Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

McConnell broke sharply with Trump and said, “Yeah, I’m not a fan of tariffs.”

“You’ll find no serious, respected trade economists thinking that this is a good idea,” Ian Sheldon, a professor of Agricultural Marketing, Trade and Policy at The Ohio State University, told Business Insider on Wednesday.

Other economists noted the policy would violate the Trump-brokered United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which took the place of NAFTA in 2020.

Story didn't change at all.

Guy had a stupid Trump flag - looked like he was going to sink and I headed the other direction. 100% accurate.

Flag ended up in the water. dumb ass was drunk.

The odds that any of this story is true, or that Dirty Dave even owns a boat, is probably well under 5%.


Oh and Dave - Thanks for keeping up with us each day even though you toured the world this summer. :)

Whether it was at a Cafe in Paris, a Gondola in Venice, or the Redwoods in CA -- you've been committed to logging on everyday and spreading as much propaganda as humanly possible.

The kids are back in school now so I'm sure your back in the burbs.

I just wanted to give you a shout out to your unwavering commitment to this forum.

Just added a trip to Europe for the family to catch up with my in-laws who are there for the summer.
Didn't think I'd have time but worked it out. Been on the move all summer.

I was in California, Nevada, New York, Eastern Canada most of June. I like to travel. My daughter had been wanting to go out to California so we spent some time there. Then spent some time in Vegas with my wife and daughter.

Also cruised some of the intracoastal, and hit Lake Keowee, Lake Greenwood, Murray, and Hartwell for some extended weekends in May and early June.

My in laws are travelling in France and Germany this summer and I wanted to try to catch up with them but doesn't look favorable at this point.
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Big PHARMA praises Conservative circuit court for blocking Biden administration in lowering drug prices.

A constitutional challenge to the Biden administration program enabling Medicare to negotiate lower prices for widely used prescription drugs was revived by a federal appeals court in New Orleans in a 2-1 decision Friday.

The two judges were George Bush and Donald Trump appointees.

Congress created the program as part of the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022. The first 10 drugs targeted for negotiations were announced last year, and new prices, agreed upon last month, are set to take effect in 2026.

PhRMA released a statement applauding the ruling: “We are pleased the Fifth Circuit agreed that the merits of our lawsuit challenging the IRA’s drug pricing provisions should be heard."

The lawsuit has put on pause the ability to negotiate lower drug prices for older Americans. The goal of the price negotiation was to lower prices and make them more in line with the prices that Europeans pay for the same medications.
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Big PHARMA praises Conservative circuit court for blocking Biden administration in lowering drug prices.

A constitutional challenge to the Biden administration program enabling Medicare to negotiate lower prices for widely used prescription drugs was revived by a federal appeals court in New Orleans in a 2-1 decision Friday.

The two judges were George Bush and Donald Trump appointees.

Congress created the program as part of the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022. The first 10 drugs targeted for negotiations were announced last year, and new prices, agreed upon last month, are set to take effect in 2026.

PhRMA released a statement applauding the ruling: “We are pleased the Fifth Circuit agreed that the merits of our lawsuit challenging the IRA’s drug pricing provisions should be heard."

The lawsuit has put on pause the ability to negotiate lower drug prices for older Americans. The goal of the price negotiation was to lower prices and make them more in line with the prices that Europeans pay for the same medications.

Why should we care who the mafia is praising? If Trump is elected, Kennedy is going to mow those boys over.
He's totally going to do things he didn't do his first term...

The fun thing to watch if Trump was to win will be all the Biden judges implementing nationwide blocks on Trump. That aggravated him badly the first time around.

Plus, you have several Republican senators who not go along with him. I think Lisa Murkowski has already said she won't even vote for Trump.
What? HAHA! Dominated? You’re shitting me? I didn’t know having pre-determined questions/answers, along with her ear piece was considered “dominating. What a schmuck

You are such an idiot. LOL

"earpiece" LOL

She won.

“Let’s make no mistake. Trump had a bad night,” Fox News analyst Brit Hume said on Fox News as the debate ended

"Vice President Harris clearly won the debate in terms of her delivery, her polish, her organization and her preparation,”
Robert Kennedy Jr said soon after the debate.

Guy Benson, editor of conservative website Townhall, declared “Trump was poorly prepared and unfocused, left many points on the field, and missed numerous opportunities to press a case against her. Harris basically accomplished exactly what she wanted to here."

Trump support Republican Senator Lindsey Graham quickly took to the airwaves to declare Trump had a very poor night and should fire the staff that helped him.
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"across-the-board tariffs [of] 10 or 20% is just inflationary. It’s a tax on the American consumer. But to make matters even worse, what’s truly insane, when you threaten a legendary company like John Deere with a 200% tariff if they move, but only a 10 or 20% tariff on China, what you’re doing is you’re making it easy for the Chinese competitors to take business away from John Deere. That is the definition of insane.

If you look at Donald, when he talks about his policies, they’re very impetuous. They’re impulsive. They’re, you know, set to match whatever is happening at a rally.

Think about what happens when Donald comes out and says, I’m going to put a 10% cap on credit card interest rates. The next thing that happens isn’t that he explains why. It’s that everybody around him explains what he says. He can’t explain it for himself. Everybody’s got to explain for him."

"the sort of pledge you might expect to hear from a Democrat like Elizabeth Warren"

Of course, such a cap would make it almost impossible for people with less than perfect credit to get a credit card." - Wall Street Journal

A previous effort in 2021 to cap interest rates at 36% was defeated by Senate Republicans. (No president can cap interest rates)

Donald Trump wants to cap credit card interest rates at 10%

He used the court system to address what he thought was illegal behavior and was unsuccessful. Hardly the tactics of a (d)ictator. That would be using the court system to try to remove opponents from the ballot.

What is sad is that this is the lie.

That’s the scary point. Someone claiming a sitting president tried to overturn an election via an illegal order to his vice president and urged his supporters to storm the capitol is more true than saying a sitting president used the court system.

Let that sink in.
Not totally pointless.

It's helped continue and deepen the hate going on both sides. That's a good thing

Now that I live in the Northeast I can get really soft on republicans because I’m rather moderate.

But this thread has really reminded me how extreme and out of touch the Republican Party is at the moment
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What is sad is that this is the lie.

That’s the scary point. Someone claiming a sitting president tried to overturn an election via an illegal order to his vice president and urged his supporters to storm the capitol is more true than saying a sitting president used the court system.

Let that sink in.
How many people did Trump have shot after he didn't get his desired result? How many did he have imprisoned? You know, like a dictator would do.

The Electoral Count Act is a vague and convoluted law, even after it was amended in 2022. What is not convoluted is your lie that Trump urged supporters to storm the Capitol. With that there is no confusion. You know exactly what you are doing, but a sewer rat isn't concerned with the disease it spreads.

I realize you terrorists are still agitated that you weren't allowed to steal the 2000 election in Florida, but sometimes the law is on your side, and sometimes it isn't.
"across-the-board tariffs [of] 10 or 20% is just inflationary. It’s a tax on the American consumer. But to make matters even worse, what’s truly insane, when you threaten a legendary company like John Deere with a 200% tariff if they move, but only a 10 or 20% tariff on China, what you’re doing is you’re making it easy for the Chinese competitors to take business away from John Deere. That is the definition of insane.

If you look at Donald, when he talks about his policies, they’re very impetuous. They’re impulsive. They’re, you know, set to match whatever is happening at a rally.

Think about what happens when Donald comes out and says, I’m going to put a 10% cap on credit card interest rates. The next thing that happens isn’t that he explains why. It’s that everybody around him explains what he says. He can’t explain it for himself. Everybody’s got to explain for him."

You do know that the bulk of parts made and manufacturing by John Deere is out of country to include China?

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