You think you've seen panic?

I heard that. A very stupid question.

Like a lot of people, I think this reporter lost focus of the goal of social distancing measures. The goal is not to eliminate ALL risks to everyone of catching the virus (impossible). The goal is societal; to prevent overwhelming hospitals with a flood of covid patients. Its impossible to prevent all risks, but the idea that you'd close grocery stores and purposely shut down grocery supply chains would practically guarantee societal unrest.
I heard that. A very stupid question.

Like a lot of people, I think this reporter lost focus of the goal of social distancing measures. The goal is not to eliminate ALL risks to everyone of catching the virus (impossible). The goal is societal; to prevent overwhelming hospitals with a flood of covid patients. Its impossible to prevent all risks, but the idea that you'd close grocery stores and purposely shut down grocery supply chains would practically guarantee societal unrest.

It's sad that the press conferences have been used by the journalists as simply a "gotcha!" moment. They're all trying to get their moment to trip Trump up. When I hear questions like that, it makes me wonder why journalism has a revered status in this country. Journalists think they are essential to our existence.