3 NY Yankees players that were vaccinated test positive for Covid


Active Member
Nov 12, 2019
Makes me wonder if the vaccines are working. I'm fully vaccinated and if I get the virus again I'll let you know.
Being vaccinated isn't just about not getting the virus, it's also about having a less severe course if you should get infected. The vaccines are going to prevent the vast majority of vaccinated folks from being infected. For those who do get infected, the vaccines drastically the rate of hospitalization and severity of symptoms. For many cases, those who are vaccinated and test positive are asymptomatic.
At this point, we have plenty of data...who is at risk and who isn't. We also have plenty of medication...both pre and post treatment for anyone that wants or needs it. Hospitals are not maxed out, as initially feared as worse case scenario.

It's time to return to normalcy. I assume that three young/professional athletes will be just fine within the next week. Let's move on...
My question would be which vaccine did they receive? If the one dose, was it the Delta or another variant? If Modena, did they have the second dose? If no second dose did they catch a variant?
Again, almost everyone being hospitalized are unvaccinated.

And the variants are able to develop because of the unvaccinated.

The NCAA tested vaccinated NC State players because the unvaccinated players tested positive. 4 vaccinated players tested positive. This will happen often this season, and they won't be rescheduling games. There is a way to prevent the testing from my understanding and that is.. to get the vaccine.

And again, deaths from the vaccine and after the vaccine are very different.
Being vaccinated isn't just about not getting the virus, it's also about having a less severe course if you should get infected. The vaccines are going to prevent the vast majority of vaccinated folks from being infected. For those who do get infected, the vaccines drastically the rate of hospitalization and severity of symptoms. For many cases, those who are vaccinated and test positive are asymptomatic.
New vaccine for me, ever!
Makes me wonder if the vaccines are working. I'm fully vaccinated and if I get the virus again I'll let you know.

If you had the virus and you took the vaccine, you should be fine.

People who didn't get the virus should be encourage to get the vaccine if you're over 50 or have some underling health issues.

This virus is our future and you'll see Clear Secure machines not only at airports, but all events and Federal government buildings.

If you had the virus and you took the vaccine, you should be fine.

People who didn't get the virus should be encourage to get the vaccine if you're over 50 or have some underling health issues.

This virus is our future and you'll see Clear Secure machines not only at airports, but all events and Federal government buildings.

I had covid and later I took the Pfizer vaccine.
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I had Covid in January and both shots of Moderna in March. I will gladly take a booster just like I get a flu shot every year. People are being such idiots about this.
I'm 41, hadn't bothered to get the shot. Feel pretty certain I've come across the virus a time or two. I don't take the flu shot either. No real reason other than I don't get that sick. I don't have anything against getting it. Just haven't lined up to get it. I've asked about getting the antibody test to see about donating my blood, but they only seem worried about giving me the shot when I ask around about it. Oh well, I tried to help out. I have O blood which supposedly helps me not get as sick if I do contract the virus.
Makes me wonder if the vaccines are working. I'm fully vaccinated and if I get the virus again I'll let you know.

I have a few MD friends who have stated that some of the vaccinated do still contract COVID and had enough challenges to head to the doc or hospital. Not sure about the impact of severity of symptoms.

Based on the current data (rough), "vaccine efficacy" is estimated to last 3 to 4 months. At that clip, you would need 2 to 3 boosters a year. Some biological drugs work longer than that so it's actually more a drug than a vaccine.

KitchenLabs, only 43% of SC is fully vaccinated. Everyone is different and some people who have virtually no risk whatsoever are dealing with significant side effects and a small number have passed away "for the greater good of society?" Also, many have received one shot and had a big reaction and didn't go back for the 2nd.

If you haven't seen the protests going on {vaxx mandates and lockdowns} in other countries about this, they are pretty impressive. A few days ago in was Italy. A few weeks ago is was the UK. Hard to catch much coverage, as the Pharm Companies have vested interests in Reuters, etc. Crazy world.

London protest crowd:
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I have a few MD friends who have stated that some of the vaccinated do still contracted COVID and had enough challenges to head to the doc or hospital. Not sure about the impact of severity of symptoms.

Based on the current data (rough), "vaccine efficacy" is estimated to last 3 to 4 months. At that clip, you would need 2 to 3 boosters a year. Some biological drugs work longer than that so it's actually more a drug than a vaccine.

KitchenLabs, only 43% of SC is fully vaccinated. Everyone is different and some people who have virtually no risk whatsoever are dealing with significant side effects and a small number have passed away "for the greater good of society?" Also, many have received one shot and had a big reaction and didn't go back for the 2nd.

If you haven't seen the protests going on {vaxx mandates and lockdowns} in other countries about this, they are pretty impressive. A few days ago in was Italy. A few weeks ago is was the UK. Hard to catch much coverage, as the Pharm Companies have vested interests in Reuters, etc. Crazy world.

London protest crowd:

That protest is something... They haven't seen that type of protest since about 245 years ago...
I had Covid in January and both shots of Moderna in March. I will gladly take a booster just like I get a flu shot every year. People are being such idiots about this.
Just because someone who disagree with you doesn't make them an idiot.

You're not the queen of smarts, you just have an opinion. And you know the saying about opinions, they are like a$$holes, everyone has one... real mad😆

You act and sound like my wife... jumpingsmile

Lord, we give you Curly. Try not to piss him off

I had Covid in January and both shots of Moderna in March. I will gladly take a booster just like I get a flu shot every year. People are being such idiots about this.
Yes you sheep are. You wearing one or two masks now? Only an idiot takes a shot of an unapproved vaccine that no one knows what future side affects it might have. But carry on
Good luck with any vaccine. Specially this one. Build your immune system up boys and study real health and no virus or disease will ever be a threat to you. Ain't no one in the medical or pharma industry putting anything in me. Period. I have an ass beat down or bullet for anyone who tries to make me so. Dont drink the kool-aid.
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Good luck with any vaccine. Specially this one. Build your immune system up boys and study real health and no virus or disease will ever be a threat to you. Ain't no one in the medical or pharma industry putting anything in me. Period. I have an ass beat down or bullet for anyone who tries to make me so. Dont drink the kool-aid.
Fortunately, most people aren't foolish enough to believe such nonsense. Despite your testosterone rage to assault or shoot someone.
Being in the at risk group , i gladly took two doses of Modena and will take the booster if offered i go about my businesses maskless. That said, taking the vaccine is a personal decision like wearing a helmet on a motorcycle. Law does not requireit but i sure feel better with it. Will it save my life? Maybe. Could the outcome be worse if i don't wear a helmet and wreck. Yes. So my choice is wear a helmet and take the vaccine. Your choice is your choice and only you can make it

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