I Really Hope That Spurrier...


Oct 9, 2013
does the right thing and retires after this year. If he looked in the mirror he would see a man that is not really fully invested in the future of this program. He realizes the chance to win an SEC championship at this program has passed him by.

He should announce today that he's retiring after the season. That would give Tanner and others the chance to begin searching for the next coach. That would allow the current commits to decide if they want to stay committed or not. It would give the current players a chance to decide whether they stay or transfer. It would give the assistant coaches a chance to look for other positions.

Retiring would be the honorable thing to do. The question is will Spurrier do the honorable thing?
The recruiting this year is going to be a wash either way. I can't see kids wanting to come to this situation. They are watching something falling under an old head coach who talks the talk, but is not walking the walk. He acts lame duck, he talks lame duck, then he is lame duck....
does the right thing and retires after this year. If he looked in the mirror he would see a man that is not really fully invested in the future of this program. He realizes the chance to win an SEC championship at this program has passed him by.

He should announce today that he's retiring after the season. That would give Tanner and others the chance to begin searching for the next coach. That would allow the current commits to decide if they want to stay committed or not. It would give the current players a chance to decide whether they stay or transfer. It would give the assistant coaches a chance to look for other positions.

Retiring would be the honorable thing to do. The question is will Spurrier do the honorable thing?
Well said and I hope he does do the honorable thing. I and I think everybody loves the HBC & definitely appreciate all he's done & brought positively to us - want him to leave with his dignity and with love on both sides. Hope he announces his retirement sooner rather than later for reasons you expressed here and offers to help in the search for his successor (as long as he doesn't just want somebody he's looking out for - want him to put USC first and foremost as his interest - not like he's done the last couple of years looking out for family/friends as his priority)!
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