2 sorry teams

Wasn't around? Dude get a life. And what normal person reads other people's past post? Believe me I sleep well at night. People like you are happy with mediocre. I would care less if Spurrier dropped and died..Spurried is a Legend in Word. He damn sure doesnt coach like. If you think he does, you, my friend. Are clearly delusional. And if I wont him gone, i will express myself at any time on here. Got that? Old fart.
I haven't read any of your past post and didn't have to...over half of your post count is from today. Welcome back from the dead...young fart. But keep trolling if it makes you happy.
Oh another fun fact since you are commmenting. May 2013, I was in Afghanistan making sure fat ****s like you were safe sitting on your couch eating triple cheese burgers. August 2013, I was busy finding a TV in Afghanistan so I could watch my Gamecocks after staying up 23hrs on a mission. Might want to know facts before you speak grandpa. Cant help it if Im not a guy who spends his life on the internet. Get out and live.
Well if you did actually serve I thank you and I respect you for it.
But with that said...I am a grandpa, and a damn proud one. But I am no fat@$$ and I'm not so old that I would take your tongue lashing so calming if we were in person. Just because someone differs with your opinion is no reason to bad mouth and verbally attack them. I thought the military did a better job of teaching manners and respect, but I guess I'm wrong about that. But being active duty or a vet maybe you can get some help from the VA with your anger issues.
Regardless, just more reason to take anything you say here with a grain of salt. Have a good night. I've wasted enough time with you.
Nope, you're the broken record. Let's stick with the over the hill guy while everyone else improves. Why don't you go pull fit Citadel?

I agree that some of us are broken records.
If some of you guys can't find any joy EVEN THOUGH WE JUST WON, why don't you all go support some other sport or some other team ?

Although I suspect that SOME of these pitifully negative posts are either outsiders trying to stink up the Gamecock spirit-- Or just negative nellies who will never achieve any longterm success in life in any thing they ever attempt.

Please prove me wrong !
I have no problems with fans supporting their team during the downturns, which seems to be where we are. I will continue to watch and support them whenever I can. But I wont unconditionally support the HC or staff no matter who they are. The bottom line is that they are employee's of the university, and very well paid ones at that. Their tenure and pay should be based on performance, just like everyone else in the corporate world. At this point I haven't made up my mind whether I think SOS should stay or go.

If an employee's performance starts to fall short of expectations and set goals, than changes should be warranted.
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The thing that bothers me is most peoples insistence that Spurrier be able to live off of his past success. I am not a proponent of firing him. That would be crazy but I am a proponent of him stepping down. He is using us a a paycheck for his son, and now as an on the job training for Junior to audition for an OC job. I love this program and my university MUCH more than I love Spurrier. He wasn't in the picture when I attended South Carolina (Richard Bell was) and I will be here long after he is gone. If you are working to make us better...I'm with you...if you are using us to make your family better....hey....I'm going to become your enemy. I think we are being used......
Just as we were being used during those 11 win seasons?
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Stadium had no energy today. Neither did our team.

I sat on the West side today. There is zero doubt Jr. was running the offense in the 1st half. I specifically watched him. In fact, it took me a while to even find SOS. But, Jr. was front and center when we were on O, and both QBs went straight to him whenever they came off the field.

SOS looked to be much more involved in the 2d half. But, there's not enough money in the world to convince me Jr. isn't running the show. We are far less talented than we were just 3 years ago, and we don't play with purpose or aggression. Our sideline is a morgue. The Spurriers need to go.

That's funny! People who are "in the know" said that Mangus was calling most of plays in the first half and all in the second half. He was in the box, so the call was going down to Jr. Sorry to burst your bubble!!
He needs to go home and play some golf. If you dont see that then your brain needs to be reassembled. The way we are now, playing wise, is pretty much Pre-latt, Pre-Clowney. If you think otherwise, then as I said earlier, you need your brain reasembled. People are scared to lose a Legend. I get it. But I am not convinced we will end up with another Brad Scott. I think we are going in the right direction. I do believe Coach Spurrier is done. And I actually think we can win out this year. I may be alone. But I see it. Anyway, yeah the Ole Ball Sack time is up. Thanks for the improvements but we dont need to be paying him 4$mil/yr for lackadasical playcalling.

The only people I've ever heard use that name for our coach comes from the fan base of one school. And while I know we have some disgruntled and unhappy fans the only ones I've heard wishing Spurrier would leave are here on this forum and other boards. No fan that I know personally or have met has said that.

So I can understand why you want him's not hard to see why. But keep dreaming. He's not leaving this season and most likely won't be leaving after next season unless we have an exception year next in at least a SEC-C appearance. But it never hurts for you people to dream. And as much as I'm sure you don't like to hear it we will beat Clempson this year at W/B stadium.
He needs to go home and play some golf. If you dont see that then your brain needs to be reassembled. The way we are now, playing wise, is pretty much Pre-latt, Pre-Clowney. If you think otherwise, then as I said earlier, you need your brain reasembled. People are scared to lose a Legend. I get it. But I am not convinced we will end up with another Brad Scott. I think we are going in the right direction. I do believe Coach Spurrier is done. And I actually think we can win out this year. I may be alone. But I see it. Anyway, yeah the Ole Ball Sack time is up. Thanks for the improvements but we dont need to be paying him 4$mil/yr for lackadasical playcalling.
Another, "in the know" armchair coach.
So... because the talent level has dropped off, mostly due to inexperience, we should fire the coach because, you think his play calling is lackadaisical and he gets paid too much?

What ever happened to blaming the players for their performance?

Don't blame the Maestro because the orchestra sounds bad...
Blame the orchestra...