Hope our schools are better prepared...

So the Super says there is no way to force kids to wear masks? What kind of BS is that. It’s real simple, everyone put your damn mask on at the end of the class before you leave. Then have monitors in the hall, then you can’t come into a class without your mask on, and if a student gets cited for not wearing a mask, say three times in a week, they are sent home. Grow some balls.
There is no way to have enough staff to monitor the hallways during class exchange. In any high school or middle school.
Elementary schools will probably be as bad, keeping this age group 6 ft apart will be the biggest challenge. Especially the K thru 4 grades.
My wife is a teacher And I am happy about that but the timing sucks.
Waiting on how many parents have selected virtual. Our kids are older now and moved on. If this happened 20 years ago, it would be home schooling. And I say that because of health compromises.
So the Super says there is no way to force kids to wear masks? What kind of BS is that. It’s real simple, everyone put your damn mask on at the end of the class before you leave. Then have monitors in the hall, then you can’t come into a class without your mask on, and if a student gets cited for not wearing a mask, say three times in a week, they are sent home. Grow some balls.
Right, just turn the schools into even MORE of a prison than they normally are! If this is the solution just keep them home... There are not enough staff, not enough masks, not enough people who give a rip. They will not be able to make them wear masks in HS, and there is not a chance in the world that elementary aged kids will do it consistently. I want my kid back in class, I want them to open schools, but it is not going to be “safe” for everyone right now and trying to force kids into wearing masks all day is just a guise of safety to make people feel better that will do very little. They will not do it effectively, if we flood the hals with people and pack them tightly into classrooms, there is no way to stop the virus from spreading. Kids will be fine, some teachers may not be... At some point we just have to move on with life and accept a certain amount of risk. Open the damn schools, encourage masks, forget the draconian military prison measures. Let’s try to let the kids live a normal life, get a real education and let’s all move on. At this point we missed any chance to address this properly and limit exposures and deaths. We have taken the herd immunity route without meaning to, and it is time to accept that.
i give this experiment of school openings here in Georgia about 1 month. In the best of times schools, notably elementary level, are a petri dish of germs, where colds and the regular flu run like wildfire.
One classroom closed and 20 students sent home to quarantine for 14 days. And, this is 2 days in.
I hope I'm just dead wrong, but you have a highly, highly contagious virus, children packed wall to wall in hallways, touching desks, chairs, talking, hugging, etc. I give this experiment about a 5% chance of success.
When 61 people attend a choir practice, with one infected member, then 52 of the 61 became infected that tells me one hell of a lot. (They took some precautions but obviously were not wearing mask).
Is there real evidence that herd immunity exists? I thought this was more like a cold, where antibodies are highest during infection but go down over time.
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Is there real evidence that herd immunity exists? I thought this was more like a cold, where antibodies are highest during infection but go down over time.
I don’t think anyone knows if this would actually work. For it to work it has to be something people can’t catch again but at this point they don’t know if that’s the case with this strain. On top of that the infection rate needed for the percentage of the population for herd immunity to work is huge. It can be up to 94% infection rate needed if there is not a vaccine to help. I think this is a big hope for the best.
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Our kids or going back on a conditional basis. One day, two days, five days based on case numbers.

So I dont think they'll be sending people home, just going at a low level for a while.