Will it ever stop raining


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2003
. If it was cold we would have 3 feet of snow here in the upstate.
I have lots of yardwork that I can't do. Not that I was really stressing to do it but I can't get that last round of leaves/pine straw up.
What rain?

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I like cloudy rainy weather so I am in frog heaven. OP is right about snow. I checked my rain guage a few days ago a coupla days apart and was 2.6" one day and 6 tenths the next. That's not counting yeserday's which was about 5 tenths. It's raining now and thundering.
We needed the rain...

But if it ever drops below 32F, South Carolina is going to be shutdown...the roads will FREEZE almost immediately due to the high water table and any rain, sleet or snow we get will stick immediately for the same reason.

And people keep talking about Lake Murray...that Dam has been stressed more this past 3 months than it has for the past 30 years...that is the only thing I'm worried about...

I don't mind the rain though...means we will have a VERY good Spring and Summer.
The upstate looks to be getting hit hard. All that water is going to be flowing to the coast and so will impact the midlands and lower state eventually.