BREAKING: SEC Lifts Ban on Alcohol Sales

There always have been and always will be people who are drunk at college football games. There always have been and always will be people who are drinking inside college football games. I am not sure whether I am in favor of this or not, but I am sure that our Director of Athletics will be feverishly bashed for the decision either way.
I do know that I prefer stadium sales of alcohol over allowing people to leave and re-enter the stadium like they do at the utter university.
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Kind of pathetic that people can't manage to go a few hours without booze.
Wow. I don't drink... But that's pretty rough calling people pathetic for wanting to enjoy themselves how they like. I don't necessarily get it, because drinking is pretty destructive in even the smallest overconsumptions (and drinking and driving is absolutely contemptible... I've lost friends because I couldn't forgive them that one), but that is just insane levels of righteous judgment you're leveling on people. I hope there's nothing in your life you like to do that you'll be judged nearly so hard.

EDIT: Quote the wrong fellow.
Go to any pro game in the NFL and watch the Difference between that and a non alcohol college game. If you can't see the difference you're blind.

Perhaps, it's just the draw of cards but, I've attended professional athletic events (MLB, NFL & NBA) since I was a boy and only once have I ever seen anyone intoxicated. Once!
(MLB, Tiger Stadium, Detroit, and it was actually after the game, walking back to the car).

College Football Fans, on the other hand, unfortunately seem to tolerate shit faced, knee walking, commode hugging drunks.

I've seen more people passed out, carried out or puking their guts out at Willie B, than any other place I have ever been in my life. Bar (LOL) none. (OK, maybe with the exception of college frat parties).

NCSU, Jawja, Ole Miss, MSU and Arky were pretty bad also. (Never been to LSU or A&M). Hate to admit it but, never saw a problem in Pickens but, those were day games.

Perhaps it's the game time, perhaps of the age groups in attendance, perhaps it's something else. But, my personal experience has been Public Intoxication is rampant at college football night games... where they don't sell alcohol.
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First off YOU are the one who comes on here and starts attacking me for my opinions. I suggest YOU put me on ignore since you are so sensitive to everything I say. There is a reason that first hand experience is admissible in a court of law....that is because it is valid. I have not posted anything that is not valid. I think you need to grow up, and that's definitely the truth.
You may know less than any know-it-all I've recently encountered. A court of law? No court would take your statement about what your uncle or next-door neighbor used to do when drunk and apply it to an entire class of people. Your logic is...not logical.

I don't attack you, I attack your opinions (most of which you try to pass off as fact.) You are the one staging personal attacks. (Not that I'm upset that someone with your mindset tells me how immature I am and that I need to grow up. Although, you've said that 3 or 4 times. Maybe you should get some new material?

Regarding your reference of MADD: perhaps you should have quoted their materials instead of your experiences with a few people. I'm don't know much about MADD, but I'm willing to bet they've conducted research and studies that cover tens of thousands of people.
You may know less than any know-it-all I've recently encountered. A court of law? No court would take your statement about what your uncle or next-door neighbor used to do when drunk and apply it to an entire class of people. Your logic is...not logical.

I don't attack you, I attack your opinions (most of which you try to pass off as fact.) You are the one staging personal attacks. (Not that I'm upset that someone with your mindset tells me how immature I am and that I need to grow up. Although, you've said that 3 or 4 times. Maybe you should get some new material?

Regarding your reference of MADD: perhaps you should have quoted their materials instead of your experiences with a few people. I'm don't know much about MADD, but I'm willing to bet they've conducted research and studies that cover tens of thousands of people.
Which is exactly why I referenced MADD. I only called you immature because you continue to harass me on this board when I told you to put me on ignore. And obviously it upsets you because you continue to do it. I don't need new material. That covers it. Now, once again put me on ignore because I will continue to post exactly as I always have.
Which is exactly why I referenced MADD. I only called you immature because you continue to harass me on this board when I told you to put me on ignore. And obviously it upsets you because you continue to do it. I don't need new material. That covers it. Now, once again put me on ignore because I will continue to post exactly as I always have.
You only mentioned MADD (there was no'd have to actually do some research and find the results of their studies and statistics for that. You are just assuming they have something out there that backs up your point.)
I'm not going to put you on ignore. I'll continue to read what I read, and when you post something as ridiculous as some of your previous posts, I'll let you know how ridiculous it is.
And...I don't harass you. But since you like stereotypes so much, I'll make the assumption that you are a person who is under the impression that he/she knows WAY more than he/she actually knows. Unfortunately, you are also used to having your close family members just go along because you are an argumentative person who wants the last word. Most likely, they roll their eyes and talk about you behind your back.
(None of that is likely correct...but you like stereotypes, and you fit this one)
You only mentioned MADD (there was no'd have to actually do some research and find the results of their studies and statistics for that. You are just assuming they have something out there that backs up your point.)
I'm not going to put you on ignore. I'll continue to read what I read, and when you post something as ridiculous as some of your previous posts, I'll let you know how ridiculous it is.
And...I don't harass you. But since you like stereotypes so much, I'll make the assumption that you are a person who is under the impression that he/she knows WAY more than he/she actually knows. Unfortunately, you are also used to having your close family members just go along because you are an argumentative person who wants the last word. Most likely, they roll their eyes and talk about you behind your back.
(None of that is likely correct...but you like stereotypes, and you fit this one)
Wow, that is a really sad post considering you know nothing about me or who I am. You know nothing about my family or my background. What I do know is that if you are so low that making comments like this makes you feel superior, then you have problems way beyond this message board.
Wow, that is a really sad post considering you know nothing about me or who I am. You know nothing about my family or my background. What I do know is that if you are so low that making comments like this makes you feel superior, then you have problems way beyond this message board.
You really are a poor reader. I specifically pointed out that most likely ZERO of that was true. It's a stereotype, like the ones you enjoy using. But I'll promise you this: I'm going to give you the last word on this, because we both know you'll have to respond.
She, actually. But yeah, you're right. I thought it was just a difference of opinion between you two. But that's just me.
Did know the 'she' of it... Not that it changes much. I guess she went from Willing participant in a disagreement who responds to every post, to a victim.
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Ha. Man, that's some thin skin if you call that harassment. Call someone immature 7 or 8 times and then call the admins for help. Wow
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At the bowl games I have attended beer and wine sales were not a problem. I did not see an increase in drunk behavior over a regular game. Some may actually drink less before the game since they will be able to buy a beer at the game. Usually the beer prices and end of alcohol sales before the game ends seem to limit over consumption.
You have higher-level fans attending bowl games.
Perhaps, it's just the draw of cards but, I've attended professional athletic events (MLB, NFL & NBA) since I was a boy and only once have I ever seen anyone intoxicated. Once!
(MLB, Tiger Stadium, Detroit, and it was actually after the game, walking back to the car).

College Football Fans, on the other hand, unfortunately seem to tolerate shit faced, knee walking, commode hugging drunks.

I've seen more people passed out, carried out or puking their guts out at Willie B, than any other place I have ever been in my life. Bar (LOL) none. (OK, maybe with the exception of college frat parties).

NCSU, Jawja, Ole Miss, MSU and Arky were pretty bad also. (Never been to LSU or A&M). Hate to admit it but, never saw a problem in Pickens but, those were day games.

Perhaps it's the game time, perhaps of the age groups in attendance, perhaps it's something else. But, my personal experience has been Public Intoxication is rampant at college football night games... where they don't sell alcohol.
Same experience here. Been to three times as many pro games across all sports and there is no comparison. College is way more rowdy.

I think you are right on the age thing but also because there are more people sneaking in booze at college venues than at the pros.

And as for the guy wondering why someone needs alcohol to enjoy the games I can kinda relate. When I see some lardass with a pizza slice and big gulp in the first quarter, a hot dog and another big gulp at halftime then polishes the day off with ice cream and dippin' dots in the 4th quarter and I think along the same lines. Except it goes, why does a guy need 5000 calories to enjoy a game???
Same experience here. Been to three times as many pro games across all sports and there is no comparison. College is way more rowdy.

I think you are right on the age thing but also because there are more people sneaking in booze at college venues than at the pros.

And as for the guy wondering why someone needs alcohol to enjoy the games I can kinda relate. When I see some lardass with a pizza slice and big gulp in the first quarter, a hot dog and another big gulp at halftime then polishes the day off with ice cream and dippin' dots in the 4th quarter and I think along the same lines. Except it goes, why does a guy need 5000 calories to enjoy a game???
Last time I checked 5000 calories might cause someone to gain a few pounds, but it doesn't kill an innocent person on the way home.
I'm sure you are trying your best to be chivalrous by taking up for your friend, but I don't find this interesting enough to be drawn into your argument. Sorry.
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There is a good article from the Washington Post that cites arrest data at NFL games over a multi-year period. Summed up, the primary "causes" were: 1. Longer tailgating hours. 2. Losses by the home team. 3. Night games. 4. Games against conference opponents.
Granted, this article was neither researched nor written to debate the topic of in-stadium alcohol sales. It does mention that the league mandates an end to sales at the end of the third quarter, and has considered ending at halftime for some games.
I thought one of the better ideas was turning away clearly inebriated fans at the points of entry.
Maybe. I have attended multiple concerts at Williams Brice that had beer sales and not seen problems. Same with minor league baseball games at other venues. I don't drink beer but it is not the devil
I don't drink it, either - not anymore. It's overall alcohol consumption that will be the issue. This will add to it. But people are going to do what they want to do as long as leaders sanction what they want to sanction. I have the right to stay home.