to see what the orange clown has to say tonight. You can bet that he'll be reading off of those teleprompters that he criticized Obama about - I'm sure this speech was written for him and was told not to stray from it.
maybe another rant about flushing toilets. LOL
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the many lies Limbaugh spreads are too numerous to mention.

The most sinister one I recall, and one I experienced when acquaintances of mine believed Limbaugh and spread his crap, was when he accused Obama of trying to kill Christians in Uganda , which was a sick, demented lie.

Rush Limbaugh on Lord’s Resistance Army: “Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians”
Photo: A former abductee of the Lord’s Resistance Army Yesterday, when President Obama announced that the United States would be sending 100 special operations forces to help Uganda battle the Lord’s Resistance Army, a notorious and brutal death cult led by Joseph Kony.

What did he lie about????
except Hannity presents many opinions as facts. He often says he verified something with an unnamed source that he just can’t reveal.

He spent a lot of time spreading the conspiracy theory about Seth Rich quoting a Twitter account based in another country as if it were a fact. He kept doing that even though the Rich family needs him to stop spreading rumors and unproven theories. He kept doing it until Fox Management ordered him to stop.

Whatever .... like i say, no amount of success will sway the opinions of those that are convinced someone is a failure. Rant on
One can be a principled, ethical conservative and hate what a man does on tv every night and on radio by spreading conspiracy theories and lies, as Hannity does. That’s not conservative.

just like a liberal can hate what they observed when someone like Chris Matthews would go off the rails on his tv show.

being a principled and ethical conservative (or liberal) doesn’t mean accepting or even listening to what blowhard morons on cable news and talk radio say every night- which often changes depending on who is in the White House.

it’s not as if there aren’t videos out there of Hannity castigating candidate Obama for being willing to meet with dictators, and then praising candidate trump for being willing to meet with dictators.

that’s not a principled person. That’s someone that lies and makes things up as they go depending on the political party someone belongs to.

Whatever .... like i say, no amount of success will sway the opinions of those that are convinced someone is a failure. Rant on
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