Dawn being Dawn at ESPYs

Rogan is so annoying at times. Deploracrats and liberals have always been about silencing critics. They have always been pro-censorship. This is nothing new. They are terrorists at heart.

Rogan is one of those who had a tough time getting beyond the Bush Administration's obvious lies to push war. (e.g. "weapons of mass destruction", "we never envisioned them using planes to hit buildings", etc.)

He openly believes the US and Israel likely orchestrated 9/11 and there's obviously a lot of evidence to support that conclusion.

Yikes! And another former MAGA supporter flipped blue. 📮
Funny stuff. A random voter flipping. Good find. Kinda like all those liberal organizations, unions and the likes not putting their endorsements behind Kamala Harris. Oh wait, no it's not like a random voter flipping at all. Lol
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This deserves a repost.

The FDA, Big Pharma and Big Food have collaborated to make Americans sick as well as ruin/end lives -- all for profit.


"FDA’s war on public health is about to end.

This includes its aggressive suppression of psychedelics, peptides, stem cells, raw milk, hyperbaric therapies, chelating compounds, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, vitamins, clean foods, sunshine, exercise, nutraceuticals and anything else that advances human health and can't be patented by Pharma.

If you work for the FDA and are part of this corrupt system, I have two messages for you: 1. Preserve your records, and 2. Pack your bags."

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"I've paid far more attention to Kamala than I ever imagined I would with a presidential candidate, listening to her interviews, speeches, and so on.

"I suspect that many people, even people who are her partisans, are realizing something quite shocking. It's this: she knows less about policy, news, existing public controversies, and even recent history, than most people who read X or NYT or even just listen to the news on radio or TV. For that matter, I suspect that just about any person on the street knows more.

"It's like she hasn't really paid much attention to anything for years. Interviewers are trying their best to be kind to her, but even the slightest bit of push on what she knows turns up a big nothing. It's not that she is being cagey or clever. The trouble is that she truly does not know.

'It's hard to understand why. It could be that she has, for most of her career, been able to outsource knowledge and understanding to others. She has always just been a smiling face, the socializer, the spouter of bromides, and gotten by with faking it. After a while, it probably doesn't feel like faking; it feels like this is the way the job is supposed to be. She has not known any other way.

"Now she is expected to play the part of someone who knows some minimum something about a range of issues, and she simply cannot deal with it. What's remarkable is that her champions are as mortified by this as anyone.

"Of all people who should find her off-putting and intolerable it should be professional women. In the workplace, people like are despised because they bring discredit to everyone else. They usually create their own glass ceilings."


Oh boy! This should excite the die-hard Russian loving MAGAs! Musk, who started a business in the US as an illegal immigrant & regularly talks to the Russian president, is now reinforcing MAGA lies, likely influenced by Russia. You just can't make this stuff up. 😲

Elon Musk says the real threat to democracy is the people who accuse Trump of endangering it​

Musk also said that the Jan. 6 attack by Trump’s supporters has been called “some sort of violent insurrection, which is simply not the case"