Elon Musk for President

Musk for President

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Dude, they were right. It didn't provide protection from infection or transmission. It does cause ADE and Myocarditis. It has played out in real time AND is in the Pfizer documents. In contrast, just think of the lies from Fauci, Biden and Welensky over the course.

I'm not debating medicine with a message board poster that I wouldn't trust to turn over a found nickel to his/her owner.

and they aren't owed a private business platform to say anything they choose.
For the love of God......It's fine if you want to eat your own. All I'm asking is your opinion of what was written. This isn't difficult.
Eat your own. LOL Right.... Greenwald is right wing nut job at this point. He got mad and took his ball and went home- then whined about it like Trump every day afterwards.

his opinion is nonsense.
Eat your own. LOL Right.... Greenwald is right wing nut job at this point. He got mad and took his ball and went home- then whined about it like Trump every day afterwards.

his opinion is nonsense.

See what you're doing in real time? You are posing as the poster child for censorship and much that is wrong with our country right now.
That's silly.

As I have done with every President in my lifetime, I'm making more money now than I ever have in my life prior regardless of whose in office.
Pretty narrow scope you use however I understand liberals don’t really see past their personal bank account balance. If it doesn’t affect you who cares right?

Wars, poverty, genocide, inflation, food shortages, crime, child trafficking, drug trafficking, open borders, etc weigh in on my happiness meter and right now it’s as low as it’s ever been. Btw your money will be worth less and less as each day passes and totally worthless after you draw your last breath. Priorities, just saying
See what you're doing in real time? You are posing as the poster child for censorship and much that is wrong with our country right now.


Posting an opinion that someone's opinion is "non-sense" is not censorship. That's really silly.

It's one reason why I don't take allegations of "censorship" seriously because people are so confused about the idea of censorship that they believe that ridiculing someone's opinion is censorship.
Pretty narrow scope you use however I understand liberals don’t really see past their personal bank account balance. If it doesn’t affect you who cares right?

I was told about 300 times leading up to the 2020 election - by folks on here and off here- that their bank accounts were doing great and that's what mattered.

Any other discussion of issues - COVID for example, or Trump's failed efforts at an infrastructure bill or health care reform weren't worth worrying about because they had made money under Trump.

So I can't use that same reasoning under Biden? (That my bank account is doing great?) Pretty hypocritical of you. No surprise, but quite hypocritical.
So you're boxed in and run again.
No. As I said, I'm not debating medicine with a message board poster that I wouldn't trust to turn over a found nickel to his/her owner.

If it makes you feel better, I don't ask my pool guy his opinion on medical issues either. I mean he has them, and I am sure he's convinced of them. But they are worthless.
Wars, poverty, genocide, inflation, food shortages, crime, child trafficking, drug trafficking, open borders, etc weigh in on my happiness meter and right now it’s as low as it’s ever been. Btw your money will be worth less and less as each day passes and totally worthless after you draw your last breath. Priorities, just saying

It's nice to know that Trump solved crime (sure didn't seem like it looking at the statistics during his term), child trafficking, drug trafficking- and your "happiness meter"

I was looking for his immigration reform law but failed to find it. I guess that's in the same box as the health care proposal he promised repeatedly and never submitted.

No. As I said, I'm not debating medicine with a message board poster that I wouldn't trust to turn over a found nickel to his/her owner.

If it makes you feel better, I don't ask my pool guy his opinion on medical issues either. I mean he has them, and I am sure he's convinced of them. But they are worthless.

This is comical. I'm not offering medical advice Dave. We were talking about censorship.
It's nice to know that Trump solved crime (sure didn't seem like it looking at the statistics during his term), child trafficking, drug trafficking- and your "happiness meter"

I was looking for his immigration reform law but failed to find it. I guess that's in the same box as the health care proposal he promised repeatedly and never submitted.

33%. LOL.
This is comical. I'm not offering medical advice Dave. We were talking about censorship.

A private company doesn't owe someone unrestricted speech. This isn't difficult.

You want the government to force a private company to offer someone unrestricted speech. I want the government to stay out of it.
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33%. LOL.

You clearly must like it since he's in the company of your messiah.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As President Donald Trump prepares to leave the White House, 34% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president"
You clearly must like it since he's in the company of your messiah.

"WASHINGTON, D.C. -- As President Donald Trump prepares to leave the White House, 34% of Americans approve of the job he is doing as president"
This reeks of desperation. Just stick to the LOL and nut job comments. You're going places.
A private company doesn't owe someone unrestricted speech. This isn't difficult.

You want the government to force a private company to offer someone unrestricted speech. I want the government to stay out of it.

I'm sure you do. Section 230 says hello.
I was told about 300 times leading up to the 2020 election - by folks on here and off here- that their bank accounts were doing great and that's what mattered.

Any other discussion of issues - COVID for example, or Trump's failed efforts at an infrastructure bill or health care reform weren't worth worrying about because they had made money under Trump.

So I can't use that same reasoning under Biden? (That my bank account is doing great?) Pretty hypocritical of you. No surprise, but quite hypocritical.
Health care in America is dead, has been for 20 years. Only people benefiting are insurance companies and politicians

infrastructure is nothing more than a money grab. Again benefiting politicians and their families.

the only thing that matters is our military and police both have been destroyed by biden

and your dollar is worth a lot less today than a year ago. Go biden go
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It's nice to know that Trump solved crime (sure didn't seem like it looking at the statistics during his term), child trafficking, drug trafficking- and your "happiness meter"

I was looking for his immigration reform law but failed to find it. I guess that's in the same box as the health care proposal he promised repeatedly and never submitted.

Ha ha, yeah he had the border locked down. All by himself. See how easy that was. Lol. Shhhhhhhhh don’t wake biden. But Maybe check his pulse just in case.

and he did fox Obama care. He canceled the tax they tried to charge me for not subscribing to that bs. Thank you. Next question?
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Health care in America is dead, has been for 20 years. Only people benefiting are insurance companies and politicians

infrastructure is nothing more than a money grab. Again benefiting politicians and their families.

the only thing that matters is our military and police both have been destroyed by biden

and your dollar is worth a lot less today than a year ago. Go biden go
Love the fact he's shedding long-term friends because of National Politics out of his control. Then he goes out of his way to frequent a very conservative FGF to paraphrase Guardian articles. Priceless.
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Love the fact he's shedding long-term friends because of National Politics out of his control. Then he goes out of his way to frequent a very conservative FGF to paraphrase Guardian articles. Priceless.
Take into consideration He’s going through hormone therapy getting ready for female tetherball championships. Didn’t make the cut as a man.
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I promised myself when the 2020 election happened, I would mimic the Trump supporters that I personally know who blindly accepted anything that Trump said, did, tweeted, etc even though I knew quite well that some of the things he did and said were not acceptable to them.

That's when I decided that the next person that ran against him would get my 100% unquestioning support no matter what he/she did- said, etc. I assumed if it was good enough for them, it would be good enough for me.

When 2024 comes along, maybe some sense of rationality and proportionality will return to the electorate and country in terms of picking someone who we don't have to stick our heads in the sand about.
You promised that you would be as critical of the next POTUS after Trump...even if it was Biden, but you, being a lying liar that lies all the time, have not. No surprise, though, as you lied about being critical of Obama.
Fauci had us spend over $6 Trillon and wrecked the economy in order to try to force people to take an injection that wasn't stopping anything - and they knew it from the beginning. Thanks Tony.

This man should be under the jail for all he has done.

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Twitter is ready to blow it all up to prevent Elon Musk from opening back up free speech on the platform?

If the Twitter board says yes, it's estimated the stock would rise 16%. If they say no, it's estimated to dump over 20%. It's rather crystal clear that accepting Elon's offer is in the interest of shareholders.

It's the Twitter board who are the actual extremists.

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Twitter is ready to blow it all up to prevent Elon Musk from opening back up free speech on the platform?

If the Twitter board says yes, it's estimated the stock would rise 16%. If they say no, it's estimated to dump over 20%. It's rather crystal clear that accepting Elon's offer is in the interest of shareholders.

It's these people who are the actual extremists.

Deer lowered, leftists are such malevolent trash. Free speech is now a partisan issue.
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I promised myself when the 2020 election happened, I would mimic the Trump supporters that I personally know who blindly accepted anything that Trump said, did, tweeted, etc even though I knew quite well that some of the things he did and said were not acceptable to them.

That's when I decided that the next person that ran against him would get my 100% unquestioning support no matter what he/she did- said, etc. I assumed if it was good enough for them, it would be good enough for me.

When 2024 comes along, maybe some sense of rationality and proportionality will return to the electorate and country in terms of picking someone who we don't have to stick our heads in the sand about.
Then that makes you a Troll. As you said. Some people posted things that were not true. And now that somebody is YOU.

actually proves how real TDS is in your group. And I say that the 30% who still support this administration serious TDS like you describe for yourself.

PS. Many people say things that are not true and most are just simply repeating what they heard or seen on the news or from their Twitter world “virtual friends”. 👀
A private company doesn't owe someone unrestricted speech. This isn't difficult.

You want the government to force a private company to offer someone unrestricted speech. I want the government to stay out of it.
Twitter is actually a public company Dave. Keep trying though.
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your response is too simplistic and naive.

The system is actually designed to reward extremes- it's not a matter of one person not voting for someone.

The country wasn't "built" on rewarding extremists in both parties. It was built on the exact opposite idea. Of coruse there have been examples of extremists throughout our history, but they were more exceptions than the rule.

That's not the case now. The system now rewards and is built to elect people like the members of the Squad and folks like Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gosar.

The system has been developed to reward the most partisan extremists in both parties by because their districts are so gerrymandered, the only voters they have to be concerned about is the voters in their own party.

That's why Congress has not been able to pass an immigration reform bill in decades- because even though there are enough votes in Congress today for an immigration reform package that would be widely supported by the majority of Americans, no bill can come close to passing in Congress because Democrats have to appeal the most EXTREME parts of their party because of gerrymandered districts, and Republicans have to appeal to the most EXTREME parts of their party because of gerrymandered districts.

and since for all time, people that vote in primaries are the most partisan, the person that gets elected more and more often now is the candidates that are most extreme because of severe gerrymandering- and they never have to worry about compromising with anyone else- or even have to worry about trying to appeal to independents or possible voters on the other side of the aisle that might be inclined to vote for them.
Wrong!! The system In place now has worked for years, it allows people in smaller states and areas to actually have their votes mean something. Otherwise NY and Calif would pick a POTUS. But like you and other socialist want, tear it down people in North Dakota don’t matter!! Term limits can be imposed. Easier just to vote then out.
This reeks of desperation. Just stick to the LOL and nut job comments. You're going places.

No desperation. Just pointing out the very low poll numbers of Trump- which didn't bother you and his cult defended as no big deal and pointless.

So shoving that back in their face when they clutch their pearls at Biden's low numbers is only appropriate.
Health care in America is dead, has been for 20 years. Only people benefiting are insurance companies and politicians

infrastructure is nothing more than a money grab. Again benefiting politicians and their families.

the only thing that matters is our military and police both have been destroyed by biden

and your dollar is worth a lot less today than a year ago. Go biden go

Health care in america has serious problems - but leaving it all to the private sector is no answer- especially since Republicans have touted a non-existent healthcare reform proposal that they refuse to introduce and can't pass.

As Mark Cuban recently said on a podcast- health care in America can't be a strictly private sector matter because too many people at the low end of the scale will suffer needlessly. But that doesn't mean that the current environment is best either.

Infrastructure is more than a money grab. Oh, it's for sure a money grab, but it's been that way for centuries. It's also the reason you can drive on an interstate, fly out of an airport, and access many other perks.

No, the "only" thing that matters is not the military and police.

Biden has done nothing to "destroy" either one unless you call proposing more money for local and state police as 'destroying" it.

A dollar is always worth less than it was before. Luckily, my income has continued to increase quite nicely from year to year.
No desperation. Just pointing out the very low poll numbers of Trump- which didn't bother you and his cult defended as no big deal and pointless.

So shoving that back in their face when they clutch their pearls at Biden's low numbers is only appropriate.
You are falsely assuming that people who think Biden is doing an awful job are also people who were in love with Trump.
Ha ha, yeah he had the border locked down. All by himself. See how easy that was. Lol. Shhhhhhhhh don’t wake biden. But Maybe check his pulse just in case.

and he did fox Obama care. He canceled the tax they tried to charge me for not subscribing to that bs. Thank you. Next question?

Trump signed no immigration reform law- hundreds of thousands continue to overstay visas- just as they did during his term in office.

Trump didn't fix anything regarding the ACA. ObamaCare is alive and well. Trump failed massively in reforming the ACA. He also admitted, many times, that he had no replacement for the ACA- and Republicans admitted that as well. In fact, a few well known Republicans chastised their own party for wanting to kill the ACA when they had no bill to replace it.

The most recent KFF Tracking Poll conducted in March 2022 found (55%) hold a favorable opinion of the ACA - including 6 of 10 independents who view it favorably.

72% of the public supports the ACA's rule preventing insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. (A provision that Republicans were initially against but even they have changed their mind)

62% of Republicans support preventing insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. (Oddly though, almost 40% support allowing an insurance company to deny insurance coverage to someone with a previous medical condition - unless of course that would impact their own family).

51% of Republicans in they survey believe insurance companies should be able to deny insurance to pregnant women.

64% of the public supports the ACA's rule preventing insurance companies for charging people higher premiums for pre-existing conditions.

You are falsely assuming that people who think Biden is doing an awful job are also people who were in love with Trump.

Not at all.

I'm just reminding the Trump cultists- like you and others on here- and anyone else - that Trump's poll numbers sucked too and those same people didn't care.

It's always worth pointing out- and really fun to point out.
Twitter is actually a public company Dave. Keep trying though.

Twitter isn’t a government. Millions of Conservatives post on it every day.

Because Twitter is a publicly-traded company, it has the right to delete content that it doesn’t agree with or that it believes causes harm.

Some of these decisions may have a basis on an individual’s morality, but it’s mostly because Twitter doesn’t want to be liable.

If someone incites hate speech on the platform, and then someone or a group of people go through a radicalization process and hurt someone else, then the public may hold Twitter responsible.

Whether it’s private or public, the company can be subject to a lawsuit.

Every user that signs up for the service agrees to abide by the terms of service.

If someone doesn't want to use the service, they are free to avoid it. There are other services, other platforms.
Trump signed no immigration reform law- hundreds of thousands continue to overstay visas- just as they did during his term in office.

Trump didn't fix anything regarding the ACA. ObamaCare is alive and well. Trump failed massively in reforming the ACA. He also admitted, many times, that he had no replacement for the ACA- and Republicans admitted that as well. In fact, a few well known Republicans chastised their own party for wanting to kill the ACA when they had no bill to replace it.

The most recent KFF Tracking Poll conducted in March 2022 found (55%) hold a favorable opinion of the ACA - including 6 of 10 independents who view it favorably.

72% of the public supports the ACA's rule preventing insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. (A provision that Republicans were initially against but even they have changed their mind)

62% of Republicans support preventing insurance companies from denying coverage based on pre-existing conditions. (Oddly though, almost 40% support allowing an insurance company to deny insurance coverage to someone with a previous medical condition - unless of course that would impact their own family).

51% of Republicans in they survey believe insurance companies should be able to deny insurance to pregnant women.

64% of the public supports the ACA's rule preventing insurance companies for charging people higher premiums for pre-existing conditions.

KFF is a non-profit located in SF. Most of their board are Berkeley grads. You need quality, non-partisan inputs in order to have quality non-partisan outputs.

This is the same issue we can with the vaccines. If Fauci and Welensky distorted facts which we now know they did at every turn, those go unchecked because they sit at the top and Mrs. Fauci is the head of Ethics.