The national debt is currently $36 TRILLION. Are you guys in favor of extending the Trump tax cuts, which will increase the national debt by $4 Trillion? And if Trump and company eliminate taxes on Social Security, it will balloon the debt even more. I know...I know....cut spending. You can point to cutting here or cutting there..... etc. The REALITY is that there is not enough discretionary spending to cut that would get support from Republicans in purple districts and states, not to mention Democrats. The reality is that the recent spending chaos this month reinforces that. So, do you cut and say to hell with the debt ceiling and take your chances that there will not be a financial catastrophe (remember the GOP controls the House, will control the Senate and White House and would thus suffer the political backlash)? The bond market would not like that kind of debt, no matter what, causing interest rates to spike, which in turn would cause a recession and, thus, cause a political catastrophe for the GOP. And remember it will take a boatload of money to deport millions of people. So, is it "damn the torpedoes; full speed ahead"? What do you do? What do you want done?