Gamecock name game

Since you're in charge of this thread, doesn't look like you followed protocol in post 370. Just saying.

JD is charge of the thread technially he started the game

Yeah looks I made a mistake, a lot of posts happened when I was looking for a W, my bad, hey at least it wasnt a repeat or a skip :)

I appreciate the correction,, I really do, I think this game is fun with new names and in order

I was having fun with the "u" since its tough, i get why everyone move on
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JD is charge of the thread technially he started the game

Yeah looks I made a mistake, a lot of posts happened when I was looking for a W, my bad, hey at least it wasnt a repeat or a skip :)

I was having fun with the "u" since its tough, i get why everyone move on
I waited a long time to play the "U"! Joey walked-on here with a lot of fanfare but, unfortunately, it was just because of the name. I think he was only on the team for one year. His dad was the best qb of his era though....
Derrick Little

Landon Ard, I still remeber when he came our for a offsides kick vs LSU

There really is no rule against repeating names. The most fun approach is to see new names (and there are no rules against "cheating" and looking names up), but reality is you start to run out of some names with certain letters pretty quickly, so repeating is inevitable. This same thread went for years on CT, so names obviously got repeated (it was started by someone else there). Feel free to spice up your post with a pic (good idea by Gradstudent) or their position or years played or whatever. Or just the name. I was surprised at how long this thread kept going on CT, though it might go days or weeks without getting a response, someone would eventually post a new name and revive it and it would live on for a few days, then fall off again, come back for a few days, etc.

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