Still waiting on who cured it. You didn't name anyone- of course. Didn't provide the cure - of course.
Your family members that have died of cancer, why the hell didn't you offer them this cure? of course.
I guess we will just keep waiting for you to provide the cure. Damn idiot. LOL
Reminds me of the upstate SC big mouth that was online making fun of COVID and how it was no big deal until everyone found out he was in the hospital and ended up dying of Covid with his wife almost dying from it. His self confident online claims of a cure didn't work - of course.
Dave - My friend worked for an alternative Cancer Institute in Florida for close to 20 years.
They didn't save everyone, but they put plenty into remission who never had their cancer return.
They would even take people who had received the "state-of-the-art" cancer treatment at Mayo Jacksonville and were able to turn some of them around after Mayo told them there was nothing left they could do.
I'm talking Stage-Four Pancreatic, Chemo-ravaged Cancer.
We've been sold a bag of goods on cancer and cancer treatment.
How many people have you known who go in for some innocuous issue only to be diagnosed with Cancer. Then, within a matter of days to weeks, they are almost on death's door mainly due to the psychological impact of the diagnosis.
Similar to Putin and the Left, Big Pharma has built a culture around cancer as the boogieman -- when really what's happening is your cells telling you that you need to pivot from your current lifestyle.
It's outlandish that the people who diagnose cancer (Oncologists) are allowed to purchase the Chemo treatments from the manufacturer and upcharge the patient.
This is all going to change in the near future.