I can't believe the anti spurrier post on here.


Aug 13, 2015
He hasn't forgot to coach. There were FLORIDA fans talking about wanting him last year. We have one of the greatest coaches. It's a tough league we play in. We can go from on no ones radar to elite in flip of the switch.

I want to see where the haters are after the uga game.
He hasn't forgot to coach. There were FLORIDA fans talking about wanting him last year. We have one of the greatest coaches. It's a tough league we play in. We can go from on no ones radar to elite in flip of the switch.

I want to see where the haters are after the uga game.

I have supported SOS, and still do. But, changes have to be made. What has gone on for the last 15 games is not okay. Recruiting has dropped off or the ability to develop/evaluate talent. The lack of in game adjustments is not any better. That is great that we held them in the second half, but if you can't make changes in the first half and tell that they ran approximately five plays against us, then there is a problem. I think SOS has done an incredible job of taking us to the next level, but we have to be careful not to make SOS higher than the program. He is a HOF coach. But he is not THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.
I have supported SOS, and still do. But, changes have to be made. What has gone on for the last 15 games is not okay. Recruiting has dropped off or the ability to develop/evaluate talent. The lack of in game adjustments is not any better. That is great that we held them in the second half, but if you can't make changes in the first half and tell that they ran approximately five plays against us, then there is a problem. I think SOS has done an incredible job of taking us to the next level, but we have to be careful not to make SOS higher than the program. He is a HOF coach. But he is not THE UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA.

I can agree with that. It's people that act like we have fat brad here that are getting me mad.
Not anit-Spurrier but he has laid down in recruiting, assistant hires and fires. If you think there's not a problem between some of the players because with having Ward and Hoke on the staff , then you're on crack. He is gone, just hasn't announced it yet.
I can agree with that. It's people that act like we have fat brad here that are getting me mad.

I would say that this team/ year is starting to look more like Holtz last two years here... We can't continue to take three steps forward and two steps back... If SOS heart is not in it, or he doesn't have the drive anymore, he would benefit the University to move aside and get a more youthful coach that this generation of player wants to play for... Can you name any "old" coaches that are still at the top of their game? (I know of only two Baylor, Mich St) Most are late 30s-mid 50s.
I don't really don't think most want Spurrier gone. The issue is that he continues to surround himself with staff that just isn't getting it done. I also don't agree with your statement about "the flip of a switch". You made the comment prior that it's a hard league to play in. NO TEAM can just throw a switch and become elite in the SEC. It's ok to like SOS but he can't be put so high on a pedalstool that he's immune from doing a poor job.
I don't really don't think most want Spurrier gone. The issue is that he continues to surround himself with staff that just isn't getting it done. I also don't agree with your statement about "the flip of a switch". You made the comment prior that it's a hard league to play in. NO TEAM can just throw a switch and become elite in the SEC. It's ok to like SOS but he can't be put so high on a pedalstool that he's immune from doing a poor job.

Ole miss and auburn sound familiar?
I agree with most. This is not an anti Spurrier as much as it is a reality check as to where we are as a program. I think Spurrier is not engaged and hasn't got his heart into it anymore. If he did we would be in better shape than we are. He did go out and work to hire Hoke but the other hires have been unimpressive to say the least. Spurrier, if he were honest with himself would agree.
Ole miss and auburn sound familiar?

They sound familiar... because they RECRUITED. They have younger coaches that relate to the players. They run offenses that kids are able to learn quickly. Most run things that are similar to what they did in high school. Our offense has to have someone with a PHD to be the qb... Its funny to me how other schools start QBs their first or second years, but we take three years to get ready to play the first down... Change the offensive philosophy and scheme or get use to losing...
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I agree. You cant tell me that putting in Nunez and scaling things back and let him make plays would be any worse than what we have going on now. Not only that he wont be a Jr by the time he gets PT. If our playbook is so complex we probably need to scale it back anyway because its not working right now.
It's not that people want Spurrier gone or are anti-Spurrier, most all of us love Spurrier and what he has done for our program overall. People do want him to give 100% effort like most every other coach does though. It annoys me when we have let our talent level slip significantly and I hear him on Dan Patrick's show or Finebaum's show bragging about how we have some really good recruiting assistant coaches and he doesn't have to do much to help out much. Or when he takes shots at Saban and others for living in the football buildings and putting in long hours. That's what it's going to take for him to get us back where we were. I think we would all be happy if he would make the decision to do that. If he isn't willing to do that, then there's not much we can do about it, but don't expect people to be happy about the direction we are heading in. We have lost a lot of star power the last few years, though everyone does in college football, but we have not replaced our stars with other stars as the good teams do.

For the wait and see before you complain crowd, you don't have to wait for a hurricane to make landfall before you know it's going to be bad. Things are normally pretty easy to see coming.
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I agree with most. This is not an anti Spurrier as much as it is a reality check as to where we are as a program. I think Spurrier is not engaged and hasn't got his heart into it anymore. If he did we would be in better shape than we are. He did go out and work to hire Hoke but the other hires have been unimpressive to say the least. Spurrier, if he were honest with himself would agree.
at least i agree with you.....i dont see the passion anymore
I agree. You cant tell me that putting in Nunez and scaling things back and let him make plays would be any worse than what we have going on now. Not only that he wont be a Jr by the time he gets PT. If our playbook is so complex we probably need to scale it back anyway because its not working right now.
or throw the playbook in the trash....i swear if they run that stupid option from the shotgun one more time Im going to pull out the last hair that i have
that play that Mitch ran I believe was on 3rd down where he ran the option and it got stopped like 2 yds behind the line of scrimmage was horrible.
I will take a 100% committed Spurrier over any coach in the country. Being 100% committed doesn't simply mean call the plays, it also means getting rid of dead weight in your staff and surrounding yourself with individuals you know can help in areas where you lack. He simply has not done that.
I will take a 100% committed Spurrier over any coach in the country. Being 100% committed doesn't simply mean call the plays, it also means getting rid of dead weight in your staff and surrounding yourself with individuals you know can help in areas where you lack. He simply has not done that.
Why are we still debating this? SOS didn't can anyone because he knows he's on the way out. Why fire someone when you know you're leaving? These assistants have families. We don't have UF's Spurrier.
Why are we still debating this? SOS didn't can anyone because he knows he's on the way out. Why fire someone when you know you're leaving? These assistants have families. We don't have UF's Spurrier.
Wasn't debating it. In fact I ended by saying he hasn't done it.
Spurrier is never going to change. Because you can't teach an old dog new tricks. The game has changed and his style can't survive anymore in the SEC. He has never been a grinder when it came to his coaching, he never had to be in the past, and he is never going to be. Now pretty much everyone has a coach that has a hardcore nose the grindstone style and culture. It's pretty much essential now if you are ever going to get anywhere and it is putting us at a major disadvantage for not having that kind of culture.
All I ever wanted was for us to get Spurrier's best shot. I think we did for a couple of years but not all.

To win in our league, the Head Coach has to be one driven S.O.B.