Despicable treatment Tim Tebow received by the Charleston River Dogs organization. Somebody should

Hitler considered himself to be Christian. He hated Jews, gays, gypsies, and other minorities.
Many claim to be Christians but God's word describes exactly what a Christian is. How we should live our lives, love one another, etc. I learn everyday by reading His word how to address my failures and be a better person. I will never be perfect on this earth.
You are right. I still remember leaving the keys in your car Not locking any doors or windows. Hell we slept with attic fan on and windows and doors open only screens to keep bugs out. But neighbors also had permission to bust our azz if we got out of line. Same thing at school.

How much sleep would I get with your keys in your car and doors and windows open these days
You guys go realize the crime rate has fallen steeply in the past 35 years, right?
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They considered themselves to be, and they killed in the name of Christianity. That is no different from blaming other religious groups for heinous crimes. You can't have it both ways.

The worst mass killings in this country were perpetrated by white Christians.

What time period in America did White Christians kill innocent people in masses? Yes, there were the witch hunts, etc. but White Christians killing people in masses???
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Just finished a run on the battery and now heading for a cup of coffee at Fast and French. My cross to bear.
I ran on a 2 mile dirt road, didn't have to avoid anyone and running on dirt is better for your joints than pavement. Instead of paying $4 for coffe, I went home and made my own.
Dylan Roof, Columbine, Aurora, Oklahoma City, Sandy Hook and sadly many, many more. All white dudes. I'm not sure if they were Christian or not, but dollars to doughnuts the majority grew up in the Christian tradition.

No one race, nation, religion, etc. has the market cornered on horrific acts. The only generalization it is safe to make is that men are far more likely to do these things than women. Even with that, still the vast majority of men are decent, peace loving people.

I'm not going to let you get away with saying the Columbine killers were Christians. They asked a female student if she believed in God and when she replied yes, those sorry bastards took a shotgun and pointed it just a few inches from her and blow her away. That my friend, is the work of PROUD ATHEIST.
Looks like a bunch of triggered snowflakes. Maybe y'all should get a safe space, you delicate, PC Tebow lovers.

I'd rather be a Tebow lover than someone that acted like the Riverdogs and those left wing nut jobs that said they wished Congressman Scalise would have died.
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"Yeah, we need to go back to burning human beings alive for heresy" I get it now, much like radical Muslims do today. What the Riverdogs did was not within context of today's society and was just tasteless to say the least. Had it been anyone except White Christians they (Riverdogs) were making fun of there would be no end to the news coverage.
I'm a white Christian but my blood pressure doesn't give me a stroke every single time I disagree with someone. They aren't impeding your rights, Fred. Seriously, chill the freak out.

And, to the atheists and agnostics, I guess you think you're standing on the moral high ground, being able to throw crap about both sides. If I'm responsible for behavior of so-called Christians, and others are for "radical" Muslims, then grow some balls and accept responsibility for all crime committed by assholes who never entered a mosque or church.

Also, if you hate Charleston, you're just being stupid. Most revered city in our state and that won't end for a long time. Especially if you live in Orangeburg, Richburg, Pacolet, etc, just shut up. Seriously.
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2 years ago Charleston was begging for prayers from all over, now they make fun of people that prayed for them.

I'm not sure you can hold the entire city accountable for the acts of it's minor league baseball team. Seems like a stretch, after all it was the Charleston citizens whom originally complained about the taunting.
I'm not a snowflake either, what the Riverdog thing was out of bounds for civility if for no other reasons. And I can promise you this, it offended many Americans.
Being easily offended is the definition of a snowflake. "Oh lawd! The river dawgs have trolled saint tim! Where is my fainting couch!?!?"

Come on, Tebow has heard worse at Billy Brice, I'm sure.
Bong I think you are missing the point. Liberals make fun of, call names, revile, threaten conservatives, especially white Christian males. They call us haters, say we don`t care about others, while THEY are the ones who go around rioting, smashing businesses, etc. They make remarks about killing Trump. If anyone had sad the same things about Obama, the Secret Service would have been at their house the same day to question them or lock them up. They say Trump`s supporters are dangerous people while, for the most part, they are the ones inciting violence or assaulting people. Don`t believe me? Watch Fox News if you want the truth. If anyone makes fun, or threatens, any minority(and nobody should), the media or businesses will not tolerate it. The Riverdogs went out of their way, not just once or twice but repeatedly through the whole weekend, to make fun of Tebow, which appears to be primarily because of his religious beliefs. There are no excuses and I hope somebody lost their job due to this horribly poor judgement.
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What time period in America did White Christians kill innocent people in masses? Yes, there were the witch hunts, etc. but White Christians killing people in masses???
People tend to forget the abortion clinic bombings and shootings, including that of one guy who escaped and lived in the mountains relatively near you for a couple of years.
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Bong I think you are missing the point. Liberals make fun of, call names, revile, threaten conservatives, especially white Christian males. They call us haters, say we don`t care about others, while THEY are the ones who go around rioting, smashing businesses, etc. They make remarks about killing Trump. If anyone had sad the same things about Obama, the Secret Service would have been at their house the same day to question them or lock them up. They say Trump`s supporters are dangerous people while, for the most part, they are the ones inciting violence or assaulting people. Don`t believe me? Watch Fox News if you want the truth. If anyone makes fun, or threatens, any minority(and nobody should), the media or businesses will not tolerate it. The Riverdogs went out of their way, not just once or twice but repeatedly through the whole weekend, to make fun of Tebow, which appears to be primarily because of his religious beliefs. There are no excuses and I hope somebody lost their job due to this horribly poor judgement.
If Tebow was of any faith other than the Christian faith is would be seen religious persecution. The thing some of the posters don't understand about Christianity is the nature of the faith. Because you grew up in a Christian home, or call yourself a Christian doesn't make you one any more than going to a garage makes you a car. They believe anyone outside of another faith has to be Christian. Folks love to point out isolated cases where they believe terror was brought about by a so called Christian but are quick to tell you all Muslins are not terrorist. Tebow doesn't care about being mocked at a minor league baseball game he knows it all comes with the territory of a believer. They mocked Jesus too and he told us we would be also.
Of course the public statement they issued to him at the conclusion of the series thanking him for a great time and exciting series gets ignored by the OP because it doesn't support the agenda. What the Riverdogs did was funny and in the spirit of Minor League ballpark antics done all over the US. Tebow isn't on the Fireflies organization because he's good or a fixture for the team to develop rising talent. His job is solely to put butts in the stands, and he does that- he does it darn well. Opposing teams sell out and break attendance records when the Fireflies visit. You change the player to anyone else and no one bats an eye. Having fun with your home fans by making fun of an opposing player who's only purpose on the team is to draw attention to the team is part of the deal.
The public statement is supposed to make it all good

You can bet that statement was planned in advance of the series
If Tebow was of any faith other than the Christian faith is would be seen religious persecution. The thing some of the posters don't understand about Christianity is the nature of the faith. Because you grew up in a Christian home, or call yourself a Christian doesn't make you one any more than going to a garage makes you a car. They believe anyone outside of another faith has to be Christian. Folks love to point out isolated cases where they believe terror was brought about by a so called Christian but are quick to tell you all Muslins are not terrorist. Tebow doesn't care about being mocked at a minor league baseball game he knows it all comes with the territory of a believer. They mocked Jesus too and he told us we would be also.
Thought you left.
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What time period in America did White Christians kill innocent people in masses? Yes, there were the witch hunts, etc. but White Christians killing people in masses???

Reference almost any of the many mass shootings we have with frightening regularity for decades.
Being easily offended is the definition of a snowflake. "Oh lawd! The river dawgs have trolled saint tim! Where is my fainting couch!?!?"

Come on, Tebow has heard worse at Billy Brice, I'm sure.

Lawd have mercy. I sure hope Freddie and the others have recovered from their bout with the vapors.
No the difference is Islam will blow you up for stuff like that. Christians will die for what we believe in, Muslims want YOU to die for what THEY believe in. Not complicated at all.

I think you need to study history a bit more.
"This country ain't what it used to be" aka old white men hiding behind religion and mad that the blacks, hispanics and gays are fighting and standing up for their basic human rights. Big difference between patriotism and nationalism and they are too bigoted to see that "MURICA" is idolatry.
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There are only a small percentage of Muslims that blow people up but there is a relatively large percentage that believe in Sharia law and want to see it become law in the US and the world for that matter.

A question: how many christians try to impose their view of the law on everyone else? An awful lot.
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I don't care what happened 800 years ago in the Crusades. Look, all Muslims are not jihadist but all jihadist are Muslims. No real follower of Christ will blow up people it's just that simple, Jesus never taught killing Islam does. If real Christians were murders then RADICAL Islam wouldn't be an issue they would all be dead.

You don't have to go back to the crusades; just go back a few years to Catholics vs. Protestants in the British Isles.
Well trying to impose isn't the right way just inform and let them decide. I agree some are holier than thou we all know them.

I'm just trying to say it isn't unique to Islam, it's something that is a trait of all that are religiously arrogant and think their way is the only way.
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