

Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2011
FGF is becoming the Faux Gamecock Forum.

Not in the sense that people who post here aren't true fans (though this board has always been eat up with posers). But in the sense that a lot of people that post here have seemed to have lost the definition of "fan".

Websites like this one evolved over time as a forum for discussion. But they've digressed to venues to vent frustration, demean and degrade coaches, players and the very institution that we all love to follow, fund financially and seek entertainment from.

It would be nice if it could return to the days that boards like this were used for discussion...including venting frustration when our teams struggle...without vilifying those that we claim to support for entertainment.

I know it will probably never change...and I'm as guilty as everyone else. But I can hope that it will improve, just as I hope that our teams do.

Sorry if I wasted anyone's time.
I'll be back for football season, as Im sure many more will. Just hang in there, not much longer. Then we can harp on the players and coaches, but with much more interest…….and opinions.

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