Despicable treatment Tim Tebow received by the Charleston River Dogs organization. Somebody should

I'm just trying to say it isn't unique to Islam, it's something that is a trait of all that are religiously arrogant and think their way is the only way.
There is only one way. That's not arrogant that's Bible either you believe it or don't. Even Jesus told his disciples not to show arrogance and force anything. It's a choice not a demand unlike ISIS where it's convert or die. I think it is unique to Islam in that matter. I'm not judging just informing.
"This country ain't what it used to be" aka old white men hiding behind religion and mad that the blacks, hispanics and gays are fighting and standing up for their basic human rights. Big difference between patriotism and nationalism and they are too bigoted to see that "MURICA" is idolatry.

Why is it that you far leftist always associate what is going on in America today with old white men? I can tell you after substitute teaching this year there are many young kids, boys and girls, that still believe in traditional values.
I'm just trying to say it isn't unique to Islam, it's something that is a trait of all that are religiously arrogant and think their way is the only way.

Let me say this, there are plenty of people that are in church every Sunday that I would not turn my back on for one second. Yes, sadly there are those in the Christian community that are arrogant and I can't stand those type either.
I'm a white Christian but my blood pressure doesn't give me a stroke every single time I disagree with someone. They aren't impeding your rights, Fred. Seriously, chill the freak out.

And, to the atheists and agnostics, I guess you think you're standing on the moral high ground, being able to throw crap about both sides. If I'm responsible for behavior of so-called Christians, and others are for "radical" Muslims, then grow some balls and accept responsibility for all crime committed by assholes who never entered a mosque or church.

Also, if you hate Charleston, you're just being stupid. Most revered city in our state and that won't end for a long time. Especially if you live in Orangeburg, Richburg, Pacolet, etc, just shut up. Seriously.

I didn't say I hated Charleston. And I'm sure as heck am not going to shut up.
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Those are more than numbers to me and most of the Christian world. They are the way to Salvation.
If they were simply numbers why put them on a hat in the first place? They were only there to mock Tebow and what he believes and if they were just numbers why apologize to Tebow? They knew what they were doing and it got them the ink they wanted.
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People tend to forget the abortion clinic bombings and shootings, including that of one guy who escaped and lived in the mountains relatively near you for a couple of years.

I NOW know what a number of you are talking about when you claim that white people kill in masses!!!! I think what you are referring to are the 70 million innocent unborn babies that have been mascaraed in America since Row v Wade. Now I am with you. You leftist are okay with that though aren't you?
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"This country ain't what it used to be" aka old white men hiding behind religion and mad that the blacks, hispanics and gays are fighting and standing up for their basic human rights. Big difference between patriotism and nationalism and they are too bigoted to see that "MURICA" is idolatry.
You appear to be the sage and a mind reader to boot
The bible is literally one long horror story. Actually read it from cover to cover and then tell me its not horrific. Very immoral. Sorry it is. I don't care if you're a Muslim, Christian, etc. All I ask is that is not pushed on me and don't expect me to respect it. I can respect you but not that ideology.
I NOW know what a number of you are talking about when you claim that white people kill in masses!!!! I think what you are referring to are the 70 million innocent unborn babies that have been mascaraed in America since Row v Wade. Now I am with you. You leftist are okay with that though aren't you?
This was easier than I thought. See now you are rationalizing that there is justification for bombings and shootings on religious grounds.
I am agnostic, so obviously I don't support one religion over another. What I do believe in is the golden rule. There are bad people in all religions and walks of life, and there are good people in both. What angers me is when people say that all of one group are good, and all of one group are bad. It just isn't so.
Tebow will be successful in anything he does in life because of effort and persistence. I wish we could get him on our football coaching staff. We need some more Lattimore type role models.

So you believe he will be a Major League Baseball player because of effort and persistence?
So you believe he will be a Major League Baseball player because of effort and persistence?

I believe that's what got him a shot in the NFL and yes he has a shot at the majors. Will it happen. Maybe not but I will be pulling for him and anyone like him that busts their butt doing right and giving 100%.
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I have come full circle on tim tebow. He lives what he believes in. In college he killed us I thought was hyped over the top. I have come to realize he is one of few truly good souls on our planet. He walks the walk. The hate for Christians is over the top. Truly hard to understand. I admire the guy immensely.
There is only one way. That's not arrogant that's Bible either you believe it or don't. Even Jesus told his disciples not to show arrogance and force anything. It's a choice not a demand unlike ISIS where it's convert or die. I think it is unique to Islam in that matter. I'm not judging just informing.

I found your post to be lacking any actual information.
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You're not very well read are you?
Care to enlighten us on these Christians blowing up people in the name of God. Are they Catholics?, Baptist?, Methodist?, Presbyterian? Mormon?, etc.

The only one to come to mind is the IRA, however, as you are probably aware, that was confined to Great Britain and rooted in the late medieval period when Henry VIII kicked the Catholic Church out and started the Church of England and the subsequent growth of the Protestant denominations. The forced settlement of non-Irish into Ulster led to the religious discord lasting into twentieth century.

The emergence from the dark ages was the enlightenment of the Judeo-Christian values and morality of Europe. Europe evolved beyond the Inquisition, beyond persecution of witchcraft, at it's core level. While the almost nonstop wars between feudal states and nations would lead to barbaric acts during conflict, between combatants, the towns and cities were spared the medieval seiges (that changed with the bombardments of Charleston and Vicksburg in America). Europe in peacetime reach a point of civility, with Judeo-Christian morality of right and wrong. This was passed along to the American and Australian colonies.

All of that to address your Muslim concerns. Islam has elements that literally interpret the Quran as law. Kill the non-believer, kill the infidel isn't ambiguous. It is what it is. Moderate Muslim Imams do not generally preach this and the vast majority of Muslims do not act upon it. But many radicalized Muslims do act upon it, especially in the last fifteen years. Allahu
Akbar is spoken almost weekly in a terrorist attack against innocent civilians. Radicalized teaching and Sharia Law are completely and totally counter to western beliefs, ideals, and morals in place for hundreds of years. The United States is known as a melting pot of cultures and religions. Some Muslims, per their interpretation of the Quran, refuse to melt.

You lament about all Muslims being labelled terrorist. How, pray tell, do non-Muslims tell the difference between a moderate and a radicalized? There is no tatoo on their forehead saying "I'm radicalized".

It is incumbent on Moderate Muslims to take back their religion. Problem is many Moderates sympathize with the attacks because it is spelled out, literally, in the Quran. Until radicalized Muslims are pacified by fellow Muslims, or non-Muslims, or both, the term "terrorist attack" will be synonymous with "Muslim". Almost all recent attacks have justified this assertion.

Apologies for the long post.
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The bible is literally one long horror story. Actually read it from cover to cover and then tell me its not horrific. Very immoral. Sorry it is. I don't care if you're a Muslim, Christian, etc. All I ask is that is not pushed on me and don't expect me to respect it. I can respect you but not that ideology.
To each their own but if this is yours I believe you should keep it to yourself. I will pray for you.
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Us white male Christians have it so bad in this country. Woe is me.

Cops are more likely to kill us just because we are white.

Our women bosses at work have harassed us for decades, mostly with impunity.

You never get to see a Christmas tree anywhere in public. It's just so taboo.

So worried to come out of the closet as straight bc all the religious fanatics will judge us and some will want to beat us up or worse just because we are straight.

We don't make as much money as women or minorities. And we don't get to inherit as much wealth as black people from our parents because we've been oppressed for so long.

Everyone who looks at us things we are going to commit a crime too.

It's just so darn hard being a straight white male Christian in the United States of America. We really should move back to Europe where we came from.
They screwed up and they know it. Their website's contact link was disabled so they could avoid the emails surly heading their way. Use of the 666 sign and Nazi swastika overlay was way out of line. He was basically taken to task for being a Christian.
Meanwhile they earned quite a sum due to the popularity of Tim Tebow.
Screw 'em. I'll never spend a dime to their benefit.
I will start going more too make up for your loss
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This was easier than I thought. See now you are rationalizing that there is justification for bombings and shootings on religious grounds.

No, I am not rationalizing bombing or killing anyone. It was a horrific sin to blow up and kill those people just the same as it was crashing those planes into the twin towers. Both, are equally bad.