I owe some on here an apology.

A lot of the factors involve the lack of talent on the roster and at both coordinator positions. Both of which are controlled by the HC.

Let's not act like the poor expectations are outside his control.


On one hand, you have the belief that the guy running the entire program, the supposedly great recruiter who is in control of making all the hires, has ZERO input into the results.

On the other, you have a moron troll who just cries "NIL" every chance and pretends coaching has no impact.
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Beamer could win 9 games this year and the crybabies on here wouldn't be happy. They would claim it was huge, "missed opportunity" because if we would have had whatever random coach they incorrectly believed we could have hired, we would have won 11 games.

Some people just hate Beamer no matter what. Every fanbase has those idiots. It's an impossible situation for Beamer with those folks. Reminds me of TDS.

This is, of course, a lie.

But when you can't deal with the fact that others are speaking the truth, you have to cry and make up fantasies to complain about.
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Not a lie. Already happened after our 8 win season, assclown. FACT.

Far beyond anybodys expectations, but still no credit with the haters. That won't change, no matter what.

My 4-8 comments were based on the quality of coaching. I think we're easily a 10 win team this year if we had adequate coaching.

Everyone likes to bash Muschamp, but he left a lot of quality on the roster. Beamer deserves credit for adding in Rattler and Wells but he inherited a good core like McElwain did. We shall see if Beamer survives when that core is gone. McElwain did not.
Not a lie. Already happened after our 8 win season, assclown. FACT.

Far beyond anybodys expectations, but still no credit with the haters. That won't change, no matter what.

You really need to reread Watson's post. It doesn't back up your claim at all. Only you would be stupid enough to claim no credit was given to Beamer and use a post that literally says "Beamer deserves credit for..." in it. Talk about a total assclown.

I've had my share of arguments with Watson, I don't respect some of what he says, but I firmly believe you should argue against what people actually say, and not make up sh!t, like you do. Even with Watson.

But expecting sincerity out you is a train that left the station a LONG time ago.
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Beamer and his staff brought in those players. There is literally no way to NOT give him credit for that.

F'ing dumbasses.

But I got things to do today, so I don't have time to waste telling you how stupid you are, so have a good one. I can continue this any day, any time because y'all are always a bunch of crying nancy kerrigans.

And Beamer is still our coach. :)

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Beamer and his staff brought in those players. There is literally no way to NOT give him credit for that.

F'ing dumbasses.

But I got things to do today, so I don't have time to waste telling you how stupid you are, so have a good one. I can continue this any day, any time because y'all are always a bunch of crying nancy kerrigans.

And Beamer is still our coach. :)



You mean you're not going to post more quotes that directly contradict your statement?

But you're going to run away crying AGAIN. Only to come back later and pretend it really went your way? ( so much for any day at any time. Lol. Only you are stupid enough to try and brag about "any day at any time" in the same post that tou say you cant do it now.)

How original. (That was sarcasm, since I know that type of stuff goes over your head too)
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Well, that was the point of that example. She picked something that has a very slim chance of actually happening. So she can pretend she was "right" that you would have done it anyway. Without any evidence.
Disdain for a football coach sure does make strange bedfellows...
Disdain for a football coach sure does make strange bedfellows...

Ha. Like politics. It's funny to me how "allegiances" switch from football threads to political threads, to other topics.
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Yeah I don't know about all that. I was just referring to the part where you said you argued plenty with Watson in the past. There was no hidden meaning or insinuation there. Thanks for giving me more credit than that though.
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Yeah I don't know about all that. I was just referring to the part where you said you argued plenty with Watson in the past. There was no hidden meaning or insinuation there. Thanks for giving me more credit than that though.

Okay. It's politics specifically where Watson and I argue vehemently. Or at least, we have in the past.
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