I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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Give the assault rifle bull s*it a rest.
No one is selling assault riffles.
Would you feel better if he used a 357 magnum revolver?
The weapon he used was bought just days before the shooting and had been previously banned in Boulder under their assault rifle ban.. I am not sure what part of that you consider to be BS, but I think we all know what I said is congruent with the information that has been released up to this point. It may not play well with the narrative you want to push, but I am only speaking to what has happened and what has been reported.

No, it would not make me feel any better or worse if this guy had used any other type of gun. I am sick of this shit happening in America period and we all should be. If you want to act like you aren’t because it may weaken your stance on the availability to certain thpes of guns to the general public... I will leave it up to you as to how you want to sort that out with your conscience. The facts are these mass shootings happen way too often and commonly, especially in the most violent/lethal examples, the perps are using AR-15s and comparable assault style weapons to carry out the attacks. At some point we have to ask if making weapons of war easily available to virtually anyone in America is contributing to the frequency and severity of the events- the timeline and circumstances of this most recent event makes it very clear that there is a direct correlation. 3 of the top 5 most deadly incidents of mass shootings in American history have taken place since 2016. Virtually all of the most deadly incidents were perpetrated by people wielding assault style weapons, the worst fo which he had a bump stock mod as well which allowed hom to fire the gun at a pace almost equal to fully automatic fire without reducing accuracy... The data is out there, it is clear and allowing people to own these guns, the high capacity mags, and bump stocks... Is not necessary, nor is it reasonable and it 100% is NOT a “god given right” nor was it the intended purpose of the second amendment.

We have deeper problems at the root of these incidents certainly, but the unpredictable nature of them, and the increasing frequency demands we do something. Limiting accessibility of weapons that make it SO much easier to slaughter higher numbers of people is a reasonable step to take while we explore better long term solutions.
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As a Moderate Republic I'm think you're right. The problem with some if not most of the Republicans is I think they know what's right but afraid to do the right think in fear of not being re-elected. I saw a interview with Obama talking about the affordable care act...he said that the majority of the Republicans' were in agreement with him but couldn't vote for the measure because they would not be re-elected. It's sad really how politics has turned out.

You believe Obama, who attacked Clinton and Edwards in the 2008 primaries because they supported an individual mandate? Ha! Perhaps those Republicans voted against it because it was unconstitutional.
You simply do not know that. You can’t predict the future.
However, for the sake of argument I will give you another scenario. What if China invaded Russia? You want god fearing Americans with AR then? Some of them will be willing to pick up that rifle and defend their country even though they are not currently in the military. What if Francis Marion had not had weapons during the revolutionary war.
I’m assuming you mean if China or Russia invaded the US then that is a completely different situation. Again I don’t have an issue with people owning guns but I would suspect many of the people with ARs wouldn’t be running to the front line to fight the Chinese army.

Despite many people thinking The Patriot was a Francis Marion biography it wasn’t. He has previously fought in the French and Indian war. He was recruited into the army to work with the SC regiment and militia (which is essentially the national guard of today). Yes they were a group of farmers and landowners who were fighting but many of them had military experience and again were part of their militia and some of them were provided with much better weaponry than they had on their homes. He didn’t just go round up a group of accountants and mechanics because they bought a gun from their local sporting goods stores. It was a different world, a different life experience and a different set of weaponry all around.

That’s like saying because I bought a rocket kit from the hobby shop I’m going to build my own Apollo.
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I have guns for my protection. With defunding the police, can I depend on the police to respond quickly enough if an intruder breaks down my door? Probably not. I have guns strategically placed. Let me add, I have no children in my home. The second amendment has give me a right to own a gun. There are no restrictions as to what kind I choose to have. I can choose from hand guns, shotguns, rifles, and anything else I desire to have. During my entire life, I have owned guns. Never and let me emphasize NEVER has one of my guns done anything on their own. In all these years, no one has pointed itself at anything, discharged a round on its own or done anything except what I bid it to do.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a people problem. The Colorado shooter legally bought a gun and it was taken away by family. It was given back by family as well. Police knew about this guy, they just didn't do anything. The gun did not decide to go to the food store and shoot people. The shooter did. He could have taken lives by driving a car through the store. Do we ban cars? we will not.

The police are sworn to serve and protect yet are being hamstrung by politicians. During the summer of "peaceful protests" how many people were killed> How much property destroyed? The police were told to stand down. If someone breaks into my house, I will not stand down. I will do what I need to do.

If you don't want a gun, your right is to not own one. But the Constitution says it IS my right to own one and I will.
Not if President Harris has her way!!!
You simply do not know that. You can’t predict the future.
However, for the sake of argument I will give you another scenario. What if China invaded Russia? You want god fearing Americans with AR then? Some of them will be willing to pick up that rifle and defend their country even though they are not currently in the military. What if Francis Marion had not had weapons during the revolutionary war.
If you are trying to convince the Democrat Socialist Lefties, they HATE America, hell no they wont defend it..
The weapon he used was bought just days before the shooting and had been previously banned in Boulder under their assault rifle ban.. I am not sure what part of that you consider to be BS, but I think we all know what I said is congruent with the information that has been released up to this point. It may not play well with the narrative you want to push, but I am only speaking to what has happened and what has been reported.

No, it would not make me feel any better or worse if this guy had used any other type of gun. I am sick of this shit happening in America period and we all should be. If you want to act like you aren’t because it may weaken your stance on the availability to certain thpes of guns to the general public... I will leave it up to you as to how you want to sort that out with your conscience. The facts are these mass shootings happen way too often and commonly, especially in the most violent/lethal examples, the perps are using AR-15s and comparable assault style weapons to carry out the attacks. At some point we have to ask if making weapons of war easily available to virtually anyone in America is contributing to the frequency and severity of the events- the timeline and circumstances of this most recent event makes it very clear that there is a direct correlation. 3 of the top 5 most deadly incidents of mass shootings in American history have taken place since 2016. Virtually all of the most deadly incidents were perpetrated by people wielding assault style weapons, the worst fo which he had a bump stock mod as well which allowed hom to fire the gun at a pace almost equal to fully automatic fire without reducing accuracy... The data is out there, it is clear and allowing people to own these guns, the high capacity mags, and bump stocks... Is not necessary, nor is it reasonable and it 100% is NOT a “god given right” nor was it the intended purpose of the second amendment.

For starters, AR-15 type rifles are not "assault weapons". They're rifles.

There are literally tens of millions of these type rifles in circulation. Only a minuscule percentage of them are used in shootings. I'd wager there are more people shot just in Chicago every year with handguns than there are nationwide with rifles....but that doesn't fit the narrative.

What are you calling a "weapon of war"? A Remington 870 shotgun? a .38 pistol? A 30/06 rifle? A .45 pistol? All have been used in war. My Grandfather carried a .32 pistol in the Navy, is that a "weapon of war"?

Your remarks show you know nothing about bumpstocks. They're most certainly NOT accurate, especially when the guy you're referencing had a telescopic sight on a bump stock equipped rifle. It made absolutely no sense to be equipped like that, which brings the whole story into question.
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Yes, I am aware and mine has a standard wood stock. I have had the weapon for about 40 years and it is stainless.
Yes, you can illegally convert the mini-14 to full-auto, but mine remains in its original condition and all I have are two five-round clips. Remember I said I only bought the weapon for target shooting. Not to hunt or to run around the woods like a toy soldier. If I had to, I would use it for home protection but it would not be by the first choice
You're rifle is the same as an AR. It's a semiauto and there's a military variant of it. Your choice of magazine is the only difference and not really pertinent. That doesn't somehow put you above AR owners.
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As a Moderate Republic I'm think you're right. The problem with some if not most of the Republicans is I think they know what's right but afraid to do the right think in fear of not being re-elected. I saw a interview with Obama talking about the affordable care act...he said that the majority of the Republicans' were in agreement with him but couldn't vote for the measure because they would not be re-elected. It's sad really how politics has turned out.
Agree that politics is in a sad state of affairs in this country but not for the reason that you have cited. I would suggest that if an elected official did not cast a vote for a particular issue out of fear of not being re-elected, that is not sad at all; but rather, a demonstration that our republican democracy is working and that the people still hold the power. These influences and the various Constitutional check’s and balances are designed to stalemate government without the bipartisan support that can only be found in the most important and supportable measures. Without it, government consumes power like a ravenous rotund child. If one fears being voted out, it would only be because they were considering voting against the desires of the constituency they were elected to serve...good riddance of that is the case.

sorry for the diatribe. Have a good day.
Portland Courthouse was being attacked. Capital was stormed during the Kavanaugh hearings...crickets from the Left
The Capitol wasn’t stormed during the Kavanaugh hearings. People entered the building legally and attempted to disrupt the proceedings. They did push past a police barricade to bang on the doors of the Supreme Court. In neither circumstance did they forcibly enter the building, steal anything or erect a set of gallows. That’s like saying your grandmother doing 5 miles an hour over the speed limit is as bad as a drunk driver doing 85 involved in a head on collision because they were both speeding.
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I'm 60, and have met many people who want ALL firearms banned.

I'm not sure what you're referring to as "military scale weapons". Can you explain what that means?
Certainly not an exhaustive list but would start here Any rapid fire rifle with a magazine that holds more than 7 cartridges.
The weapon he used was bought just days before the shooting and had been previously banned in Boulder under their assault rifle ban.. I am not sure what part of that you consider to be BS, but I think we all know what I said is congruent with the information that has been released up to this point. It may not play well with the narrative you want to push, but I am only speaking to what has happened and what has been reported.

No, it would not make me feel any better or worse if this guy had used any other type of gun. I am sick of this shit happening in America period and we all should be. If you want to act like you aren’t because it may weaken your stance on the availability to certain thpes of guns to the general public... I will leave it up to you as to how you want to sort that out with your conscience. The facts are these mass shootings happen way too often and commonly, especially in the most violent/lethal examples, the perps are using AR-15s and comparable assault style weapons to carry out the attacks. At some point we have to ask if making weapons of war easily available to virtually anyone in America is contributing to the frequency and severity of the events- the timeline and circumstances of this most recent event makes it very clear that there is a direct correlation. 3 of the top 5 most deadly incidents of mass shootings in American history have taken place since 2016. Virtually all of the most deadly incidents were perpetrated by people wielding assault style weapons, the worst fo which he had a bump stock mod as well which allowed hom to fire the gun at a pace almost equal to fully automatic fire without reducing accuracy... The data is out there, it is clear and allowing people to own these guns, the high capacity mags, and bump stocks... Is not necessary, nor is it reasonable and it 100% is NOT a “god given right” nor was it the intended purpose of the second amendment.

We have deeper problems at the root of these incidents certainly, but the unpredictable nature of them, and the increasing frequency demands we do something. Limiting accessibility of weapons that make it SO much easier to slaughter higher numbers of people is a reasonable step to take while we explore better long term solutions.
He did not use an assault rifle.
You sound like you've never seen the misuses of the USA PATRIOT act and other complete and utter oversteps by a government constantly seeking to take power from the people it governs. They don't govern for us, they govern to keep us fighting with each other that there isn't an armed rebellion so the fat cats can continue to feed each other at the top. The first things that need to happen in this country is term limits and the removal of lobbying. Neither will ever happen as long as the people who benefit from it are the ones who have to decide to end

The Convention Of States will fix a lot of that. If that doesn’t happen soon this Nation is doomed.
I have travelled the entire country. Portland is a wasteland thanks to AntiFa. Maybe you should take your head out of the sand
I've been to Portland multiple times and have family currently living there. If you're intimidated by conditions there, maybe that reflects more. on your personal level of self confidence and less on the citizenry of Portland. Not sure why you'd be opposed to a group protesting Facism, since our military sacrificed 400,00 US lives combating Facism in Europe in WW II. Maybe you're sorry we won that war.
"military grade"... you are the Will Muschamp of left wing buzzwords.
Sure okay.

It's just funny how you wrote that how most gun owners are so good at keeping their information safe and then preceded to hint at shooting down a government helicopter with a type of gun that a tyrannical government would target first - on a public forum that has a ton of your information embedded within it.

But we are afraid of registering guns
You believe Obama, who attacked Clinton and Edwards in the 2008 primaries because they supported an individual mandate? Ha! Perhaps those Republicans voted against it because it was unconstitutional.
And you believe Trump who attacked Cruz and Lindsey (and everyone else for that matter) for supporting different views. Ha...
The Capitol wasn’t stormed during the Kavanaugh hearings. People entered the building legally and attempted to disrupt the proceedings. They did push past a police barricade to bang on the doors of the Supreme Court. In neither circumstance did they forcibly enter the building, steal anything or erect a set of gallows. That’s like saying your grandmother doing 5 miles an hour over the speed limit is as bad as a drunk driver doing 85 involved in a head on collision because they were both speeding.
Yes it was. Also Democrat Senator Schumer verbally threatened members of the SCOTUS. The fact is violence is ok as long as it is coming from Democrats or their supporters.
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And you believe Trump who attacked Cruz and Lindsey (and everyone else for that matter) for supporting different views. Ha...

Please search my posting history and find any comments where I said I believe or support Trump. I didn't vote for Trump, though he was far superior to anything that slithered from beneath the democrat rock. I voted for Johnson and Jorgensen.

Besides, nothing in my response to your post would indicate a support of Trump, so it is illogical for you to even jump to that.
I've been to Portland multiple times and have family currently living there. If you're intimidated by conditions there, maybe that reflects more. on your personal level of self confidence and less on the citizenry of Portland. Not sure why you'd be opposed to a group protesting Facism, since our military sacrificed 400,00 US lives combating Facism in Europe in WW II. Maybe you're sorry we won that war.
Because that supposed group is using Fascist tactics. I certainly was not intimidated as I can take of myself. My point was more to the state of decline of a once clean and nice city.
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"A frequent misconception about AR-15 firearms, for instance, is that the “AR” in the name stands for “assault rifle.” It does not. AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle, reflecting the company name (ArmaLite) of the original manufacturer of the weapon. Although ArmaLite sold the design of the rifle to Colt in 1959, the term “AR-15” has persisted and acts as a catch-all for similar guns, even though various models with different manufacturers have different names."

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Please search my posting history and find any comments where I said I believe or support Trump. I didn't vote for Trump, though he was far superior to anything that slithered from beneath the democrat rock. I voted for Johnson and Jorgensen.

Besides, nothing in my response to your post would indicate a support of Trump, so it is illogical for you to even jump to that.
I guess it's same that you assumed I voted for Obama...which I didn't.
Appears to me that we tried your insurgency thingee with a "well regulated militia" back at Ft.Sumter about 150 years ago, with disastrous consequences. Starts to lose all its glamour when the other side starts shooting back.
Glamour? What “glamour? There is NO “glamour” in war, ANY war. There’s no glory in it either. This is not a movie; it’s not a video game. It’s real. Picture this: you are hot, dirty, tired, and sleep deprived; so is every man with you. You’ve been on patrol in the bush for over a week. The terrain is rough, difficult. In some places you can’t see more than 10 feet. There are trails, but the enemy is watching those and they’re probably booby trapped, so you stick to the roughest terrain you can get through. You head is on a swivel, all your senses are alert for any sound or movement that is out of place. Your web gear cuts into your shoulders, sweat is dripping into your eyes. Scared yet? You should’s quiet...too quiet.. there’s movement you caught out the corner of your eye, and then...

Your world explodes. To your right, there’s a sudden burst of automatic weapons fire! Right in front of you an enemy pops out of the bush, then a second. Your unit and his just met, neither expecting it. He starts to raise his weapon; you fire a split second before he does; his round goes just over your head as he falls. You dive to the side and hit the dirt...where’s the second one? Your guys open up; second enemy is down. More muzzle flashes to your front, how many are there? You hear bullets hitting the brush and trees all around you; the ones that come close make a buzzing sound like a wasp whizzing past your head. Where are your guys? You can see the guy to your left, and the guy to your right; you can hear the others hear a grenade explode, and the machine gun to your right stops firing. You crawl to a better firing position, still firing at the muzzle flashes to your front. Occasionally you hear the soft thump and a scream as a shot hits another bad guy...there’s a scream to your left, one of your guys is hear someone yell “Medic!”. You notice another one of your guys down, thrashing around, screaming in pain...and then the fire from the other sides’s over, just like that. You regroup, two walking wounded, but none of you died today. You carefully walk over to the enemy position. Your mouth is dry; you smell and taste burnt gunpowder (you’ll never forget that, ever). You count six enemy KIA scattered around; one's still moving, so you finish him with a round to the head...can’t take a chance on him playing possum, and rolling over with a pistol, knife or grenade. The rest of them bugged see a couple of blood trails, where they dragged off their wounded. You can smell blood; did you know it has a smell? It does, and you won’t forget that either. You search the bodies for personal effects and anything intel might be able to use...

You call in for a dust-off, you have 5 clicks to the extraction point; good, you’ve got plenty of daylight to get there. It’s only then that you notice you feel weak, and you’re shaking; you can’t stop fall down on your knees and puke from all the adrenaline running through your body; now you have time to feel the was a good day, nobody died, on your side...

Now, for all you armchair generals and Rambo wannabes, you have just experienced a “low-intensity firefight”. You weren’t fighting for freedom, or flag, God, country, motherhood and apple pie, or medals or glory, or any of that bullsh*t. You were fighting for you and your guys to just survive another day; and you sure as hell don’t feel like some hero, you feel like warmed-over dogsh*t... the good news is you’ll live to see another sunrise; the bad news is, that in a couple of days or a week, you get to go back out and do it all again... I left out the really gory stuff; you really don’t need to know that; and this battle only lasted maybe two minutes; it can be worse...a LOT worse. When the war is done, you get an added bonus; the memories of what you’ve seen, heard, smelled, felt and had to do, and a lot of guilt and unanswered questions about why you’re still alive and others aren’t, are burned into you soul and your brain, and they will forever be a part of you; a part you’ll wish to God you could forget, but never will, for the rest of your if you go into combat, you better be damn sure that you’re fighting for something worth dying for...and worth living with it, if you survive...
For starters, AR-15 type rifles are not "assault weapons". They're rifles.

There are literally tens of millions of these type rifles in circulation. Only a minuscule percentage of them are used in shootings. I'd wager there are more people shot just in Chicago every year with handguns than there are nationwide with rifles....but that doesn't fit the narrative.

What are you calling a "weapon of war"? A Remington 870 shotgun? a .38 pistol? A 30/06 rifle? A .45 pistol? All have been used in war. My Grandfather carried a .32 pistol in the Navy, is that a "weapon of war"?

Your remarks show you know nothing about bumpstocks. They're most certainly NOT accurate, especially when the guy you're referencing had a telescopic sight on a bump stock equipped rifle. It made absolutely no sense to be equipped like that, which brings the whole story into question.

How many rounds a minute can you fire with an AR-15 type weapon without modification and with a 30-round clip? Thirty? Fifteen? As many times as you can squeeze a trigger? I ask because I don't exactly know, since I don't have an AR-15 and don't want one.

Nomenclature aside, how many times should you be able to fire a weapon in order to consider it capable of conducting an assault -- particularly on people who aren't expecting it and equipped to shoot back?

I own weapons, grew up hunting though I don't do it anymore. I spent time in the Army and fired everything from a LAW to an AT4 to a .50 cal to an M60 to a Claymore to a tactical nuclear missile over a six year period, with stuff in between. I say that to note while I'm not an expert on weaponry, I'm not unfamiliar with them.

Truth is, I don't think a ban will work, but I do think there's something seriously wrong with a society where some sick whackjob can go in and shoot up an kids in an elementary school and nine years later people are having the same arguments over what's what and no closer to finding a solution because extremists on both sides start stirring the pot.
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How many rounds a minute can you fire with an AR-15 type weapon without modification and with a 30-round clip? Thirty? Fifteen? As many times as you can squeeze a trigger? I ask because I don't exactly know, since I don't have an AR-15 and don't want one.

Nomenclature aside, how many times should you be able to fire a weapon in order to consider it capable of conducting an assault -- particularly on people who aren't expecting it and equipped to shoot back?

I own weapons, grew up hunting though I don't do it anymore. I spent time in the Army and fired everything from a LAW to an AT4 to a .50 cal to an M60 to a Claymore to a tactical nuclear missile over a six year period, with stuff in between. I say that to note while I'm not an expert on weaponry, I'm not unfamiliar with them.

Truth is, I don't think a ban will work, but I do think there's something seriously wrong with a society where some sick whackjob can go in and shoot up an kids in an elementary school and nine years later people are having the same arguments over what's what and no closer to finding a solution because extremists on both sides start stirring the pot.

Well said.

An AR-15 is just like the M4 or M16 on semi, so you can shoot the 30 rounds as fast as you can squeeze.
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