I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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How 'bout we just work hard to avoid such dire and dramatic scenarios as you describe and live peaceful and productive lives without the doomsday drama.

Let's do that. It's not like these things haven't happened in every country that ever existed. I'm hoping for the best!
Wouldn't any weapon that is used to assault someone be considered an assault weapon?
Wiki tells me that the first use of the term was in Hitler's Germany to describe a rifle that was selective fire (semi- or fully-automatic). The article goes on to say selective fire is a requirement for the military to consider a weapon an "assault rifle".
You and I are the same age and I share many of your views. I own a 40 caliber Glock (no bullets in the house) and a mini-14 (used for target shooting when I used to target shoot). Used to own a couple of shotguns but sold them. The point I am trying to make is that I am in favor of responsible gun ownership for recreation, hunting, and protection. I don't see the need for civilians to own AR-15's or magazines in excess of 20 rounds. I have no trouble obeying the laws currently on the books along with longer wait periods before you can buy a gun. There just are no easy answers.
Why 20 rounds? Why not 18, or 11, or 3?
Brett yet just one round, and let's limit it to 22 shorts.

Why not?
You and I are the same age and I share many of your views. I own a 40 caliber Glock (no bullets in the house) and a mini-14 (used for target shooting when I used to target shoot). Used to own a couple of shotguns but sold them. The point I am trying to make is that I am in favor of responsible gun ownership for recreation, hunting, and protection. I don't see the need for civilians to own AR-15's or magazines in excess of 20 rounds. I have no trouble obeying the laws currently on the books along with longer wait periods before you can buy a gun. There just are no easy answers.
Are you aware of the differences between the Mini-14 and the AR-15? The furniture. That's it.
yes he bought an assault rifle 4 days after the ban was lifted and attacked the store with said rifle and body armour on.

I am sure it was coincidental timing- as all of the 2nd amendment “experts” will tell you; having easy access to assault rifles has no impact on the frequency, efficacy or lethality of these attacks! 🙄
Give the assault rifle bull s*it a rest.
No one is selling assault riffles.
Would you feel better if he used a 357 magnum revolver?
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Seatbelts save lives. And I 'm guessing that you and your loved ones use them, but like me didn't required by law back in the '60s.

Guns save lives as well. (Someone posted the cdc article earlier.)

But I wasnt driving in the 60's. So I cant agree or disagree with that idea.
I heard the Liberal ass WSOC channel nine report that a shooter used a "Semi Automatic Assault Pistol" once.. Cant remember the exact time or situation, but will never forget it..
The Liberal media just drolls over mass shootings..
I wonder why. Good grief.
we saw how crooked and inept our once great FBI is..
Sadly, such also fits within the reference of quite few sheriff and police stations throughout these United States. I don't have the time at the moment, but I could link dozens and dozens of printed and broadcast news that addresses such. By all means do I support the basic principles of Law Enforcement. In fact, 90+% of Law Enforcement Officers are decent folks!! But that 10% along with some of the things they do and the will for the other 90% of them NOT to talk or turn-in the bad sheep within their flocks is the curse that lessons their deserved respect, and most importantly, the TRUST of those that they supposedly "serve and protect".

Anyway, just an early morning rant. To each his own, and a Nice Day to All!!

If we can't ban assault rifles I'd like to see them heavily taxed with those taxes going towards the support of mental health intervention programs. This would be similar to what the American Lung Association proposes with increased cigarette taxes.
Guns save lives as well. (Someone posted the cdc article earlier.)

But I wasnt driving in the 60's. So I cant agree or disagree with that idea.
And in some cases drugs can save lives, but if used innappropriately or in inappropriate strengths, can cost lives the argument I'm making here is that both firearms and certain chemical compounds can serve humanity with appropriate regulation, but humanity has proven ad nauseam that without such regulation, both can have a decidedly negative affect.on humanity.
Shoot first and ask questions later. Makes sense for the senseless.
I said "DEFENSE". Your comment is intentional nonsense with no content. When it comes to defending oneself, should you be outgunned? If you don't want to defend yourself or your family adequately, don't. That's your business. But don't tell me I shouldn't.
If we can't ban assault rifles I'd like to see them heavily taxed with those taxes going towards the support of mental health intervention programs. This would be similar to what the American Lung Association proposes with increased cigarette taxes.

I'd like to the see the same thing for BLM "peaceful" protests. Tax all the participants heavily in order to pay for all the damages.
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You should probably share your concerns with the manufacturer of.the AR 15, who promotes that weapon as an assault rifle, or at least has in the recent past.
A true AR 15 was an assault rifle. It had a fully automatic setting. Guns called AR 15 these days are civilian guns styled in an AR 15 fashion. So maybe I should share your concerns with the manufacturer that their promotion worked.
Sorry, don’t own a gun. I didn’t think that we have to register all guns in the USA. If the governmentknows where the guns are, then they can come and take them at the end of their guns.
Ah the fear monger if they will take our guns angle that has no foundation in reality used to undermine gun control and reduce gun killings.

I have also heard that the gubmint is programming seatbelts to strangle us on impact so I refuse to wear them
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If we can't ban assault rifles I'd like to see them heavily taxed with those taxes going towards the support of mental health intervention programs. This would be similar to what the American Lung Association proposes with increased cigarette taxes.
So if you tax them, only rich people can afford them. That's a great way to discriminate based on income.
If we can't ban assault rifles I'd like to see them heavily taxed with those taxes going towards the support of mental health intervention programs. This would be similar to what the American Lung Association proposes with increased cigarette taxes.

I doubt that would pass Constitutional muster, as, if it even got to that point, a majority of SCOTUS would view that as infringement.
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I have read a couple pages but don’t have the time to read all 16. What I’m about to say may have already been said however it’s where I stand. To me the second amendment means something. I honestly have never agreed with the fact that a person who commits a felony and does his time can’t own a gun. Shall not be infringed is pretty clear.

With that said we ate trying to solve an issue and solving that issue will not be done with gun laws. Over the last 20+ year we have consistently defunded mental health. I believe those chickens are coming home to roost. If you want to fix mass killings you need to start with mental health. Not more gun laws.
Gun deaths in the US is currently at 4.43 per 100,000

Next is Romania with 0.08 per 100,000

So if guns save lives how many more deaths would we have without them? I guess serial stabbings would escalate.
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No one in this thread that I have seen is advocating for the overthrow of the government.
Many have expressed the understanding that the 2A is a right and have attempted to explain to the unenlightened why we have it.

Your silly little scenario and insults about pea shooters vs M1A1s and Blackhawks is just that, silly.
Yes no one has said on here they are stockpiling guns as part of their plan to overthrow the government just that they want to be prepared if the opportunity arises.

Im sorry if referring to your AR is a pea shooter hurts your feeling but it’s accurate. Everyone thinking they are John Rambo with their AR from Academy would be in for a rude awakening if their fantasy scenario were to come true.

Again I don’t care if people own guns. I even agree that putting the genie back in the bottle at this point is a pipe dream for even the most ardent supporters of things like that. All I am saying is that people just need to say I got it simply because I could or because it helps my manhood as opposed to all the stupid comments about protecting yourself from a tyrannical government.
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