Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

I'm a little disappointed that the Dems haven't fallen back to their David Duke boogie man strategy of the past. That's about the only lie they haven't told this election cycle.

There seems to be plenty of lies coming from the Trump campaign. Hell, Republicans like Mike Dewine in Ohio and Mike Rogers in Ohio have been upset at the Trump/Vance campaign themselves this week for just the Ohio related stuff.

I think the lies sort of even out.

Trying so hard to pretend to be a real guy. Way too hard. But smart people know better about Mr. DUI in a Miata. I wonder how many Cosmos he had. lol

Trying so hard to pretend to be a real guy. Way too hard. But smart people know better about Mr. DUI in a Miata. I wonder how many Cosmos he had. lol

Yeah...., I don't think that story from 1990 about a high school teacher and his friendship with Chinese high school students is a negative in any sense of the word. Especially after the facts I posted earlier this week about his willingness to hold China's leaders accountable when he was in Congress.

It's especially strange given how all through the 1990s all kinds of American business people and groups (and politicians from both parties) were flocking to China to try to generate good will toward the Chinese people in what George HW Bush, Bill Clinton and George W Bush hoped would open up China and hopefully convince them to be a true partner in the world economy.

The information below reveals a different time in history between China and the United States- and allows one to see things through the context of the time...

Known in Beijing as the “bicycle-riding envoy” on account of the many hours he spent cycling through the capital’s narrow hutong alleyways with his wife Barbara, Bush, George HW Bush endeared himself to local residents with his down-to-earth practicality and enthusiasm for Chinese life and its people.

After the events of June 4, 1989, Bush made the controversial decision to reach out to Beijing’s then leader Deng Xiaoping to smooth relations following the brutal massacre, an act which the Chinese government never forgot.

“My long history with Deng and the other leaders made it possible for us to work through the crises without derailing Sino-American relations,”

Several years later, when Bush was looking to build consensus in the UN Security Council in 1991 for action against Iraq during the First Gulf War, China didn’t use its veto power against the United States.

One of Bush’s last visits to China was during the Beijing Olympics in 2008, where he told the Washington Post in a rare interview China was an important friend to the United States.

The Chinese people always had a soft spot for the first Bush president. “I love the Chinese people. One of my dreams for our world is that these two powerful giants will continue working toward a full partnership and friendship that will bring peace and prosperity to people everywhere,” Bush said.
Only Al Gore and Joe Biden take credit for creating something they had absolutely nothing to do with.

That 70S Show Lol GIF by Peacock

Yeah, your messiah would never- ever do that.

From the absurd to every-day stuff, Donald Trump has a lifetime of taking credit for all kinds of things he had absolutely nothing to do with.... the list is way, way too long so I randomly grabbed a small sampling

TRUMP: “Since my election, Intel announced that they will building a factory in Chandler, Arizona and invest billions of dollars in the United States and will create tens of thousands of new American jobs.”

THE FACTS: Intel's construction of their new factory in Chandler, Arizona started during Obama’s presidency in 2011.

Trump: Since taking office I have been very strict on Commercial Aviation. Good news - it was just reported that there were Zero deaths in 2017, the best and safest year on record!

The FACTS: Asked what exactly Trump had done for commercial aviation, the White House said Trump had raised the bar for our nation’s aviation safety and security” but pointed to no specific policy or requirement that had been implemented during Trump's term.

Left unsaid: There hadn't been a fatal US commercial passenger airline crash in the US since 2009.

Trump: “Have you heard the expression "Priming the Pump" used before? “Because I haven’t heard it. I mean, I just … I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It’s what you have to do.” - Donald Trump, May 2017

The FACTS: Priming the Pump can be traced to the late 1800s. It was regularly used, economically speaking, starting in the 1930s. Donald Trump did not invent the term.
Pretty good. Walsh getting schooled by Ryan Grim is interesting. I pay Walsh really no attention but every time Walsh talks to someone who has a deep knowledge of history, he ends up basically stuttering.

So you pay him no attention, yet you know what happens every time he does a particular thing?

Is this you being a liar or being an imbecile? I know, why not both, right?
So you pay him no attention, yet you know what happens every time he does a particular thing?

Like explaining something to my children........ (but they are smarter)

I don't keep up with him, follow him, or pay his online presence any attention (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).

When I do notice something from him because someone else posted about him, he's getting school by someone (above) or being a hypocrite.

Like explaining something to my children........ (but they are smarter)

I don't keep up with him, follow him, or pay his online presence any attention (daily, weekly, monthly, etc).

When I do notice something from him because someone else posted about him, he's getting school by someone (above) or being a hypocrite.

That's a long explanation. Wouldn't it be easier to just admit you're a liar?
Trump is simply the vessel. People like Musk and Kennedy will take the lead in turning us around.

If they can even accomplish a fraction of El Salvador's turnaround has been from horrific progressive leadership....

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