Well, our Poor

Atul Gawaande crying about the shutdown of USAID claiming it helps "hundreds of millions of people" around the world.

Yeah, no thanks. We got people here that need help.
Facts! You treat Americans like the enemy. Just look at Palestine Ohio. Black rock North Carolina, Asheville, North Carolina, and those are your liberal voters. All of these places should be fully restored long ago but y’all don’t care about American citizens, and you have proven it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Shut down 90% of non military government now. We will never notice except our tax bill will drop like a rock. Government is the true welfare. Go get a real job you lazy bums.
lol it took Trump attempting to wreck the world economy to get 10,000 troops to the border when border crossings are at a 5 year low?

Trump and his advisors have to be laughing behind closed doors how dumb his supporters are.

It's sort of nuts. Tons of right wingers have accused the Mexican military of working directly with the cartels. Now they are wanting those same people monitoring the border.


and Mexico got the Trump administration to agree to stop illegal weapons from going across our border to Mexico.

Rubio just said USAID will continue and they will still be providing aid. Trump can't shut down a federal agency. Only Congress can do that.
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Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who said he is also banning American companies from provincial contracts, signed a $100-million Canadian (US$68 million) with Musk’s company in November to deliver high-speed internet to remote residents in rural and northern Ontario.

“We’ll be ripping up the province’s contract with Starlink. Ontario won’t do business with people hellbent on destroying our economy,” Ford said.

“President Trump is the only person to be blamed. Maybe Elon Musk can call his buddy? This is one of the ramifications.”

Ontario and other provinces plan to remove American liquor brands from government store shelves. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario sells nearly $1 billion worth of American wine, beer, spirits and seltzers every year.

“Canada didn’t start this fight with the U.S., but you better believe we’re ready to win it,” said Ford, who called an election for his province last week.

Ontario leaders want a four year mandate against buying American liquor that outlasts Trump’s term. They are targeting companies from red states.

The Democratic Party morphed into Deep State at some point during their journey.

The tree-hugging, no war, no big banks, no pharma, no censorship, intelligent true liberals have long gone.

Outside of the profiteers, only clueless Gomers remain.

The true criminal enterprise has been exposed.

It's a party of corporations and bankers who will do anything it takes to stay in power.

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It's sort of nuts. Tons of right wingers have accused the Mexican military of working directly with the cartels. Now they are wanting those same people monitoring the border.


lol I didn't even think about that. Great point.
Ontario Premier Doug Ford, who said he is also banning American companies from provincial contracts, signed a $100-million Canadian (US$68 million) with Musk’s company in November to deliver high-speed internet to remote residents in rural and northern Ontario.

“We’ll be ripping up the province’s contract with Starlink. Ontario won’t do business with people hellbent on destroying our economy,” Ford said.

“President Trump is the only person to be blamed. Maybe Elon Musk can call his buddy? This is one of the ramifications.”

Ontario and other provinces plan to remove American liquor brands from government store shelves. The Liquor Control Board of Ontario sells nearly $1 billion worth of American wine, beer, spirits and seltzers every year.

“Canada didn’t start this fight with the U.S., but you better believe we’re ready to win it,” said Ford, who called an election for his province last week.

Ontario leaders want a four year mandate against buying American liquor that outlasts Trump’s term. They are targeting companies from red states.

Doug Ford, brother of crackhead Rob Ford? lol

Target all they want. Trump will steamroll them.
It's sort of nuts. Tons of right wingers have accused the Mexican military of working directly with the cartels. Now they are wanting those same people monitoring the border.


and Mexico got the Trump administration to agree to stop illegal weapons from going across our border to Mexico.

Rubio just said USAID will continue and they will still be providing aid. Trump can't shut down a federal agency. Only Congress can do that.

Are you starting to troll like Watson or just losing your mind from all of the boosters?

The connection between the Mexican cartels and the military has a very storied and public history.

It's not really up for debate and has nothing to do with "right-wingers" bozo. 🤡
It's sort of nuts. Tons of right wingers have accused the Mexican military of working directly with the cartels. Now they are wanting those same people monitoring the border.


and Mexico got the Trump administration to agree to stop illegal weapons from going across our border to Mexico.

Rubio just said USAID will continue and they will still be providing aid. Trump can't shut down a federal agency. Only Congress can do that.

But the biggest gun runner, Obama and Holder, are already gone!!! lol
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Yes. Because we absolutely can afford to pay for it. Every other industrialized nation does it. It's very clearly possible.

No we can't. And it's not the job of the federal government to start with. The only reason most of those other countries can afford it is because they tax the shit out of everyone and we pay for their defense. EVERYONE freeloads off the US tapayer. That's why this USAID shutdown has everyone in meltdown mode.
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Ah yes, back to the real reason you vote against universal healthcare. You don't want the minorities to have access.

Or maybe I just don't want shitty healthcare. But good the see Trump has you losing your mind to the point where everything is racist now. Looks like you Dems have learned nothing.

Put on your big girl panties. It's going to be a rough 4 years for your TDS. Maybe you need some healthcare!!! lol
Or maybe I just don't want shitty healthcare. But good the see Trump has you losing your mind to the point where everything is racist now. Looks like you Dems have learned nothing.

Put on your big girl panties. It's going to be a rough 4 years.

It really won't be. Trump is already failing in the third week of his presidency.
Usaid is done, over 70 people will be charged and serve life at a minimum if lucky. Ole sparky will probably get pulled out and dusted off. Shame to waste such solid technology

Mexico and Canada both kissed the ring today as expected

Bragg and letisha james (no kin to rick) will be arrested soon. They made seriously bad bets.

Fauci will be extradited to Russia and stand trial for crimes against humanity as part of the ceasefire deal with Ukraine

DOE to be eliminated and all teachers involved in perverted sexual behavior (grooming) of American children will be rounded up and prosecuted.

It’s just been 2 weeks. Trumps just getting warmed up.
Below Rubio's comments are DeeDave's comments from two weeks ago when he took on Rubio's LifeForm.

I'm considering putting something an AI Model to keep up with all of Dave's beauties throughout the years.

I've never seen someone be so consistently inaccurate about a very wide range of topics.

The list is endless and I struggle to up come with anything he's actually been right about when there's any debate. 🧐

I think Rubio would question him- not in public of course. Rubio is potentially going to have the worst time with Trump. Rubio is deeply knowledgeable about foreign policy. He's thought about it. He can speak on it deeply and intelligently. He can speak with an educated mind on most countries in the world. He has a much deeper level of understanding than Trump does- and every "envoy" Trump has appointed. So that can easily be a real problem.

Rubio (like Mayor Pete in Biden's cabinet) also knows he has a possible future in politics- maybe for decades. Trump doesn't. Rubio knows this and he won't go down with Trump if Trump does something crazy like kisses Putin's ass.

There are many reasons, but Trump has already appointed some other people to be "envoys" for the state department- a few of which Rubio doesn't see eye to eye with.

I think Lee Zeldin would push back against Trump- in private- if necessary. Zeldin would love to run for governor again in New York and he can't win as a Trump right winger. He'd have to be seen as slightly moderate on some positions. He knows that.

There are several others in that category.

For some, this will be the last government job they ever have because I don't think most will be viable options after serving in the Trump administration. (same is true for some of Biden's picks) Just look how many officials in the 1st administration aren't around anymore- and even have had trouble getting jobs in the private sector in some cases.
Below Rubio's comments are DeeDave's comments from two weeks ago when he took on Rubio's LifeForm.

I'm considering putting something an AI Model to keep up with all of Dave's beauties throughout the years.

I've never seen someone be so consistently inaccurate about a very wide range of topics.

The list is endless and I struggle to up come with anything he's actually been right about when there's any debate. 🧐

@GoCocksFight2021 here is what Rubio was talking to Panama about yesterday.