I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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Yes no one has said on here they are stockpiling guns as part of their plan to overthrow the government just that they want to be prepared if the opportunity arises.

Im sorry if referring to your AR is a pea shooter hurts your feeling but it’s accurate. Everyone thinking they are John Rambo with their AR from Academy would be in for a rude awakening if their fantasy scenario were to come true.

Again I don’t care if people own guns. I even agree that putting the genie back in the bottle at this point is a pipe dream for even the most ardent supporters of things like that. All I am saying is that people just need to say I got it simply because I could or because it helps my manhood as opposed to all the stupid comments about protecting yourself from a tyrannical government.
Says the King of the stupid comment kingdom.
This is an interesting read...

The US comes in at 5.35 intentional homicides per 100,000 people. Japan is the lowest at 0.2 intentional homicides per 100,000 people and El Salvador is the highest at 82.84 intentional homicides per 100,000 people. The average is 7.03 for the data set.


another data set below:

It really is disgusting hearing the list the mass shootings over and over again. We just move on. It's sad.
Me and some people were talking about this last night...The powers to be will discuss it and nothing will change. Then another mass shooting will happen and they will do the same thing. It's a viscous cycle and nothing will change until we vote out the people who have no business being in politics.
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Me and some people were talking about this last night...The powers to be will discuss it and nothing will change. Then another mass shooting will happen and they will do the same thing. It's a viscous cycle and nothing will change until we vote out the people who have no business being in politics.

Now that the democrats will be in charge for the foreseeable future, you’re going to start getting movement on increased gun control.
Why do you think that? Do you really believe you and 20 other guys are going to overrun Fort Jackson with a bunch of ARs?
Dizzy, wake the hell up.
No one has proposed attacking the government. It's as jf you think there are millions of gun owners conspiring to attack the military.
Geez Louise. Get a grip.
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Now that the democrats will be in charge for the foreseeable future, you’re going to start getting movement on increased gun control.
As a Moderate Republic I'm think you're right. The problem with some if not most of the Republicans is I think they know what's right but afraid to do the right think in fear of not being re-elected. I saw a interview with Obama talking about the affordable care act...he said that the majority of the Republicans' were in agreement with him but couldn't vote for the measure because they would not be re-elected. It's sad really how politics has turned out.
Project all you like. The fact is that that is mostly incorrect, as has been explained on here many times. I dont need to explain it further. However, believe it or not, I don't own any guns. I didn't want them in my house with my small children. Keeping them in a safe is worse than useless since you won't have time to retrieve it in crisis. So I chose to keep them out of my home until my children are at an age where I can instill them with the proper respect a weapon deserves. Responsible gun ownership needs to be pushed more prominently. Perhaps annual safety courses before purchase, or annual certification (current) as well as a background check (current) to purchase. Locally maintained registries for continued and repeated classes. I know I don't fully agree with a registry, but I'd be ok with a weapon control department or militia department of local (state or county) government to maintain that list and enforce proper training.

All I will say is you can try to belittle people who are willing to defend themselves from whatever threats there are and that's fine. I find it amusing. One day it may not be you who is laughing. Maybe it will. I disagree with you either way.
I do own guns and I don’t have an issue with as you said “responsible gun ownership”. What bothers me is the rhetoric from people about why they have guns. Many are just repeating talking points especially about the protection from the government. This isn’t like the point where the only difference between you and the continental army (which was barely a thing) is a few more musketballs and cannons. If you think you need protection from the government that AR isn’t going to be much help. Just be honest and say I have it because I can have it and I wanted to have it.
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Me and some people were talking about this last night...The powers to be will discuss it and nothing will change. Then another mass shooting will happen and they will do the same thing. It's a viscous cycle and nothing will change until we vote out the people who have no business being in politics.
I just think that as society changes, that relevant concerns and reasonable measures should not be immediately interpreted as a threat to the fabric of our country and a 250-year old document. I think the 2A has been co-opted into something completely different and has allowed people to be disingenuous.

I don't have a solution.
The 2nd Amendment was written for a fledgling country without a standing army. Not only that but settlers needed to defend themselves from savages and wild animals. Understanding the context of history makes all the difference.
You sir are an idiot. The second amendment exists for none of the reasons you just stated.
I do own guns and I don’t have an issue with as you said “responsible gun ownership”. What bothers me is the rhetoric from people about why they have guns. Many are just repeating talking points especially about the protection from the government. This isn’t like the point where the only difference between you and the continental army (which was barely a thing) is a few more musketballs and cannons. If you think you need protection from the government that AR isn’t going to be much help. Just be honest and say I have it because I can have it and I wanted to have it.
They are being honest. Just like the people who believed the election was rigged and stolen were being honest. They weren't taking that position as a talking point. There are people who genuinely believe. Just as you believe they would stand no chance against the military (pretty inaccurate, once you figure that the military biggest strategic advantages are neutralized due to the inability to turn bombs and tanks against cities full of American Civilian targets, the difference becomes far smaller), they truly believe that they ARE preparing to defend against a terrible governmental takeover. It's not dishonest. It may be a bit far fetched, but not dishonest.

Also, protecting against a bad government isn't the same as overthrowing the government. Stopping them from doing something isn't the same as destroying them.
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As a Moderate Republic I'm think you're right. The problem with some if not most of the Republicans is I think they know what's right but afraid to do the right think in fear of not being re-elected. I saw a interview with Obama talking about the affordable care act...he said that the majority of the Republicans' were in agreement with him but couldn't vote for the measure because they would not be re-elected. It's sad really how politics has turned out.

That's what he WOULD say. "Everyone agrees with me" And you bought that?
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When people focus on the tyrannical government thing you aren’t stopping much from your front porch. Again if people say they want them for home protection that’s fine. It’s probably a bit overkill but if it’s what you need to feel safe that’s fine. It’s when you run off in the woods with your buddies talking about overthrowing the government that you’ve jumped the shark and we all know there is a segment that is out there doing that.
And there will always be sheep just like you that follow an over powering government all the way to its collapse.
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Dizzy, wake the hell up.
No one has proposed attacking the government. It's a of you think there are millions of gun owners conspiring to attack the military.
Geez Louise. Get a grip.
No I don’t and I never said that. I said the people who claim they have an AR to protect themselves from the government are just kidding themselves. Are there groups of people who thing they can attack the military? Absolutely. Just like there are people who think they can confiscate all guns and both are delusional.

My only point (and we’ve run down a massive rabbit hole which is partly my fault) is that an AR isn’t going to protect you from the government. You and 1000 other people with ARs aren’t going to stop a tyrannical government. Those dayshave long passed us by.

I just wish gun owners would simply say I have this because I like it and I can. Some of it is for protection but once you move past a concealed carry pistol or a single home protection item it becomes a hobby. Whether you pour money into your gun, your car or your golf clubs it’s all doing something that makes you happy. It’s when people start trying to justify it as anything more than that is where it tends to start falling off the rails.

Whether people like it or not every time someone says it’s to protect them from the government or you run across that one guy with his CWP who has four guns on him and brags about how he’s strategically placed guns around his house it causes people to start looking at all gun owners like loonies. Every gun owner knows those people and if they’re honest even they will admit those guys can weird you out.

Have your gun, enjoy your gun, use your gun responsibly just don’t be part of the problem. You can help educate a lot more people about guns, gun safety and the sport if you don’t lead with “over my dead body”.
They are being honest. Just like the people who believed the election was rigged and stolen were being honest. They weren't taking that position as a talking point. There are people who genuinely believe. Just as you believe they would stand no chance against the military (pretty inaccurate, once you figure that the military biggest strategic advantages are neutralized due to the inability to turn bombs and tanks against cities full of American Civilian targets, the difference becomes far smaller), they truly believe that they ARE preparing to defend against a terrible governmental takeover. It's not dishonest. It may be a bit far fetched, but not dishonest.

Also, protecting against a bad government isn't the same as overthrowing the government. Stopping them from doing something isn't the same as destroying them.
Okay. I can take that. God knows I have a lot of family who fit both of those scenarios you provided. I still don’t think Red Dawn is a likely training video but in the end it is very unlikely it would come to that or the results would be the same. While I still believe for most it is a talking point I will agree that some people do believe things no matter how unlikely it may be.
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No I don’t and I never said that. I said the people who claim they have an AR to protect themselves from the government are just kidding themselves. Are there groups of people who thing they can attack the military? Absolutely. Just like there are people who think they can confiscate all guns and both are delusional.

My only point (and we’ve run down a massive rabbit hole which is partly my fault) is that an AR isn’t going to protect you from the government. You and 1000 other people with ARs aren’t going to stop a tyrannical government. Those dayshave long passed us by.

I just wish gun owners would simply say I have this because I like it and I can. Some of it is for protection but once you move past a concealed carry pistol or a single home protection item it becomes a hobby. Whether you pour money into your gun, your car or your golf clubs it’s all doing something that makes you happy. It’s when people start trying to justify it as anything more than that is where it tends to start falling off the rails.

Whether people like it or not every time someone says it’s to protect them from the government or you run across that one guy with his CWP who has four guns on him and brags about how he’s strategically placed guns around his house it causes people to start looking at all gun owners like loonies. Every gun owner knows those people and if they’re honest even they will admit those guys can weird you out.

Have your gun, enjoy your gun, use your gun responsibly just don’t be part of the problem. You can help educate a lot more people about guns, gun safety and the sport if you don’t lead with “over my dead body”.

The problem is we are being forced to have a reason. We have to justify it, because people won't accept "because I want it". No longer do we have that freedom to say "I want a gun because I want it". That's not good enough. So, we have to dig deeper and use the original justification. Don't begrudge people from standing up to tyranny, that's a good fight. Whether we can win the battle or not is beside the point. That doesn't make it not worth fighting. I will fight the battle of tyranny proudly, even in a losing effort. I'll go down, protecting my rights and yours until the very last 5.56 round has been fired.
I just think that as society changes, that relevant concerns and reasonable measures should not be immediately interpreted as a threat to the fabric of our country and a 250-year old document. I think the 2A has been co-opted into something completely different and has allowed people to be disingenuous.

I don't have a solution.
The solution to the gun issue is simple.
Propose an amendment to abolish or change the 2A and stop the back-door efforts to change it.
An ammendment proposal will allow the will of the people to be expressed.
No I don’t and I never said that. I said the people who claim they have an AR to protect themselves from the government are just kidding themselves. Are there groups of people who thing they can attack the military? Absolutely. Just like there are people who think they can confiscate all guns and both are delusional.
I only need one reason to want an AR, And it's mind your own damn business.
What? You believe everyone but Trump? That's an interesting way to look at things.
Trump was and is a compulsive know, I know it, everyone knows it. I'm not saying Obama didn't lie but he's not the first President to tell stories like that one. Been going on for years. So yes, I believe he was telling the truth in that particular situation.
No, it unfolded all summer long in cities across the country. There was no looting and burning on Jan 6th
You must have been watching another channel on that day. I don't remember any organizations/people storming the capital before that day. Not sure how the one compares to the other.
And there will always be sheep just like you that follow an over powering government all the way to its collapse.
That’s not true. If there was real overpowering government actions starting to take place a real uprising would occur. Despite what many people sell very few people really want full government control and if that day comes it is going to take a lot more than a handful of ARs.
No I don’t and I never said that. I said the people who claim they have an AR to protect themselves from the government are just kidding themselves. Are there groups of people who thing they can attack the military? Absolutely. Just like there are people who think they can confiscate all guns and both are delusional.

My only point (and we’ve run down a massive rabbit hole which is partly my fault) is that an AR isn’t going to protect you from the government. You and 1000 other people with ARs aren’t going to stop a tyrannical government. Those dayshave long passed us by.

I just wish gun owners would simply say I have this because I like it and I can. Some of it is for protection but once you move past a concealed carry pistol or a single home protection item it becomes a hobby. Whether you pour money into your gun, your car or your golf clubs it’s all doing something that makes you happy. It’s when people start trying to justify it as anything more than that is where it tends to start falling off the rails.

Whether people like it or not every time someone says it’s to protect them from the government or you run across that one guy with his CWP who has four guns on him and brags about how he’s strategically placed guns around his house it causes people to start looking at all gun owners like loonies. Every gun owner knows those people and if they’re honest even they will admit those guys can weird you out.

Have your gun, enjoy your gun, use your gun responsibly just don’t be part of the problem. You can help educate a lot more people about guns, gun safety and the sport if you don’t lead with “over my dead body”.
Apparently you can write in your sleep.
I have guns for my protection. With defunding the police, can I depend on the police to respond quickly enough if an intruder breaks down my door? Probably not. I have guns strategically placed. Let me add, I have no children in my home. The second amendment has give me a right to own a gun. There are no restrictions as to what kind I choose to have. I can choose from hand guns, shotguns, rifles, and anything else I desire to have. During my entire life, I have owned guns. Never and let me emphasize NEVER has one of my guns done anything on their own. In all these years, no one has pointed itself at anything, discharged a round on its own or done anything except what I bid it to do.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a people problem. The Colorado shooter legally bought a gun and it was taken away by family. It was given back by family as well. Police knew about this guy, they just didn't do anything. The gun did not decide to go to the food store and shoot people. The shooter did. He could have taken lives by driving a car through the store. Do we ban cars? we will not.

The police are sworn to serve and protect yet are being hamstrung by politicians. During the summer of "peaceful protests" how many people were killed> How much property destroyed? The police were told to stand down. If someone breaks into my house, I will not stand down. I will do what I need to do.

If you don't want a gun, your right is to not own one. But the Constitution says it IS my right to own one and I will.
The problem is we are being forced to have a reason. We have to justify it, because people won't accept "because I want it". No longer do we have that freedom to say "I want a gun because I want it". That's not good enough. So, we have to dig deeper and use the original justification. Don't begrudge people from standing up to tyranny, that's a good fight. Whether we can win the battle or not is beside the point. That doesn't make it not worth fighting. I will fight the battle of tyranny proudly, even in a losing effort. I'll go down, protecting my rights and yours until the very last 5.56 round has been fired.
I don’t think you do. I think you have people telling you that you do but overall I just don’t know that it’s true. It’s been a talking point for years and it will remain a talking point for years to come. For both sides it’s an excellent base rouser and fund raising opportunity but in the end all the fire and fury results in very little. I look at all of the talk about gun control and abortion in a lot of the same ways. Everyone talks about it but in the end action is limited because despite the rhetoric those talking know that changing anything would not be popular even among the majority of their supporters. Will there always be legislation aimed at these things? Absolutely. Will any of it ever change anything? Not likely.
Are you aware of the differences between the Mini-14 and the AR-15? The furniture. That's it.
Yes, I am aware and mine has a standard wood stock. I have had the weapon for about 40 years and it is stainless.
Yes, you can illegally convert the mini-14 to full-auto, but mine remains in its original condition and all I have are two five-round clips. Remember I said I only bought the weapon for target shooting. Not to hunt or to run around the woods like a toy soldier. If I had to, I would use it for home protection but it would not be by the first choice
That’s not true. If there was real overpowering government actions starting to take place a real uprising would occur. Despite what many people sell very few people really want full government control and if that day comes it is going to take a lot more than a handful of ARs.
You simply do not know that. You can’t predict the future.
However, for the sake of argument I will give you another scenario. What if China invaded Russia? You want god fearing Americans with AR then? Some of them will be willing to pick up that rifle and defend their country even though they are not currently in the military. What if Francis Marion had not had weapons during the revolutionary war.
Why 20 rounds? Why not 18, or 11, or 3?
Brett yet just one round, and let's limit it to 22 shorts.

Why not?
I used to do rapid-fire target shooting and 20 was the number I used but usually had 10 rounds in the magazine
I got rid of the magazines and all I have today are two - 5 round clips. I honestly don't know if I will ever target shoot again (vision sucks). The idea of just one round at a time and using something less powerful has an appeal
Are you aware of the differences between the Mini-14 and the AR-15? The furniture. That's it.
Yes. That's it.
Are you aware of the differences between the Mini-14 and the AR-15? The furniture. That's it.
Yes. That's it. I think in the future, a discussion like this should not be allowed on Gamecock Central. There are plenty of sites and watering holes where we can discuss gun control - Mini-14 vs AR-15 - My car has more HP than yours and mine is bigger than yours.
Wouldn't any weapon that is used to assault someone be considered an assault weapon?
Semantics...."assault weapon" v. assault rifle v. automatic rifle.
Some assault rifles are also automatic rifles. The term automatic rifle is mostly obsolete.
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