I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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I think you need your head examined if you believe you could fight off a thousand rioters by yourself but only if you have “the right gun”. LOL

Once again- nobody, not our government nor anyone I have seen here is saying you cannot have “any guns”. We are saying that eliminating Assault rifles from wide ranging legal availability will reduce the number of these types of weapons of WAR on the streets and thus reduce the number of violent incidents involving them.
Once again, you have no clue what you are talking about. Were I to have one of these horrid tools you call assault rifles, I GUARANTEE you that were such a situation to occur, all I need to do is take out the first 20 with said weapon and the rest will look elsewhere for easier pickings - someone like you, for instance.
If we can't ban assault rifles I'd like to see them heavily taxed with those taxes going towards the support of mental health intervention programs. This would be similar to what the American Lung Association proposes with increased cigarette taxes.
Cuba would welcome you with open arms....
Yes no one has said on here they are stockpiling guns as part of their plan to overthrow the government just that they want to be prepared if the opportunity arises.

Im sorry if referring to your AR is a pea shooter hurts your feeling but it’s accurate. Everyone thinking they are John Rambo with their AR from Academy would be in for a rude awakening if their fantasy scenario were to come true.

Again I don’t care if people own guns. I even agree that putting the genie back in the bottle at this point is a pipe dream for even the most ardent supporters of things like that. All I am saying is that people just need to say I got it simply because I could or because it helps my manhood as opposed to all the stupid comments about protecting yourself from a tyrannical government.

If North Koreans were allowed to have guns, would they be free?
The 2nd Amendment was written for a fledgling country without a standing army. Not only that but settlers needed to defend themselves from savages and wild animals. Understanding the context of history makes all the difference.
The 2nd Amendment was written for a fledgling country without a standing army. Not only that but settlers needed to defend themselves from savages and wild animals. Understanding the context of history makes all the difference.
No, it was written to prevent government tyranny. It is needed today more than ever.
Yes no one has said on here they are stockpiling guns as part of their plan to overthrow the government just that they want to be prepared if the opportunity arises.

Im sorry if referring to your AR is a pea shooter hurts your feeling but it’s accurate. Everyone thinking they are John Rambo with their AR from Academy would be in for a rude awakening if their fantasy scenario were to come true.

Again I don’t care if people own guns. I even agree that putting the genie back in the bottle at this point is a pipe dream for even the most ardent supporters of things like that. All I am saying is that people just need to say I got it simply because I could or because it helps my manhood as opposed to all the stupid comments about protecting yourself from a tyrannical government.

Few comments in this thread have been stupider and more bigoted that yours and GamecockLifer. The only one that tops y'all is that KGwannaB, uscwatson21.
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Yes no one has said on here they are stockpiling guns as part of their plan to overthrow the government just that they want to be prepared if the opportunity arises.

Im sorry if referring to your AR is a pea shooter hurts your feeling but it’s accurate. Everyone thinking they are John Rambo with their AR from Academy would be in for a rude awakening if their fantasy scenario were to come true.

Again I don’t care if people own guns. I even agree that putting the genie back in the bottle at this point is a pipe dream for even the most ardent supporters of things like that. All I am saying is that people just need to say I got it simply because I could or because it helps my manhood as opposed to all the stupid comments about protecting yourself from a tyrannical government.
Small drones with ieds taped to them would be 1000x more effective against a tyrannical government than an AR.

You aren’t going to fight back the US military with small arms fire
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It’s not quite so simple. Consider the following. First of all, the kind of government action that would provoke the kind of insurgency we’re talking about would have to be egregiously atrocious, enough so as to create considerable popular support for the insurgents. (That situation did occur with both the American Revolution, where the Crown’s disregard for the colonists’ rights as Englishmen ultimately accomplished that, and In Vietnam, where the minority Catholic RVN government never had real legitimacy with the mostly Buddhist people out in the countryside) This is the kind of situation in which an insurgency grows and is difficult to eliminate. Second, the very studiously apolitical nature of the U.S. military mitigates against that; one thing that makes the U.S. Military one of our more trusted institutions is its tradition of refusing to be used as a political tool of any party or faction; in fact, avoiding even the appearance of such. The Oath after all is specifically to the Constitution. The Armed Forces could refuse to get involved, or turn against clearly unconstitutional government, or even splinter, depending on circumstance. Even IF the military almost totally threw in with the government in power, there are other problems. When fighting in your own territory, a lot of your overwhelming advantage in heavy firepower (air superiority, heavy artillery, armor, etc. ) often cannot be totally brought to bear in many situations, since the collateral damage and casualties will cost you dearly in terms of the support of the noncombatant population. This was in fact a problem in Vietnam, and would be even more so on American soil. Even with precision munitions, that’s a very real problem for the conventional force. Just to make matter worse, remember the insurgents probably know exactly how to repair and operate captured equipment, since at least some already have considerable experience with it, and can train others. Now they’re armed with a lot more than “peashooters”. In addition, unexploded ordinance (there will always be some) can be converted to extremely effective IEDs. These guys will do what insurgents do; hide and fight among the sympathetic civil population. This can make identifying the enemy quite difficult. Ask the Brits about their difficulties operating in NI during the “troubles”, which were considerable at times. In theory, the British Army (very high quality if lacking in numbers) should have been able to virtually eliminate the various IRA groups; in fact, they largely failed to do so, even when utilizing a level of brutality not typically allowed among American troops. In addition, the conventional force has a big logistics tail supporting it, and that itself is vulnerable to insurgent attacks (meaning more captured supplies). None of these problems are necessarily impossible to manage, but it is definitely a formidable challenge. In short, it might not be as easy as it looks, and again, remember, the insurgents can win, simply by not losing. Of course, this isn’t a likely situation; in fact, I’d consider it highly unlikely for the reasons outlined above. Still, a lot of miscalculations which led to tragic, even disastrous conflicts, have resulted from a stubborn refusal to imagine the unthinkable...until it happened.
There is a realm of anything is possible. It’s kind of like the old Groucho Marx line.

If we had some eggs we could have eggs and ham, if we had some ham.

Again my point is really just say I bought an AR because they look cool. All the talk about protecting myself from the government is just a talking point among the drinking buddies.
Ah the fear monger if they will take our guns angle that has no foundation in reality used to undermine gun control and reduce gun killings.

I have also heard that the gubmint is programming seatbelts to strangle us on impact so I refuse to wear them

So much for a reasonable discussion.
Cuba would welcome you with open arms....

Hard to have an insurrection when we are not at war, and the participants were unarmed. We will have to call that gathering a mostly peaceful protest, minus the looting and burning of buildings of course.

Wrong. The constitution defines insurrection as a rebellion of citizens of a country against its government.
Sorry I’m late to the party but do I think people should be able to purchase assault rifles .... no . Would it make any difference in the amount of mass shootings ... absolutely not . Sickos are going to be Sickos and they will find a way . Tighter gun regs won’t stop that . On the flip side as a former gun owner I got rid of all my firearms . I have a teenage daughter with anxiety and in the last 4 years 3 of her classmates have committed suicide with guns that their parents had in the home . If someone breaks in my house I’m 250lbs , have a Louisville slugger by my bed and a 100lb pitbull ... I like my chances .
Congress going to take up "gun rights" while protecting themselves with National Guardsmen, Constantine wire and personal bodyguards. You can't make this crap up!

They want to leave us defenseless against people (criminal) who would still have these weapons. I'm telling you. You cannot put this toothpaste back in the tube!

As for the poster looking for a plan for dealing with the insurrectionists or the BLM/Antifa group, you are talking about a few hundred nut jobs in the capitol versus tens of thousands of people who killed hundreds and burned down businesses and courthouses?

Give me a break.
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There is a realm of anything is possible. It’s kind of like the old Groucho Marx line.

If we had some eggs we could have eggs and ham, if we had some ham.

Again my point is really just say I bought an AR because they look cool. All the talk about protecting myself from the government is just a talking point among the drinking buddies.

You know, my AR won't bring down a Blackhawk, but my Barrett M107A1 might.
Once again, you have no clue what you are talking about. Were I to have one of these horrid tools you call assault rifles, I GUARANTEE you that were such a situation to occur, all I need to do is take out the first 20 with said weapon and the rest will look elsewhere for easier pickings - someone like you, for instance.
These are warning signs we tend to ignore. Someone should report you. Mods should ban you. And I’m not joking. Wake up America.
Sorry I’m late to the party but do I think people should be able to purchase assault rifles .... no . Would it make any difference in the amount of mass shootings ... absolutely not . Sickos are going to be Sickos and they will find a way . Tighter gun regs won’t stop that . On the flip side as a former gun owner I got rid of all my firearms . I have a teenage daughter with anxiety and in the last 4 years 3 of her classmates have committed suicide with guns that their parents had in the home . If someone breaks in my house I’m 250lbs , have a Louisville slugger by my bed and a 100lb pitbull ... I like my chances .

My wife is 105 pounds and has a poodle. What are her chances?
Wrong. The constitution defines insurrection as a rebellion of citizens of a country against its government.
There was no rebellion. There was a protest by people who felt the election was fraudulent. The problem is the government turned a blind eye to the actions of AntiFa and members of Congress who invited them but went after Trump supporters for exercising First Amendment rights.
If North Koreans were allowed to have guns, would they be free?
Possibly but unlikely. There may be more military defectors there if something was to happen but you’d also see a much more ruthless response. Again times and weapons have changed dramatically and even in Vietnam we learned simply providing weapons and support doesn’t mean people are going to come along. No matter the conditions there will be a segment that is just content to go about their day as long as what is happening is “over there”.

It is also likely that the overthrow of the tyrannical government would simply lead to an even more tyrannical government. Having the ammunition to overthrow the government you don’t like isn’t the same as putting an equitable version in place. How many places have simply replaced one dictator for another even when they want to give the perception of a democracy?
Personally I am a moderate that leans liberal. I think firearms should be allowed for citizens. I also think there should be background checks with a time delay for verification to complete. As long as the person passes a background check they should be good to go. The problem is all the states have differing rules. Years ago DC had strict gun laws but Virginia was a free for all. I think that’s an issue as well.
There was no rebellion. There was a protest by people who felt the election was fraudulent. The problem is the government turned a blind eye to the actions of AntiFa and members of Congress who invited them but went after Trump supporters for exercising First Amendment rights.

I know there's been a pandemic but you should get out more.
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Few comments in this thread have been stupider and more bigoted that yours and GamecockLifer. The only one that tops y'all is that KGwannaB, uscwatson21.
Why do you think that? Do you really believe you and 20 other guys are going to overrun Fort Jackson with a bunch of ARs?
So much for a reasonable discussion.
its a tired talking point that is based on some metaphysical risk that has no glimpse of reality in consideration.

If the government wanted to track down your guns, it would be very easy for them to do so. People post pictures, text, take pictures, record videos, post on social media - all about their guns. A registry would make it marginally easier to track you down.
The 2nd Amendment was written for a fledgling country without a standing army. Not only that but settlers needed to defend themselves from savages and wild animals. Understanding the context of history makes all the difference.
RPFLMAO... one of those "lets get rid of the old Antiquated Costitution" liberals... So you are picking and choosing the parts you like??
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RPFLMAO... one of those "lets get rid of the old Antiquated Costitution" liberals... So you are picking and choosing the parts you like??
Thomas Jefferson suggested constantly changing up the constitution every generation, he is one of my favorite founding fathers.
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its a tired talking point that is based on some metaphysical risk that has no glimpse of reality in consideration.

If the government wanted to track down your guns, it would be very easy for them to do so. People post pictures, text, take pictures, record videos, post on social media - all about their guns. A registry would make it marginally easier to track you down.

The difference is voluntary sharing of information vs an invasion of privacy. I'd be surprised if more than 1% of gun-owners have posted any pictures of their guns online.
Why do you think that? Do you really believe you and 20 other guys are going to overrun Fort Jackson with a bunch of ARs?

What a ridiculous question that is just a figment of your diseased imagination. No, I don't. But if you think millions of well armed citizens familiar with the terrain and other intricacies of their respective areas, wouldn't be able to cause serious damage to a depleted, traitorous military trying to subjugate its own citizens, you're not being realistic.

As far as your bigoted comments, you and Gamecock Lifer know exactly what you're doing with the Jim Bob and Bubba and trailer park comments.
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