Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

  • The international trade deficit Trump promised to reduce went up. The U.S. trade deficit in goods and services in 2020 was the highest since 2008 and increased 36.3% from 2016.
  • Illegal immigration increased. Apprehensions at the Southwest border rose 14.7% last year compared with 2016.
  • Coal production declined 26.5%, and coal-mining jobs dropped by 25%.
  • the U.S. economy was slowing down even before the pandemic. The U.S. added less than 2 million jobs in 2019 — the lowest annual growth since 2010.

    When Trump’s term ended in January 2021, the unemployment rate was 6.4% — which was 1.7 percentage points higher than when he took office, but still lower than the unemployment rates when Presidents Jimmy Carter (7.5%), George H.W. Bush (7.3%) and George W. Bush (7.8%) left office.

    (The current unemployment rate is 4.2%)

    The U.S. economy added manufacturing jobs every month during Trump’s first 24 months in office. But those job gains began to erode — beginning in March 2019, a year before the pandemic

What a dishonest turd you are.

Dems policies killed coal. Fact.
Dems opened the borders. Fact.
Unemployment was a 3.5% under Trump until the pandemic.
The economy slowed in 2019 because the Fed decided to jack up rates after leaving them at records lows for Obama's entire term.
8 rate hikes in his first 2 years. Of course there was going to be a slowdown. That was the purpose, despite literally no inflation.
Of course, with Biden in office, the Fed sat on their ass and did nothing while inflation soared.
And now, right before the election, they decide to cut.

The Fed did everything they could to hurt Trump and everything they could to help Biden. Now they are doing the same for Coconut Tree Kamala.
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What a dishonest turd you are.

Dems policies killed coal. Fact.
Dems opened the borders. Fact.
Unemployment was a 3.5% under Trump until the pandemic.
The economy slowed in 2019 because the Fed decided to jack up rates after leaving them at records lows for Obama's entire term.
8 rate hikes in his first 2 years. Of course there was going to be a slowdown. That was the purpose, despite literally no inflation.
Of course, with Biden in office, the Fed sat on their ass and did nothing while inflation soared.
And now, right before the election, they decide to cut.

The Fed did everything they could to hurt Trump and everything they could to help Biden. Now they are doing the same for Coconut Tree Kamala.

Trump's term was 4 years, not 3.

The combined U.S. goods and services trade deficit increased to $679 billion in 2020, compared to $481 billion in 2016, the year before Trump took office. The trade deficit in goods alone hit $916 billion, a record high and an increase of about 21 percent from 2016.

“The Trump administration never had a feasible plan for reducing the trade deficit,” explained Mary Lovely, a senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics.

Better than MLK....yikes MAGA....not looking good in NC.

“I’m not in the KKK. They don’t let blacks join. If I was in the KKK I would have called him Martin Lucifer Koon!”

Trump on Mark Robinson: “You are Dr. Martin Luther King on steroids … I think you are going to be the next Governor of NC.

Could you imagine if this was happening to Harris or Biden.

They would be locked away in a fortified shelter until the end of time.


2 major bombshells on Trump’s assassination attempts

1. DHS knows of 5 separate assassination teams, 3 foreign and 2 domestic, who are actively targeting Trump and informed Secret Service well before July 13

2. Knowing this intel, Secret Service still took protection away from Trump and gave it to others with very low target risks

This is why Kimberly Cheatle was forced out

She knew they were trying to kill Trump, she pulled resources away, and she allowed them to take their shots

Insane corruption.

Hillary Clinton….really?

Blackrock/Pfizer TV broke Flames awhile back. Never been the same.

The cat ladies will be the last to come to their senses.

They will have to go through many stages to come to terms with being wrong.

However, many of them will never admit it and advance to 'crazy cat lady' status for the remainder of their lives.
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Better than MLK....yikes MAGA....not looking good in NC.

I was in Charlotte today. Robinson was already down pretty big- this will make it even worse.

Republicans there are hoping he'd drop out. I'm glad he's staying in as this is a gift. They knew this guy was a nut job.

We are now at this point where right wing-nuts are lying and saying they don't know him. LOL

(Watters is an adulterer so he lies a lot anyway)

Maybe he’s really a she who just wants to see a woman elected president. For him/her any woman will do — especially if she’s a black one.
As I've said numerous times, I hate Trump. I want him to lose. I don't care the name of the person that can beat him.
These guys are hilarious- and good at what they do

At the end of the video lady says she wants their "Tone down the Rhetoric" sign

and she then says Harris committed treason and wants to lock her up.

Trumpers are a group for sure

In fairness to Larry, he always looks distraught. That's just the way a chain smoker looks

I always felt a little sorry for him on Fox. Numerous Fox Hosts have made fun of people that have had drug problems over the years when they were attacking Democrats like Hunter Biden and others

Larry had a bad drug problem for years and years

What a day

A Texas pastor resigns after a relationship with another woman

A theology professor was found out to have a "second marriage" that no one knew about

Mark Robinson in North Carolina

and now

Olivia Nuzzi on Leave from New York Magazine After Romantic Relationship with RFK Jr.​

oh - This will help a lot. LOL

"If I don't win this election, the Jewish people will have a lot to do with it"

Pretty crazy comment. Pretty negative too "if I don't win" .....

Another fire and brimstone preacher diddling a lady not his wife

and then his cult fans (and he has a lot of single men that are fans of his fire and brimstone preaching) are trying to figure out a way to excuse adultery

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I got up early and walked my dog this morning. It was so nice. Mid-60's. I then came back inside and watched an episode of Sanford and Son on Peacock. During one of the commercials a KamaLIE ad about "Trump's Project '25" ran where it said the rights of black people would be taken away. The sad thing is, there are idiots that believe this. To my knowledge, the only candidates to cavalierly discard the rights and civil liberties of black people were KGB Kamala and Gestapo Tim. If she would abuse her power as a prosecutor and AG to falsely imprison people, and if he would, at the point of a gun, prevent people via his ratline from gathering with their family, what will they do if they are POTUS and VPOTUS?
I got up early and walked my dog this morning. It was so nice. Mid-60's. I then came back inside and watched an episode of Sanford and Son on Peacock. During one of the commercials a KamaLIE ad about "Trump's Project '25" ran where it said the rights of black people would be taken away. The sad thing is, there are idiots that believe this. To my knowledge, the only candidates to cavalierly discard the rights and civil liberties of black people were KGB Kamala and Gestapo Tim. If she would abuse her power as a prosecutor and AG to falsely imprison people, and if he would, at the point of a gun, prevent people via his ratline from gathering with their family, what will they do if they are POTUS and VPOTUS?
I saw the SAME AD!! Krazy how the left can just LIE and never be held accountable or "FACT CHECKED" by the Liberal Media..
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I saw the SAME AD!! Krazy how the left can just LIE and never be held accountable or "FACT CHECKED" by the Liberal Media..
Even though Trump has publicly disavowed any part in creating the document, the media continues to let Harris and her supporters make the claim without challenging it.
As I've said numerous times, I hate Trump. I want him to lose. I don't care the name of the person that can beat him.

As we've said numerous times, this is the mentality of an illogical petulant child.

Why do you hate him so bad Gomer? Can you put it in your own words?
Even though Trump has publicly disavowed any part in creating the document, the media continues to let Harris and her supporters make the claim without challenging it.
Dozens of people (actually a lot more I think) close him worked on it.

if that was the case with Harris, you'd never accept she had nothing to do with it.

Turnabout is completely, 100% fair.

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