Clemson Is In For A Huge Fall From the Mountain..............

Just my opinion. The only way Clemson gets looked at by the NCAA, is if they continue to win multiple championships. Right now they are the darlings of the NCAA, they took down, and have replaced Alabama at the throne. How many years does Sabah continue? Until then, the NCAA, ESPN, and all the money that pours into college football, NEEDS Clemson, to be a serious competitor, to drive interest. If Alabama slips near the end of Sabans tenure, or after, and Clemson goes on a monotonous run, with NO challenger, you will see slight nudges from media and NCAA into their program. I think it could be a similar situation to Miami of the 80's and 90's. The downside is, we will have to endure a lot of accomplishments before that happens.

The NCAA doesn’t need Clemson. Frankly, they don’t need Alabama either. If next year’s playoff is comprised of Texas, Oregon, Ohio State and Georgia the interest in it will be just fine.
The old saying is "The higher they fly, the harder they fall". Gamecock fans, nothing last forever. My hunch is that the erosion of their foundation will start as the investigation into the players who tested positive for drugs proceeds. The public relations of Moo U is acting like this was a random and unexplainable event. I do not believe that "THREE" positive drug tests at the same time are an accident. The use of drugs may be one of the reasons their players have played so well. If the truth is allowed to surface, this could be the crack in their program that brings them down. Just saying.
What on Earth makes you think there will be an investigation?
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Bama and Clemson players are on something. I played ball with guys that did it and it’s obvious. Clemson’s D looks like NFL players. Not just one, two or four, their backups too. And Clemson’s boys were bigger than Bama’s. Those 2 schools strength and conditioning coaches aren’t THAT much better than everyone else’s. I sometimes think we have our guys running marathons or something for conditioning drills cause we’re puny compared to them. Wasn’t like that 5 years ago.

It’s called Recruiting. When half of your incoming class are 5 Stars and 4 Stars then naturally they will be bigger , stronger , faster . When half your class are 3 Stars they look puny .
The NCAA doesn’t need Clemson. Frankly, they don’t need Alabama either. If next year’s playoff is comprised of Texas, Oregon, Ohio State and Georgia the interest in it will be just fine.
I see nothing that keeps Clemson out of the playoffs for the foreseeable future, and would give a better than 75% chance that Alabama joins them. Other than the fans of these 2 schools, it gets difficult for viewers to tune in to the same thing year after year. I'm sure the NCAA would love to see your playoff, but considering the first 4 yrs of the playoff, and how recruiting is going, I just don't see anything changing in the pecking order.
If you think Clemson is going to turn themselves in for something you are wrong. It's the greatest political spin machine in history. They made an armed robbery go away, all the while not having to explain how a current player had a luxury apartment with loads of cash stored in it and how said robbers knew it was in there.
I see nothing that keeps Clemson out of the playoffs for the foreseeable future, and would give a better than 75% chance that Alabama joins them. Other than the fans of these 2 schools, it gets difficult for viewers to tune in to the same thing year after year. I'm sure the NCAA would love to see your playoff, but considering the first 4 yrs of the playoff, and how recruiting is going, I just don't see anything changing in the pecking order.

I agree with you we are likely to continue seeing Clemson and Bama for a while longer.

My point was if Clemson or Bama got in serious trouble and were made ineligible for some reason, the NCAA/CFP would not suffer because of their absence. There are more than enough “brands” to go around in college football.

Now in basketball, I don’t doubt they will never seriously investigate Coach K or Roy Williams. Even if the FBI hands them a neat package with proof of obvious violations, I question their willingness to damage the darling programs.

Will be interesting to see if Kansas and Self face any real consequences from the FBI investigation.
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Sadly Clemson is winning because of 2 things. Talent and Brent Venables. They've a guy in him that should be a HC at a top 6-7 program in the Country but has a rare non competitive trait in which he doesn't remotely want to be a HC regardless of who comes calling. They have OC's that have no desire to move up to HC positions either. I used to somewhat eyeroll Dabos faith because I thought he was using it to pitch the football program but I'm starting to believe God has blessed him and it isn't some insincere pitch he uses.
Money aside, I don't think being a head coach would be very fun. If Venables doesn't care about the money, I can easily see why he'd rather do what he's doing. He actually gets to coach and not deal with most of the off the field responsibilities.
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Does this type of thing (steroid use) at these types of schools really get dug in to. Obviously there is some use of steroids at Clemson, but does the NCAA really want to investigate this? Who out there is going to push this that has the ability to really do something about it?
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Just my opinion. The only way Clemson gets looked at by the NCAA, is if they continue to win multiple championships. Right now they are the darlings of the NCAA, they took down, and have replaced Alabama at the throne. How many years does Sabah continue? Until then, the NCAA, ESPN, and all the money that pours into college football, NEEDS Clemson, to be a serious competitor, to drive interest. If Alabama slips near the end of Sabans tenure, or after, and Clemson goes on a monotonous run, with NO challenger, you will see slight nudges from media and NCAA into their program. I think it could be a similar situation to Miami of the 80's and 90's. The downside is, we will have to endure a lot of accomplishments before that happens.

To test your theory, then why didn't the NCAA investigate Bama the last several years.
Just my opinion. The only way Clemson gets looked at by the NCAA, is if they continue to win multiple championships. Right now they are the darlings of the NCAA, they took down, and have replaced Alabama at the throne. How many years does Sabah continue? Until then, the NCAA, ESPN, and all the money that pours into college football, NEEDS Clemson, to be a serious competitor, to drive interest. If Alabama slips near the end of Sabans tenure, or after, and Clemson goes on a monotonous run, with NO challenger, you will see slight nudges from media and NCAA into their program. I think it could be a similar situation to Miami of the 80's and 90's. The downside is, we will have to endure a lot of accomplishments before that happens.
If that is the trigger that indicates massive cheating, why hasn't Bama been investigated?
If that is the trigger that indicates massive cheating, why hasn't Bama been investigated?
Alabama is a blue blood... they can do whatever they want. There is no question that they are filthy though... although you could make the argument that they get some recruits just because of the legend of Bryant and their history. And to be clear, I don't think ANYONE is getting investigated very much. It's in the NCAA's best interests to turn a blind eye to most of this... and like I said earlier, if it's done correctly, they'd have a hell of a time proving much anyway.
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Bama and Clemson players are on something. I played ball with guys that did it and it’s obvious. Clemson’s D looks like NFL players. Not just one, two or four, their backups too. And Clemson’s boys were bigger than Bama’s. Those 2 schools strength and conditioning coaches aren’t THAT much better than everyone else’s. I sometimes think we have our guys running marathons or something for conditioning drills cause we’re puny compared to them. Wasn’t like that 5 years ago.
Amen and Amen.
Nothing is going to boil over at Clemson. And unfortunately, I don't see them being threatened until Lawrence takes his game to the NFL. And they just keep stockpiling the talent. I'd love for the NCAA to stumble onto something that couldn't be swept under the rug. A whistleblower from inside the program would be nice. But Dabo seems to keep things under wraps pretty good, so I don't see that happening
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The old saying is "The higher they fly, the harder they fall". Gamecock fans, nothing last forever. My hunch is that the erosion of their foundation will start as the investigation into the players who tested positive for drugs proceeds. The public relations of Moo U is acting like this was a random and unexplainable event. I do not believe that "THREE" positive drug tests at the same time are an accident. The use of drugs may be one of the reasons their players have played so well. If the truth is allowed to surface, this could be the crack in their program that brings them down. Just saying.

I nominate you to call the NCAA because the overwhelming proof uncovered on this message board is damning and Clemson football would only be a memory.
Just my opinion. The only way Clemson gets looked at by the NCAA, is if they continue to win multiple championships. Right now they are the darlings of the NCAA, they took down, and have replaced Alabama at the throne. How many years does Sabah continue? Until then, the NCAA, ESPN, and all the money that pours into college football, NEEDS Clemson, to be a serious competitor, to drive interest. If Alabama slips near the end of Sabans tenure, or after, and Clemson goes on a monotonous run, with NO challenger, you will see slight nudges from media and NCAA into their program. I think it could be a similar situation to Miami of the 80's and 90's. The downside is, we will have to endure a lot of accomplishments before that happens.
In all seriousness, so why wouldn't Bama winning an unprecidented 5 of the last 10 championships be any indication of cheating? Is the inclination that Bama can win honestly and CU cannot? The NCAA doesn't need Clemson because no one outside SC knows where it is.
The old saying is "The higher they fly, the harder they fall".

It was Joe Walcott, the Barbados Demon, welterweight champion of the world from 1901-1904, who actually coined the phrase "the bigger they are the harder they fall." Bob Fitzsimmons certainly popularized the saying before he faced Jim Jeffries, but it was Walcott who first said it.

Joe Walcott, The Barbados Demon...“The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall.
The old saying is "The higher they fly, the harder they fall". Gamecock fans, nothing last forever. My hunch is that the erosion of their foundation will start as the investigation into the players who tested positive for drugs proceeds. The public relations of Moo U is acting like this was a random and unexplainable event. I do not believe that "THREE" positive drug tests at the same time are an accident. The use of drugs may be one of the reasons their players have played so well. If the truth is allowed to surface, this could be the crack in their program that brings them down. Just saying.

But it's better to have loved and been heartbroken than to never to have loved at all
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Nothing is going to boil over at Clemson. And unfortunately, I don't see them being threatened until Lawrence takes his game to the NFL. And they just keep stockpiling the talent. I'd love for the NCAA to stumble onto something that couldn't be swept under the rug. A whistleblower from inside the program would be nice. But Dabo seems to keep things under wraps pretty good, so I don't see that happening

If you are looking for the perfect whistleblower, wouldn't Tavien Feaster be the guy? He was a 5 star recruit that left the program and is now on your roster. If anyone could spill the beans on just how dirty Clemson is it would seem he would be the guy.
If you are looking for the perfect whistleblower, wouldn't Tavien Feaster be the guy? He was a 5 star recruit that left the program and is now on your roster. If anyone could spill the beans on just how dirty Clemson is it would seem he would be the guy.
or Josh Belk...or Kelly Bryant...or any others who have transferred out or any recruits that were courted but never offered a scholarship. Seems like if something incriminating was there it would have been uncovered by now. The only incriminating evidence thus far is on a rivals message board.
Please. You forgot to also list that Clemson and Alabama are paying players as an excuse also. Better start another thread. There is very little difference in S&C from one school to another. But when you are working with 5 star athletes that were born bigger, stronger, and faster, it sure works out better. Not all players are created equal. But what you see with those teams is a direct reflection of top 5 recruiting year after year
When you got 3 star players like wash st coaching must outperform the opponent
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