Who Is Really Our Enemy?


Oct 9, 2013
It is not the media.

It is not the fans.

It is currently an inept coaching staff that has the inability to scheme, develop players or evaluate talent.
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This was pretty easy to see coming. Though if you post anything realistic on here you are either a tater, a dumper, or you don't know as much as the coaches have forgotten about football so shut up. You have to have talent on the field to win no matter how great the coach is, and to get the talent you have to recruit hard. We settled on 3 star guys and low 4 stars guys with academic issues because it was easier than having to work and fight hard for the difference makers. Getting a lot of talent alone doesn't guarantee titles, but not having talent guarantees you won't win titles.
I don't see Our coaching staff as our enemy BUT I do see how it's become a monster. Tanner needs to do something he probably feels bad doing. I see the Spurrier situation as being very similar to Clemson and Jack Leggett. Radicovich gave Leggett and option and an ultimatum and he did not come through! So they did what they had to do. Does Tanner have that kind of intestinal fortitude? I doubt it