Another DeCommit

It doesn’t matter —our football program is dead. Never forget that we are a women’s basketball powerhouse. All of our men’s programs are insignificant.
Now complete your thought so we can all laugh at the implication you’re trying to make.

You're getting slower and slower so I'll spell it out. It's been around a decade since Spurrier was our coach. Now he talks about moneyball and all of the challenges.
You're getting slower and slower so I'll spell it out. It's been around a decade since Spurrier was our coach. Now he talks about moneyball and all of the challenges.

Come on, be a man and own what you're trying to imply.

So we can laugh at you.
Has South Carolina ever been a recruiting juggernaut? Even if there's a cap in NIL, which I have seen nothing indicating there will be, what makes anyone think we will be a recruiting powerhouse? We share a relatively small state with traditionally national brand Clemson. We are close geographically to traditionally national powers Georgia, Tennessee and Florida. If anything, the NCAA seems to be moving more into increasing scholarship limits. That puts schools like South Carolina at a disadvantage. Why is South Carolina ever going to be a recruiting powerhouse? It never has been. If you doubt that, just check recruiting rankings over the past 25 years. I subscribed to recruiting publications back into the 1970s. Anyone remember Joe Terranova, the "dean" of football recruiting rankings? He was the one who got the recruiting ranking craze started. I was a subscriber. I remember when we hired Brad Scott. One of the recruiting gurus called Scott the "best recruiter in the nation". How did he work out? We have never been a recruiting machine. If you think we will be in the future, you need to come back down to earth. If people are honest with themselves, they realize we will never be, no matter what. We will never recruit ourselves to respectability. Beamer has to play the cards he has been dealt with. We will never win the national championship nor the SEC. But maybe, maybe we can become a consistent Top 20 program through better than average coaching. Frank Beamer was a solid but NOT a great recruiter. He was though a damn good coach. Is Shane a "chip off the old block"? I don't know. But I think we will find out this season.

I have resigned myself that being a consistent Top 20 program is the best that we will ever be. It will take better than average coaching to achieve that.
Can't argue with you Stock, I would be ecstatic to be a top 20 program! I've said it before we've got to get what we can recruiting wise, 4/5 stars, recruit the diamonds in the rough 3 stars and coach them up (Nick Emmanwori) and be excellent at evaluating and recruiting the portal per Darren Uscher, that should be our model!
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Can't argue with you Stock, I would be ecstatic to be a top 20 program! I've said it before we've got to get what we can recruiting wise, 4/5 stars, recruit the diamonds in the rough 3 stars and coach them up (Nick Emmanwori) and be excellent at evaluating and recruiting the portal per Darren Uscher, that should be our model!
I love the schedule this year. It will give Shane a chance to show what coaching chops he has. That being said, I saw a ranking which has 6 SEC teams playing an even tougher schedule than we will. This league is brutal. We will usually have a tough schedule. That crutch won't fly. Yes, we need to do whatever we can, legally, to recruit the best players possible at all times. THAT is VERY important. But make no mistake about it: If the University of South Carolina is to become a force in this league, we have to have the edge over opponents from the coaching position. Recruiting alone won't get us there, as Jimbo Fisher would attest to.
Many of you are as unrealistic and ridiculous as I would expect you to be. You play the part well.
I love the schedule this year. It will give Shane a chance to show what coaching chops he has. That being said, I saw a ranking which has 6 SEC teams playing an even tougher schedule than we will. This league is brutal. We will usually have a tough schedule. That crutch won't fly. Yes, we need to do whatever we can, legally, to recruit the best players possible at all times. THAT is VERY important. But make no mistake about it: If the University of South Carolina is to become a force in this league, we have to have the edge over opponents from the coaching position. Recruiting alone won't get us there, as Jimbo Fisher would attest to.
Exactly, If he wins 7 (or even 6) games, that is a great job.. So i will wait to pass judgement..
I love the schedule this year. It will give Shane a chance to show what coaching chops he has. That being said, I saw a ranking which has 6 SEC teams playing an even tougher schedule than we will. This league is brutal. We will usually have a tough schedule. That crutch won't fly. Yes, we need to do whatever we can, legally, to recruit the best players possible at all times. THAT is VERY important. But make no mistake about it: If the University of South Carolina is to become a force in this league, we have to have the edge over opponents from the coaching position. Recruiting alone won't get us there, as Jimbo Fisher would attest to.
My thing, is we’re in on a lot of good players until they decide and we’re usually losing out to a blueblood type school or somebody closer to home. To me that’s a good sign for a 5-7 team. We’ve got to progress that record though to start getting some of those kids, so yes this year is very big for Shane and the program!
lol there is much more evidence he's incompetent than anything indicating he's competent.

He's doing fine. You whining about it like a damn 2nd grader every day doesn't count. No one in charge cares what you think about it.
We went to the NCAA tourney last year in men's basketball. We were projected to finish 14th in the SEC.

I don't make decisions based on season projections for a sports team.

Quite the republican tactic to argue that exception.

Those situations were quite different as Paris was in his second year. This is Beamer's fourth year and team reflects him.
Quite the republican tactic to argue that exception.

Those situations were quite different as Paris was in his second year. This is Beamer's fourth year and team reflects him.

Yet- it was reality.

Paris might bomb in his 4th year. I won't predict that now before it happens. A good lesson for you to copy instead of whining and crying like a damn baby.
Yet- it was reality.

Well let's see Beamer do it.

But you and I both know that Beamer is never going to have the breakout season that Paris had. Mostly, because Paris was a competent coach before he was hired.
Well let's see Beamer do it.

But you and I both know that Beamer is never going to have the breakout season that Paris had. Mostly, because Paris was a competent coach before he was hired.
You don't know what's going to happen.

He doesn't need to have a breakout year. He needs to field a decent to good team and he'll be fine.
You don't know what's going to happen.

He doesn't need to have a breakout year. He needs to field a decent to good team and he'll be fine.

Fine = getting fired in 2025 instead of 2024?

That's all 6-6 does is put him on the hottest seat in the country in 2025.
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Fine = getting fired in 2025 instead of 2024?

That's all 6-6 does is put him on the hottest seat in the country in 2025.

If he makes a bowl game this year, he won't be on the hot seat with the people who count.
If he makes a bowl game this year, he won't be on the hot seat with the people who count.

Just flat out wrong. His recruiting momentum is the only thing that saved him last year. We've lost all that momentum so he won't have any selling point going into 2025.

It's probably a moot argument because if he doesn't beat Kentucky in week 2 this year, he doesn't survive to 2025.
Fine = getting fired in 2025 instead of 2024?

That's all 6-6 does is put him on the hottest seat in the country in 2025.

Only in your mind. If Beamer cuts a 6-6 with this schedule and heads to a bowl game, he'll be getting an extension. Especially with a brand new offense.
It's probably a moot argument because if he doesn't beat Kentucky in week 2 this year, he doesn't survive to 2025.

I don't know. Deservednor not is another conversation. But what would actually happen?

I could see Ray holding out another year. The only way I see Ray pulling the trigger this year is a complete "wheels fall off" scenario.
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We'll do it fully transparent with an online escrow. It's easy to do and you can be anon so you don't have to reveal your Troll ID.


Let's see these terms you're going to propose.

I can already see you trying to weasel out with the classic one year extension that actually lowers the buyout to make it easier to fire the person.
I don't know. Deservednor not is another conversation. But what would actually happen?

I could see Ray holding out another year. The only way I see Ray pulling the trigger this year is a complete "wheels fall off" scenario.

If we lose to Kentucky there definitely isn't a path to 6-6 and makes 4-8 a reality. Would definitely be a "wheels fall off" scenario.
Let's see these terms you're going to propose.

I can already see you trying to weasel out with the classic one year extension that actually lowers the buyout to make it easier to fire the person.

The terms have already been established. My position is that if we go 6-6 in the regular season and go to a bowl game, he will get an extension. You say no. Easy stuff.
If we lose to Kentucky there definitely isn't a path to 6-6 and makes 4-8 a reality. Would definitely be a "wheels fall off" scenario.

What you don't realize is that we're going to be in a David vs. Goliath situation for most of this season. UK on the road might as well be LSU at home. Our new offense will be throwing things against the wall and hoping something sticks in any particular game.

All of the games are crap shoots so trying to say if we don't beat X, we're finished is nonsense. We won't be favored in any of these SEC games besides maybe Vandy. It's a transitional year.
The terms have already been established. My position is that if we go 6-6 in the regular season and go to a bowl game, he will get an extension. No say no. Easy stuff.

Shocker. How did I know you were going to try to win on a technicality and not through substance?

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