Age for child ticket?

The rule is that they need a ticket regardless of age. For smaller games, you can take your chances with the ticket taker to see if they will let you in.
If the child is big enough to sit in his/her own seat, they will probably make you have a ticket. You will probably be able to find someone who will all but give you a ticket to get your child in for a game like this.
Seriously?? My wife and I have 2 season tickets and were going to take our 7 month old for maybe the first half. That is ridiculous that they'd require that. I know I could basically find a ticket for nothing but that's beyond the point.
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Yes, that is the rule. The University has to be able to account for every individual in the stadium (probably has to do with liability insurance or something like that).

But as I said, they will probably let you in without one since it's UCF.
At what age does a child need a ticket for WB?

The other posters are correct.......if you take a 3 month old, a ticket is required. Like one poster suggested, I would take my chances that the gate keeper would let you slide with a 7 month old. I've seen it done before. Of course, then you have the gate keeper that thinks they are Barney Fife and no one is getting by. To me, if the child is not old enough to sit up or sit in a seat by him/her self, then they shouldn't charge you.
Actually, you should have to purchase a ticket if your 1 day old.
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Actually, you should have to purchase a ticket if your 1 day old. Don't take your kids if you don't have a ticket or can afford one.
Although not elegantly worded, I have to agree with uscusc1987 on this one. Having sat in stadiums and airplanes beside or near folks with babies, it's not really accurate to say the baby didn't take up any more room than the two adults. I've never seen a mom who would take her baby to a high noon start of a football game without dragging along a huge bag full of everything under the sun required to attend to said child. And the constant going in and out of said bag to retrieve stuff and tend to the baby's needs usually meant that both she and her husband really didn't pay much attention to the game. And neither could the rest of us. Get the third ticket so you have some room to spread out.
uscusc87 comes off like a prick...I don't think you have any business assuming what OP can or can't afford.

Anyway I wouldn't take my 9 month old because it'd be torture for me and her.
Considering my kids are now 26 and 24 and are both graduates of Carolina, I'm not sure I'm still qualified to weigh in on this. We chose not to take ours when they were that young mainly because neither of my kids liked loud noises at that age.
Not meant to be rude. Actually,my real opinion is unless your kids are old enough to handle a game they should be at home. Those sitting around you shouldn't be bothered. I fixed it Not to upset anyone. Not my intention.
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I even had to pay for my 11 month old granddaughter at a women's bb game. That really ticked me off. Never took my daughters to a football game till they were in highschool.
When mine were little, they used to get in for free. We found that as long as we were holding them it was OK. We used to always go to this one gate where the guy would wave em thru- but that was 20 yrs ago! Probably all changed by now. Good luck!
At what age does a child need a ticket for WB?

1 minute

Why should people without kids have to suffer the consequences for those that do? Even if a baby is sitting on your lap, you're still going to have diaper bags, etc. that take up room. This goes for any sporting event. I'm not sure how someone can enjoy themselves with babies in tow at a game, anyway.
1 minute

Why should people without kids have to suffer the consequences for those that do? Even if a baby is sitting on your lap, you're still going to have diaper bags, etc. that take up room. This goes for any sporting event. I'm not sure how someone can enjoy themselves with babies in tow at a game, anyway.
we ain't eatin' dinner, throw down & couple extra ones & let em raise a gamecock
We keep laying eggs on the field and they may let u get in for free by the end of the season
1 minute

Why should people without kids have to suffer the consequences for those that do? Even if a baby is sitting on your lap, you're still going to have diaper bags, etc. that take up room. This goes for any sporting event. I'm not sure how someone can enjoy themselves with babies in tow at a game, anyway.
We never took ours as babies, but probably when they were about 5 years old. Taking a baby makes no sense unless you just cant help it for some reason, or have some kind of separation anxiety issue. But when they are a little older it becomes part of "raising them right" . go cocks- Steve
We never took ours as babies, but probably when they were about 5 years old. Taking a baby makes no sense unless you just cant help it for some reason, or have some kind of separation anxiety issue. But when they are a little older it becomes part of "raising them right" . go cocks- Steve

5 years old is great, but it just seems crazy to me to take an infant to a sporting event.
Seriously?? My wife and I have 2 season tickets and were going to take our 7 month old for maybe the first half. That is ridiculous that they'd require that. I know I could basically find a ticket for nothing but that's beyond the point.
Sorry, but they do require a same-price ticket unless things have changed in recent years!