Bring back Rod thread.....

yeah the GIF was insensitive but it’s freedom of speech....1st amendment right. I may not agree, but defend your right to say it.

Hopefully Rod finds his way back soon. It’s been a little dull without his commentary.

It amazes me how dumb people are when it comes to Freedom of Speech (yes I have the freedom to say that). Freedom of speech is NOT freedom from consequence. You can’t call your boss an a$$hole and say you can’t be fired because of the 1st amendment. To my knowledge Rod is not locked up or facing any charges. His Freedom of Speech is still protected.
It amazes me how dumb people are when it comes to Freedom of Speech (yes I have the freedom to say that). Freedom of speech is NOT freedom from consequence. You can’t call your boss an a$$hole and say you can’t be fired because of the 1st amendment. To my knowledge Rod is not locked up or facing any charges. His Freedom of Speech is still protected.

I sent a handful of you a PM on the Soundoff board. (This one wouldn't let me send it.) It is in reference to Rod. If you would, just go over to the Soundoff and check your PM there.
Rod is a character, for sure. He either cares a lot about the Gamecocks or is one of the best trolls of all time on message boards (I'm about 50/50 on this issue). Sometimes you cross a line and you pay the consequences. Natural consequences on a message board = you get banned for a certain amount of time.

Will it lead to changes in Rod's often borderline posts? Time will tell whether he's a recidivist or not. I'm going with recidivist.
I think he’s funny as hell honestly . Will say I almost flipped out when I saw that Gif . That’s the kind of stuff that gets your ass beat . Still I think he realized he did something insanely stupid and probably regrets it . Still a funny guy .
Beg to differ. Most of his crap was like a third grader on the play ground. Call posters idiots consistently. 24/7 tool with his nonsense.
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There is no way a non-gamecock fan knows as much about our uniform combinations as Rod. Clearly he is not a tater or troll. When he first joined, he was a little obnoxious, but he has toned it down a lot since his early days. Haven't we all done something that upon reflection "seemed like a good idea at the time...." #FreeRod
I think Rod should be able to come back. Like I said. 2 weeks to think about that stupidity is well enough. Maybe he doesn't want to come back though. I don't mind him, you just have to learn where he's coming from.
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To be honest, the question posed was to post a gif that reminds you of this season. Who are we to say or even judge if that gif doesn’t remind Rod of this season. Would you guys have the same reaction if Rod posted a gif of the Titanic hitting an iceberg, or the Hindenburg going down in flames, or a mushroom cloud rising above Nagasaki?
Think his GIF was in the thread about explain this season in one GIF and it was one of the planes hitting the towers.
I thought the OP was just trying get to people to lighten up and share funny GIFs about how the season was progressing. And it was a great thread until he made that post - which probably would have been ok in the right context on a memorial thread on the 9/11 anniversary, but with respect to the OP's intent it instead became one of most inappropriate and offensive posts I've ever seen on this or any other board.
yeah the GIF was insensitive but it’s freedom of speech....1st amendment right. I may not agree, but defend your right to say it.

Hopefully Rod finds his way back soon. It’s been a little dull without his commentary.

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DO NOT EVER EVER EVER BRING HIM BACK! I didn't see the GIF, because I have him on ignore, but that guy is the most obnoxious poster on this board. I went out of my way to try and get along with him but still got insulted by him.

To me anyway he would be tied with Free Hawk (for those of you that remember him) for the most obnoxious poster in the history of GCC. As long as we have the great posters we have today things will never get bored. We have the best group of posters as a whole that I can ever remember.
If you have him on ignore, I don't see your problem.
If you have him on ignore, I don't see your problem.

Well, I just don't want him back period to contaminate the board with his fury, indignation, lividity and acrimoniousness, antagonism and hatred that he spews about our program.

Rod is one of those people that could win the million dollar lottery and then complain because he had to pick it up at the State Building. ROD IS A CANCER ON THIS BOARD!

It's not that his belligerence doesn't bother me because I have him on "ignore" but I don't want his vile pugnaciousness affecting other posters and visitors from other programs thinking he represents the Gamecock nation. Rod is bad for this board and all that visit.
Well, I just don't want him back period to contaminate the board with his fury, indignation, lividity and acrimoniousness, antagonism and hatred that he spews about our program.

Rod is one of those people that could win the million dollar lottery and then complain because he had to pick it up at the State Building. ROD IS A CANCER ON THIS BOARD!

It's not that his belligerence doesn't bother me because I have him on "ignore" but I don't want his vile pugnaciousness affecting other posters and visitors from other programs thinking he represents the Gamecock nation. Rod is bad for this board and all that visit.
The board has owners who call the shots. I don't think they need any help with that function and they have the right to run it as they deem wise. Otherwise, every user has the prerogative to ignore him or not. If they are continuously offended by him, therefore, it is their own fault.
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Well, I just don't want him back period to contaminate the board with his fury, indignation, lividity and acrimoniousness, antagonism and hatred that he spews about our program.

Rod is one of those people that could win the million dollar lottery and then complain because he had to pick it up at the State Building. ROD IS A CANCER ON THIS BOARD!

It's not that his belligerence doesn't bother me because I have him on "ignore" but I don't want his vile pugnaciousness affecting other posters and visitors from other programs thinking he represents the Gamecock nation. Rod is bad for this board and all that visit.
We all have push the envelope at times on here but Rod was the epitome of obnoxious and insulting. If I or anyone else used the Towers as an visual aid to depict how they feel about a game it should be instant banishment.
We all have push the envelope at times on here but Rod was the epitome of obnoxious and insulting. If I or anyone else used the Towers as an visual aid to depict how they feel about a game it should be instant banishment.
Seems that it, or something, was. It least for some indeterminate time.