Where's OUR Money? Clemson Owes SC Taxpayers MILLIONS


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2007
If you don't care about clemson football 'history' stop reading, go elsewhere. I don't care if you think too much is said about the tigers. YOU can avoid it. If you continue to read that's ENTIRELY up to you. If you consider it a 'waste' of time do something else!!! It's YOUR choice.


So ...
you think the Lake Hartwell 'finger' that projects into Clemson is attractive, huh? Well, HOW it 'got there' (and WHO paid for it) is an UGLY story. One riff with lies, political deals, racism, collusion and 'typical' historical machinations by 'loyal' clemson backers.

First, it's not 'natural', it's not that old and it's not something clemson did for 'themselves' - WE (the people of SC and elsewhere in the United States) paid for it and we paid dearly. They PROMISED to 'pay us back'.


It SAVED their 'hallowed' Memorial Football Stadium (but cost 'em a new one) ... NOT because it was so 'hallowed' or desirable but because WHITE bodies were buried next door. When the 75,000 acre (give or take a few acres) Lake Hartwell 'project' was initiated there was no 'lake' ... the land west of Memorial stadium was just your typical mountain 'holler' ... roamed by wild pigs and clemson cadets hopin' to do 'em harm.

But a 1956 'deal' tween clemson grad Strom Thurmond, then Lt.Gov. Fritz Holling's (Citadel), then Governor George Timmerman (Citadel), clemson Pres. Robt. Edwards and the head of the US Dept. of Agriculture MADE WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE of the US Army Corps of Engineers threatened the ENTIRE project and made it a requirement that TWO unplanned, unbudgeted 'dams' be constructed on the Seneca River to restrict the level of the clemson 'finger'. This 'coup' was possible because Thurmond had (after the fact and after the authorization and after the earlier approval of the clemson Board of Trustees) arranged a 'gift' of 7,500 FEDERAL ACRES to clemson college for ONE DOLLAR, which clemson then used to claim their loss' of that land would be irreplaceable - forcing the Corps of Engineers to 'redesign' the project ... ADD two new dams (at taxpayer expense) so as to 'save' relocation of Memorial stadium and 'protect' the everlasting final resting places for 'dozens' of "loyal, WHITE, citizens interred next door" to the football stadium. No matter that the 'planned' waterline would not have reached the crest of the cemetery and no matter that dozens of 'black' cemeteries with HUNDREDS of graves were forced to either 'relocate' or were eventually flooded by the same project.

During 1956 in Columbia laws were being passed to make 'public employment' by a member of the NAACP 'illegal'. Opposition to civil rights was at its zenith and it was all LED by the 'upstate/Charleston' cabal of clemson/Thurmond/Hollings/Timmerman.

After 'redesign' of the Hartwell project became inevitable clemson's President Edwards PROMISED the 'citizens' of South Carolina that clemson university would 'repay' every dollar expended on these new, required dams to "save our bottomland, our beloved stadium and the hallowed ground forming the final resting places for clemson's founders and SC's 'patriots'."

It NEVER happened. Indeed, ongoing upkeep for these dams has cost taxpayers many millions more than their original construction costs. THEIR debt is getting BIGGER!!!

clemson's 'football' history is inextricably linked to its sordid 'political' history and it's been that way for decades and decades. clemson fans like to 'claim' their independence but they've been TOTALLY dependent on sleezy backroom political-deals since their very founding.

So, you THOUGHT those thousands of acres 'here, there and yonder' around clemson cow college was the result of some demonstrable largess of a long-ago benefactor? Well, think again. It was bartered for a $1buck from one pol to another in exchange for 'continued' block-voting support in opposition to pending civil rights bills that were popping up like asparagus spears in the halls of SC government as well as Washington, DC in the 1950's.

So much for the 'natural beauty' of clemson. So much for the 'beauty and bragging rights' of an 'on-campus' football stadium. If you're a clemson fan you can say 'thank you' to any citizen you happen to walk by for 'saving' that location. You're welcome ... BUT

... we STILL WANT the money you owe us, too. TYPICAL clemson. Approve the deal in '49, MAKE the deal in '52 - let it proceed with tens of millions expended for several years then RENEGE on EVERYTHING you said or agreed to previously. Dabo's 'spin' continues the 'legacy' of deceit.
If you don't care about clemson football 'history' stop reading, go elsewhere. I don't care if you think too much is said about the tigers. YOU can avoid it. If you continue to read that's ENTIRELY up to you. If you consider it a 'waste' of time do something else!!! It's YOUR choice.


So ...
you think the Lake Hartwell 'finger' that projects into Clemson is attractive, huh? Well, HOW it 'got there' (and WHO paid for it) is an UGLY story. One riff with lies, political deals, racism, collusion and 'typical' historical machinations by 'loyal' clemson backers.

First, it's not 'natural', it's not that old and it's not something clemson did for 'themselves' - WE (the people of SC and elsewhere in the United States) paid for it and we paid dearly. They PROMISED to 'pay us back'.


It SAVED their 'hallowed' Memorial Football Stadium (but cost 'em a new one) ... NOT because it was so 'hallowed' or desirable but because WHITE bodies were buried next door. When the 75,000 acre (give or take a few acres) Lake Hartwell 'project' was initiated there was no 'lake' ... the land west of Memorial stadium was just your typical mountain 'holler' ... roamed by wild pigs and clemson cadets hopin' to do 'em harm.

But a 1956 'deal' tween clemson grad Strom Thurmond, then Lt.Gov. Fritz Holling's (Citadel), then Governor George Timmerman (Citadel), clemson Pres. Robt. Edwards and the head of the US Dept. of Agriculture MADE WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE of the US Army Corps of Engineers threatened the ENTIRE project and made it a requirement that TWO unplanned, unbudgeted 'dams' be constructed on the Seneca River to restrict the level of the clemson 'finger'. This 'coup' was possible because Thurmond had (after the fact and after the authorization and after the earlier approval of the clemson Board of Trustees) arranged a 'gift' of 7,500 FEDERAL ACRES to clemson college for ONE DOLLAR, which clemson then used to claim their loss' of that land would be irreplaceable - forcing the Corps of Engineers to 'redesign' the project ... ADD two new dams (at taxpayer expense) so as to 'save' relocation of Memorial stadium and 'protect' the everlasting final resting places for 'dozens' of "loyal, WHITE, citizens interred next door" to the football stadium. No matter that the 'planned' waterline would not have reached the crest of the cemetery and no matter that dozens of 'black' cemeteries with HUNDREDS of graves were forced to either 'relocate' or were eventually flooded by the same project.

During 1956 in Columbia laws were being passed to make 'public employment' by a member of the NAACP 'illegal'. Opposition to civil rights was at its zenith and it was all LED by the 'upstate/Charleston' cabal of clemson/Thurmond/Hollings/Timmerman.

After 'redesign' of the Hartwell project became inevitable clemson's President Edwards PROMISED the 'citizens' of South Carolina that clemson university would 'repay' every dollar expended on these new, required dams to "save our bottomland, our beloved stadium and the hallowed ground forming the final resting places for clemson's founders and SC's 'patriots'."

It NEVER happened. Indeed, ongoing upkeep for these dams has cost taxpayers many millions more than their original construction costs. THEIR debt is getting BIGGER!!!

clemson's 'football' history is inextricably linked to its sordid 'political' history and it's been that way for decades and decades. clemson fans like to 'claim' their independence but they've been TOTALLY dependent on sleezy backroom political-deals since their very founding.

So, you THOUGHT those thousands of acres 'here, there and yonder' around clemson cow college was the result of some demonstrable largess of a long-ago benefactor? Well, think again. It was bartered for a $1buck from one pol to another in exchange for 'continued' block-voting support in opposition to pending civil rights bills that were popping up like asparagus spears in the halls of SC government as well as Washington, DC in the 1950's.

So much for the 'natural beauty' of clemson. So much for the 'beauty and bragging rights' of an 'on-campus' football stadium. If you're a clemson fan you can say 'thank you' to any citizen you happen to walk by for 'saving' that location. You're welcome ... BUT

... we STILL WANT the money you owe us, too. TYPICAL clemson. Approve the deal in '49, MAKE the deal in '52 - let it proceed with tens of millions expended for several years then RENEGE on EVERYTHING you said or agreed to previously. Dabo's 'spin' continues the 'legacy' of deceit.

You won't see a dime. That's part of being Clemson's little brother.

As deep seeded as your infatuation is with all things Clemson, I thought by now you would know the 'pecking' order in the state.

Thanks again for the 'loan.'
Wonder if Tennessee would be interested in that little corner of the state? They would be a better fit and closer to their kin.....

Not even gonna say "SELL" it to them cause that's a waste of time....Just "GIVE" it to them with all things that are glorious up in the hills.....

They can then argue with their new big brother about who had urange before who and who is all in who, or sadly in their case, what........

Match made in heaven.....Be back in a bit...gotta fire off a letter to my legislator with this idea
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So you just accept anything posted on a message board without checking the facts for yourself? Do you think that is wise?

Ahh, the TRUTH hurts. From US Army Corps of Engineers records (SEE BELOW): ... dig through the rest of it yourself (the politics or the era, the deals, the who's involved but sufficient is this Corps summary describes clemson's renege, the sordid GIFT for $1 (MISTAKE!!! - I reported 7,500 acres, it was 7,600 acres involved that the Corps knew NOTHING about) - the 'new' requirement to build diversion dams ... the whole squalid story of how TAXPAYERS took it on the chin to 'save' clemson's 'on campus' football stadium.

FROM Savannah District Archives - US Army Corps of Engineers

"During construction, the Hartwell project was seriously challenged on only two occasions. The first instance was in August 1956 when Mrs. Eliza Brock and her daughter refused to allow workmen to come onto their property to begin clearing for the reservoir area. The controversy involved 103 acres of land that reverted to government ownership on 21 June 1956 when a formal "declaration of taking" was filed by the Corps of Engineers. Apparently, Mrs. Brock never received an offer for her land and therefore refused to allow government workers on the property. She and her daughter used a rifle to hold off contractors until a court order was served on 27 September. After delaying timber cutting procedures for more than a month, the 78-year-old Mrs. Brock settled the issue out of court and accepted the Government's offer of $6,850 for her property (56*).

The second challenge to the Hartwell project came in late 1956 when Clemson College objected to the damage that would be done to its property as a result of the impounded water in the reservoir. Correspondence between the Corps of Engineers and Clemson relating to the construction of the Hartwell project and its effect on the college began as early as 1949. In addition, representatives of the college and the Corps held numerous meetings prior to 1956. At a 16 December 1952 meeting in the office of DL Robert F. Poole, president of the college, a proposed plan for the Clemson College area was presented to college officials. In a letter of 5 July 1955, the Corps furnished the vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the school with information on plans for acquisition, relocation, and protection of facilities in the Clemson area. This information was substantially the same as presented to the college officials in December 1952 (57*). The Board of Trustees then pledged their cooperation in the Hartwell project (58*). By 1956 DL Robert E. Edwards had assumed the presidency of Clemson College, and on 29 June 1956 the chairman of the Hartwell Dam Subcommittee of the Board of Trustees transmitted to the Savannah District a report compiled by a private engineering firm on the Hartwell project as related to Clemson College. Based on this report, three plans were proposed by the board for the protection of school holdings. In order of preference, these plans proposed the following: lowering the power pool from 660 feet to 610 feet; diverting the Seneca River around the endangered college property to prevent the anticipated flooding; or compensation for college lands and facilities that would be affected by the impounded waters. The Corps proceeded in anticipation of reaching agreement on the basis of the third plan until December 1956, when the Clemson trustees declared the land irreplaceable and the damage that would be done to the college irreparable (59*).

Following the claims made by Clemson of irreparable damage resulting from construction of the Hartwell project, and the support which these claims received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, construction on the project was halted pending further investigation. The Chief of Engineers attended a meeting at Clemson College on 20 December 1956 and subsequently requested authority from the Public Works committees of both the Senate and the House to restudy the project. Following the authorization, the Corps did a restudy during the early months of 1957. One curious circumstance that surfaced during the restudy was the fact that the Department of Agriculture had conveyed more than 7,600 acres of bottom land along the Seneca River to the college for the payment of one dollar in December 1954, more than four years after the authorization of the Hartwell project. This had been done without the knowledge of the Department of Army. In December 1956, the Department of Agriculture declared that the damage to this land “would be so great as to cast serious doubt on the economic feasibility of the project" (60*). Following the restudy it was concluded that redesigning the project with a power pool of 610 feet would be economically unfeasible and that the only alternative was to provide for the diversion of the Seneca River so that impounded waters would pose no threat to the Clemson College lands. On the basis of this revised project, work was resumed in 1957 and completed in December 1963.

The two diversion dams built in the vicinity of Clemson College in 1961 to rechannel the Seneca River and protect valuable school facilities were constructed of random earth fill raised on alluvial soil. The completion of the two diversion dams redesignated Hartwell's power pool to 660 feet. Seepage on the dry or protected side of the structures required numerous repairs over the years, so in 1982 steps were taken to solve the problems permanently. The solution involved constructing concrete cutoff walls within the existing earthen dams using slurry wall panel method. This technique, borrowed from an earlier construction method used at the West Point project, involved excavating a trench along the entire length of each of the earthen dams and filling the trenches with a soupy masonry mixture that, when hardened, formed a relatively impervious concrete wall. Work on the lower diversion dam at Clemson was completed in December 1982, and seepage was reduced to the level anticipated. Work on the upper dam began in June 1983 and was completed in June 1984."
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Again I say call it even and give Pickens County to Tennessee.......problem solved.......
Wonder if Tennessee would be interested in that little corner of the state? They would be a better fit and closer to their kin.....

Not even gonna say "SELL" it to them cause that's a waste of time....Just "GIVE" it to them with all things that are glorious up in the hills.....

They can then argue with their new big brother about who had urange before who and who is all in who, or sadly in their case, what........

Match made in heaven.....Be back in a bit...gotta fire off a letter to my legislator with this idea
I did talk to my Congressman about giving Picknose County to Georgia. He said he had already asked and Georgia had said no.
You won't see a dime. That's part of being Clemson's little brother.

As deep seeded as your infatuation is with all things Clemson, I thought by now you would know the 'pecking' order in the state.

Thanks again for the 'loan.'
Clemsux is fake and a fraud, as we all know. You're welcome for the cash, little bro.
Ahh, the TRUTH hurts. From US Army Corps of Engineers records (SEE BELOW): ... dig through the rest of it yourself (the politics or the era, the deals, the who's involved but sufficient is this Corps summary describes clemson's renege, the sordid GIFT for $1 (MISTAKE!!! - I reported 7,500 acres, it was 7,600 acres involved that the Corps knew NOTHING about) - the 'new' requirement to build diversion dams ... the whole squalid story of how TAXPAYERS took it on the chin to 'save' clemson's 'on campus' football stadium.

FROM Savannah District Archives - US Army Corps of Engineers

"During construction, the Hartwell project was seriously challenged on only two occasions. The first instance was in August 1956 when Mrs. Eliza Brock and her daughter refused to allow workmen to come onto their property to begin clearing for the reservoir area. The controversy involved 103 acres of land that reverted to government ownership on 21 June 1956 when a formal "declaration of taking" was filed by the Corps of Engineers. Apparently, Mrs. Brock never received an offer for her land and therefore refused to allow government workers on the property. She and her daughter used a rifle to hold off contractors until a court order was served on 27 September. After delaying timber cutting procedures for more than a month, the 78-year-old Mrs. Brock settled the issue out of court and accepted the Government's offer of $6,850 for her property (56*).

The second challenge to the Hartwell project came in late 1956 when Clemson College objected to the damage that would be done to its property as a result of the impounded water in the reservoir. Correspondence between the Corps of Engineers and Clemson relating to the construction of the Hartwell project and its effect on the college began as early as 1949. In addition, representatives of the college and the Corps held numerous meetings prior to 1956. At a 16 December 1952 meeting in the office of DL Robert F. Poole, president of the college, a proposed plan for the Clemson College area was presented to college officials. In a letter of 5 July 1955, the Corps furnished the vice chairman of the Board of Trustees of the school with information on plans for acquisition, relocation, and protection of facilities in the Clemson area. This information was substantially the same as presented to the college officials in December 1952 (57*). The Board of Trustees then pledged their cooperation in the Hartwell project (58*). By 1956 DL Robert E. Edwards had assumed the presidency of Clemson College, and on 29 June 1956 the chairman of the Hartwell Dam Subcommittee of the Board of Trustees transmitted to the Savannah District a report compiled by a private engineering firm on the Hartwell project as related to Clemson College. Based on this report, three plans were proposed by the board for the protection of school holdings. In order of preference, these plans proposed the following: lowering the power pool from 660 feet to 610 feet; diverting the Seneca River around the endangered college property to prevent the anticipated flooding; or compensation for college lands and facilities that would be affected by the impounded waters. The Corps proceeded in anticipation of reaching agreement on the basis of the third plan until December 1956, when the Clemson trustees declared the land irreplaceable and the damage that would be done to the college irreparable (59*).

Following the claims made by Clemson of irreparable damage resulting from construction of the Hartwell project, and the support which these claims received from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, construction on the project was halted pending further investigation. The Chief of Engineers attended a meeting at Clemson College on 20 December 1956 and subsequently requested authority from the Public Works committees of both the Senate and the House to restudy the project. Following the authorization, the Corps did a restudy during the early months of 1957. One curious circumstance that surfaced during the restudy was the fact that the Department of Agriculture had conveyed more than 7,600 acres of bottom land along the Seneca River to the college for the payment of one dollar in December 1954, more than four years after the authorization of the Hartwell project. This had been done without the knowledge of the Department of Army. In December 1956, the Department of Agriculture declared that the damage to this land “would be so great as to cast serious doubt on the economic feasibility of the project" (60*). Following the restudy it was concluded that redesigning the project with a power pool of 610 feet would be economically unfeasible and that the only alternative was to provide for the diversion of the Seneca River so that impounded waters would pose no threat to the Clemson College lands. On the basis of this revised project, work was resumed in 1957 and completed in December 1963.

The two diversion dams built in the vicinity of Clemson College in 1961 to rechannel the Seneca River and protect valuable school facilities were constructed of random earth fill raised on alluvial soil. The completion of the two diversion dams redesignated Hartwell's power pool to 660 feet. Seepage on the dry or protected side of the structures required numerous repairs over the years, so in 1982 steps were taken to solve the problems permanently. The solution involved constructing concrete cutoff walls within the existing earthen dams using slurry wall panel method. This technique, borrowed from an earlier construction method used at the West Point project, involved excavating a trench along the entire length of each of the earthen dams and filling the trenches with a soupy masonry mixture that, when hardened, formed a relatively impervious concrete wall. Work on the lower diversion dam at Clemson was completed in December 1982, and seepage was reduced to the level anticipated. Work on the upper dam began in June 1983 and was completed in June 1984."

Don't bother, these tater trolls don't care about actual facts. They're only here to stir the pot trying to get a rise out of use, so they can run back over to Taternet and brag about their conquests. They find themselves so clever and amusing. I find them sad and pathetic.
Sports Suite,

For your next expose can you tell us the Pam Parsons and Holderman stories?

Sure! Here's a 'personal' one. Gator Bowl - Black Magic '84. Half a dozen of us in a huge rented 'party van' HQ'd at Amelia Island Plantation; arriving Sunday night for the Friday game after a 'festive' trip down I-95. Spent Monday haunting Fernandina Beach bars and Tuesday at the dog track in Orange Park - Wednesday night the Gamecock Club and Holderman (supposedly) had scheduled a 'reception' for Gamecock Club members at the riverfront Hilton in Jacksonville - Gamecock team HQ-hotel ... and we attended.
What a joke. 'Popcorn' in wicker baskets and 'mixers' w/ a cash-bar.
Insofar as I was a 'member' of the early-30 gonna' make a million-bizzilion we don't care and tell me where they are crowd completely bulletproof to looks of scorn from old ladies in drop earrings I 'led' our 'scouting party' to Holderman's 'private reception' also in the Hilton just NOT in the 'Grand Ballroom' - it was a more discrete venue for a crowd of maybe 50 with enough food stacked up in the center to feed 500 - mostly crab claws and shrimp the size of bananas.
Quickly assessing our 'opportunity' (in my jeans and gamecock teeshirt) I borrowed a waiter's coat, went into the hotel kitchen and 'borrowed' a tray about 3' in diameter - walked into the Holderman venue like I was supposed to be there and proceeded to 'load' directly on to my tray about 30 pounds of shrimp and crab claws, which I 'explained' to the man who inquired were being 'freshened' at President Holderman's request.
He was duly impressed.
Leaving the room I spoke to Holderman (who walked my way) - gave him a cliff-note version of the 'refresh' story (without attribution) and then veered, telling him he had many admirers in Jacksonville, that my 'younger' brother was a student at USC who talked about him and HOW MUCH he was doing for USC all the time. He smiled and cooed 'thank you' without saying a word about the probably $1000 worth of apps I was pilfering from his shindig.
We returned to the 'Grand Ballroom' to a thunderous ovation from the probably 20 people still there, all who were as p'o'ed as we were. We all ate for a few minutes then said 'forget this' - gave the stuff away to the hotel desk clerks in the lobby and found a really good nearby riverfront bar.
I can't remember if it was the next night or after the game --- the closer we got to 'gametime' the more things seemed to run together but at some point we were also treated to a 'private' Michael Jackson (the REAL deal) concert at the 'Plantation' that week.
Except for that last TD drive by OK State after we came back to tie in the 3rd Q it seemed like it would be a pretty good week. The Gator bowl was PACKED and the game was a good one.
THAT trip made my 'personal' bowl viewing record 0-3.
In re: Holderman ... I personally found Dr. Holderman to be an 'exceptionally' generous host.
Sure! Here's a 'personal' one. Gator Bowl - Black Magic '84. Half a dozen of us in a huge rented 'party van' HQ'd at Amelia Island Plantation; arriving Sunday night for the Friday game after a 'festive' trip down I-95. Spent Monday haunting Fernandina Beach bars and Tuesday at the dog track in Orange Park - Wednesday night the Gamecock Club and Holderman (supposedly) had scheduled a 'reception' for Gamecock Club members at the riverfront Hilton in Jacksonville - Gamecock team HQ-hotel ... and we attended.
What a joke. 'Popcorn' in wicker baskets and 'mixers' w/ a cash-bar.
Insofar as I was a 'member' of the early-30 gonna' make a million-bizzilion we don't care and tell me where they are crowd completely bulletproof to looks of scorn from old ladies in drop earrings I 'led' our 'scouting party' to Holderman's 'private reception' also in the Hilton just NOT in the 'Grand Ballroom' - it was a more discrete venue for a crowd of maybe 50 with enough food stacked up in the center to feed 500 - mostly crab claws and shrimp the size of bananas.
Quickly assessing our 'opportunity' (in my jeans and gamecock teeshirt) I borrowed a waiter's coat, went into the hotel kitchen and 'borrowed' a tray about 3' in diameter - walked into the Holderman venue like I was supposed to be there and proceeded to 'load' directly on to my tray about 30 pounds of shrimp and crab claws, which I 'explained' to the man who inquired were being 'freshened' at President Holderman's request.
He was duly impressed.
Leaving the room I spoke to Holderman (who walked my way) - gave him a cliff-note version of the 'refresh' story (without attribution) and then veered, telling him he had many admirers in Jacksonville, that my 'younger' brother was a student at USC who talked about him and HOW MUCH he was doing for USC all the time. He smiled and cooed 'thank you' without saying a word about the probably $1000 worth of apps I was pilfering from his shindig.
We returned to the 'Grand Ballroom' to a thunderous ovation from the probably 20 people still there, all who were as p'o'ed as we were. We all ate for a few minutes then said 'forget this' - gave the stuff away to the hotel desk clerks in the lobby and found a really good nearby riverfront bar.
I can't remember if it was the next night or after the game --- the closer we got to 'gametime' the more things seemed to run together but at some point we were also treated to a 'private' Michael Jackson (the REAL deal) concert at the 'Plantation' that week.
Except for that last TD drive by OK State after we came back to tie in the 3rd Q it seemed like it would be a pretty good week. The Gator bowl was PACKED and the game was a good one.
THAT trip made my 'personal' bowl viewing record 0-3.
In re: Holderman ... I personally found Dr. Holderman to be an 'exceptionally' generous host.
Dude you are a riot
Don't bother, these tater trolls don't care about actual facts. They're only here to stir the pot trying to get a rise out of use, so they can run back over to Taternet and brag about their conquests. They find themselves so clever and amusing. I find them sad and pathetic.

Like I've said before, probably a Tater fraternity pledge project since before dawn group runs are now forbidden.
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Same here man, like I've said before: 'the ****ing gamecocks grow vaginas'.

shit, who wouldn't say that.

You've digressed to pathetic. Apparently home alone and either drunk or high, showing signs of neither intelligence or wit. You need to pack it up and go home before losing apparently the only thing available to you for entertainment.

Crass ain't funny. Crass quickly identifies ignorance. Tonight you define it. Go home.
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Like I've said before, probably a Tater fraternity pledge project since before dawn group runs are now forbidden.
Same here man, like I've said before: 'the ****ing gamecocks grow vaginas'.

shit, who wouldn't say that.

Why is this POS allowed to post on this site?

Hey cockaboose.....GFY.....better yet, go try out another one of those sheep, you're so fond of!
meh. We would have done the same thing if they were building a lake on our campus. Can't fault Clem for that. Surprised none of them were smart enough to ask you where the back pay with interest to all the descendants of the slaves that built our entire original campus is at. We all have ghosts in our past. Making deals to ensure the campus isn't hurt and looks nice isn't a problem at all. It's a state school and it was a Corps project. They don't owe any money. Suite's schizophrenia is coming out again
meh. We would have done the same thing if they were building a lake on our campus. Can't fault Clem for that. Surprised none of them were smart enough to ask you where the back pay with interest to all the descendants of the slaves that built our entire original campus is at. We all have ghosts in our past. Making deals to ensure the campus isn't hurt and looks nice isn't a problem at all. It's a state school and it was a Corps project. They don't owe any money. Suite's schizophrenia is coming out again
Word is bond, no?
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meh. We would have done the same thing if they were building a lake on our campus. Can't fault Clem for that. Surprised none of them were smart enough to ask you where the back pay with interest to all the descendants of the slaves that built our entire original campus is at. We all have ghosts in our past. Making deals to ensure the campus isn't hurt and looks nice isn't a problem at all. It's a state school and it was a Corps project. They don't owe any money. Suite's schizophrenia is coming out again

I've said before ain't no WE in u and me. You're not a Gamecock you're a clemson troll. You're also ignorant of the facts whose 'everybody does it' defense of clemson's planned 180 on the Hartwell project is typical. No, they don't.
As to the 'restitution' Q 1st it's not 'our' campus, you have zero to do with 'Carolina so give it a rest ... and that sounds like an excellent project for you!
Research and identify the laborers involved, document and identify who they were, what the wages were for the period of their employment, offset those wages with benefits provided or paid and get back to us.
Personally, I would support reduced or even free tuition if warranted for 'descendants' of the excellent craftsmen responsible for such a beautiful environment. I would opposed any suggestion of cash remuneration for anyone.
Go to it!
SS1 if anyone here is the Clemson troll it is you. You are obsessed with fabricating quotes and looking like an idiot. I am not a crazy homer so it upsets you.
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meh. We would have done the same thing if they were building a lake on our campus. Can't fault Clem for that. Surprised none of them were smart enough to ask you where the back pay with interest to all the descendants of the slaves that built our entire original campus is at. We all have ghosts in our past. Making deals to ensure the campus isn't hurt and looks nice isn't a problem at all. It's a state school and it was a Corps project. They don't owe any money. Suite's schizophrenia is coming out again
Ben Tillman is the biggest ghost of all. Anything associated with the man's name should be torn down!
SS1 if anyone here is the Clemson troll it is you. You are obsessed with fabricating quotes and looking like an idiot. I am not a crazy homer so it upsets you.

Buy Bear Bryant's book "I Ain't Nothing But a Winner" and try to follow those quotes. I fear you're a cancer he would have put the word out to have removed from the student section if you are a little 'g' gamecock but I don't believe you are.
As for looking like an idiot who sees who on these stupid boards - if I wanted to fabricate I'd have claimed a little D-2 playing experience, a Masters from someplace and the ability to run like a gazelle; didn't do can't do any of that.
I have dated some famous women, but didn't get to home with 'em, there's no joy in making it up.
There's much satisfaction in dreaming though, and seeing those dreams come true.
You should try it.
When I was young I often said "When I get to be 65 if I'm the world's greatest failure I want all the credit - the failure will have been all mine."
I made it to 65, which beat my Grandfather's - who died at 31 and 56; and my Father, who died at 61. That alone was victory. I haven't done everything I wanted to but I haven't stood still, either; I don't look back and I ain't done yet.
I witness daily the stupidity and ignorance of so many young people but also get to watch a few men and women blossom and produce and create and move things forward. It's a sometimes ugly process but ultimately very satisfying.
I hold no hope or opinion on what contributions, if any you might make. It ain't my business, you're not one of mine.
I've been a 'Gamecock' almost 50-years. I've watched 'em play all over the place. I've screamed my a$$ off and done plenty of things to make me 'look like an idiot' while doing it ... at the NCAA's in DC for basketball and all over Florida, in Alabama and in Tennessee for bowl games. Got in a fist fight and beat up good when I was young in Athens.
No regrets. Want to be happy? Pray you can be as happy as me. I love 'Carolina and I love my family and friends - and they love me. I AM the guy who brings 30-pounds of shrimp to the party and says "let's cook this". I AM the guy who brings two cases and just throws it in the cooler for anyone there. I don't count change and I don't sweat gas mileage. I wish for you the same. May you always be able to 'top it off' when you pull up to the pump and not be 'secretly' counting your five's and one's to see how much you can buy.
Wonder if Tennessee would be interested in that little corner of the state? They would be a better fit and closer to their kin.....

Not even gonna say "SELL" it to them cause that's a waste of time....Just "GIVE" it to them with all things that are glorious up in the hills.....

They can then argue with their new big brother about who had urange before who and who is all in who, or sadly in their case, what........

Match made in heaven.....Be back in a bit...gotta fire off a letter to my legislator with this idea

The arrogant bunch would probably fit in better with NC.
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