Baseball: USC vs. NW Game 3

Had to Google it on a baseball rules site, but yes the ump is correct.

“There can never be a force play when a fly ball is caught. Here is an example that is often called incorrectly. With runners on first and third with one out, the batter hits a fly ball to the outfield that is caught. The runner on third legally tags and scores, but the runner on first goes half-way and fails to tag. The outfielder throws to first and the throw beats the runner attempting to return to first. The run from third counts, since this is a time play and the run scored before the 3rd out was made at first. When the ball was caught in the outfield, the runner on first is not forced to second, but is free to return to the base. Since a tag at first is not required (the ball must only beat the runner to the bag and be in legal possession of a defensive player), many umpires incorrectly interpret this as a force play and do not score the run.”
This game is over. We can’t hit worth a crap. Wow Northwestern baseball is better than us.
I know it’s early in the year, and we have a lot of new faces, but I’m not really seeing any difference in this baseball team compared to the ones from the last couple of years. Bullpen blowing leads, no timely hitting, can’t hit off speed pitching, etc.
I know it’s early in the year, and we have a lot of new faces, but I’m not really seeing any difference in this baseball team compared to the ones from the last couple of years. Bullpen blowing leads, no timely hitting, can’t hit off speed pitching, etc.
Weird how this thread was dead up until the 10th inning after abases loaded walk. Very strange indeed.
I guess you are oblivious to the fact that threads get many more replies when the Gamecocks struggle than when they do well and are winning.

If you observe human nature for a bit, you’ll understand why this is the case. Not unique to Gamecock fans nor is it worthy of further discussion.
May be a long baseball season. Hopefully not. I’m tired of being mediocre at a sport we dominated not that long ago.
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