I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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No but if the owner of the lambo decided to do 180 down I26 he could kill you if you were in front of him...he would have chosen to operate his car in an illegal fashion and you would be a innocent casualty on your way to a nice wkd in Charleston.

And that Lambo is registered and required to be insured so we know who was responsible and there is most likely a financial payout for the victim and their families.
And that Lambo is registered and required to be insured so we know who was responsible and there is most likely a financial payout for the victim and their families.
required? he could let the insurance lapse...just because something is required by law doesn't mean people are adhering to it...thus the argument that criminals do not follow laws so adding laws does not affect criminals who will not follow them...
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Guns laws wouldn't be to end all deaths, or hate, but it limits the amount that can happen at once. When 9/11 happened no one said you can't stop hate right? Yet airports tighten security, limited the amount of fluids you can board a plane with (don't think fluids were the main cause of 9/11) and enforced other steps to prevent another 9/11 tragedy. When kids started eating tide pods, actions where taken to prevent them from easy access right. Only after mass shootings is the response there is nothing that could have been done to prevent this. I don't get that line of thinking.
There are laws in place for guns but what you find is 8 times out of 10 those rules were not followed. Keep making rules then they are never followed. Until you hold a responsible party(ie pawn shop, store etc) liable then things won't change. Then on top of that you can still get one out of someone's trunk for cash. How do you stop that? Most of us don't have airplanes and tide pods only come from Tide so you can limit that all you want. People use cars to drive into a large crowd killing and injuring. No one holds car manufacturers liable. You can't ban cars. What does it all come back to? Hate. Ban every gun and fix cars in a way that they will not be around large crowds then what? Someone with hate will find a way to harm people other ways. You can't deny that. If I love my neighbor then I will help them and lift them up. If I hated my neighbor so much that I wanted to cause harm then I will find ways to harm them. *edited to add this. Find me the strictest gun law cities and I'll show you a death by guns. The same ones are reported all the time. How often do you hear of a shooting in Chicago then nothing ever happens? More laws more laws more laws. Then more shootings.
It seems like an argument is why enforce/create law as ppl will still find a way to cause harm. If
There are laws in place for guns but what you find is 8 times out of 10 those rules were not followed. Keep making rules then they are never followed. Until you hold a responsible party(ie pawn shop, store etc) liable then things won't change. Then on top of that you can still get one out of someone's trunk for cash. How do you stop that? Most of us don't have airplanes and tide pods only come from Tide so you can limit that all you want. People use cars to drive into a large crowd killing and injuring. No one holds car manufacturers liable. You can't ban cars. What does it all come back to? Hate. Ban every gun and fix cars in a way that they will not be around large crowds then what? Someone with hate will find a way to harm people other ways. You can't deny that. If I love my neighbor then I will help them and lift them up. If I hated my neighbor so much that I wanted to cause harm then I will find ways to harm them.
You missed my point. My point is in other situations ppl did something. When guns are involved the answer is nothing could have prevented it.

And when ppl start driving cars thru crowds, car manufacturers will be in congress answering questions about what can be done to prevent that from happening.
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There’s already a FBI background check system in place for guns bought through dealers.

Multiple shooters, including the Orlando, Charleston, Colorado, and Vegas shooters just to name a few bought their guns legally, passing a background check.

Curiously, many of these shooters (and the Boston Bombers) had been/were under investigation by the FBI. They were known individuals.

If it happens once, maybe twice, well you can file that under “things happen”.

When it happens repeatedly, there’s a problem. When it seemingly happens every time a political party desperately needs a distraction to shift a news cycle, there’s a problem.
Thanks Alex. Will you eventually be telling us all this shooting didn’t really happen and was just faked by the media?

In terms of the watch list we all know that if they added that as a blocker for the background check as soon as someone hit that there would be people screaming that someone with no criminal background was being denied a gun. It would conveniently be ignored that it was because they were part of the Klan or a Proudboy and just focus on not being a convicted criminal.
So your argument is not to have laws because someone might break the law?
No argument. I am just stating the obvious that even tho there are laws, people break them and no amount of additional laws is going to change that...laws are for the law abiding...not the criminal because they don't follow them. pretty standard logic. I never said don't have laws so no one would break them...
No argument. I am just stating the obvious that even tho there are laws, people break them and no amount of additional laws is going to change that...laws are for the law abiding...not the criminal because they don't follow them. pretty standard logic. I never said don't have laws so no one would break them...

But you agree that the laws that require cars to be registered and insured makes them more likely to be registered and insured, correct?
Yes, same as the laws dealing with guns are followed by law abiding gun owners but criminals intent on killing will not follow those laws.

You’re ignoring the fact the Colorado shooter was a legal, law abiding gun owner until he pulled the trigger at the grocery store.

So had we required him to register his gun and show proof of insurance to pick up the weapon, the laws I’m proposing would have been followed.
But you agree that the laws that require cars to be registered and insured makes them more likely to be registered and insured, correct?
also, you pay an Uninsured Motorist fee in SC to cover people that don't pay for insurance. The State knows of the problem but in turn makes us law abiding drivers/car owners pay to cover people breaking the law...makes no sense..
You’re ignoring the fact the Colorado shooter was a legal, law abiding gun owner until he pulled the trigger at the grocery store.

So had we required him to register his gun and show proof of insurance to pick up the weapon, the laws I’m proposing would have been followed.
He was legal, not law abiding...there's a big difference. I have no problem with crazies not getting guns...just do not place burdens on me to cover their stupidness...see my above post regarding uninsured motorist fees
He was legal, not law abiding...there's a big difference. I have no problem with crazies not getting guns...just do not place burdens on me to cover their stupidness...see my above post regarding uninsured motorist fees

There is no guarantee you’re not a crazy...
There is no guarantee you’re not a crazy...
Which leads me to the end game of “gun control”. It will end up as, “since we cannot tell who is a crazy, we must take all guns from the populace.” If you can’t see that’s the ultimate target, you’re fooling yourself.

But guess what?? The criminals will not turn theirs over but the law abides will.
He was legal, not law abiding...there's a big difference. I have no problem with crazies not getting guns...just do not place burdens on me to cover their stupidness...see my above post regarding uninsured motorist fees

But he was "law abiding" until he wasn't - just like literally every other person on the planet. Until you commit your first crime, you're "law abiding." And thus, having a current "law abiding" status is not an indicator of future behaviors.
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Which leads me to the end game of “gun control”. It will end up as, “since we cannot tell who is a crazy, we must take all guns from the populace.” If you can’t see that’s the ultimate target, you’re fooling yourself.

I mean if you’re unwilling to agree to reasonable gun control measures, what other option is there?

I’m trying to find a reasonable middle ground and you guys refuse to budge an inch.
But he was "law abiding" until he wasn't - just like literally every other person on the planet. Until you commit your first crime, you're "law abiding." And thus, having a current "law abiding" status is not an indicator of future behaviors.
See this post Todd:
Only reasonable discussion and opinions allowed.

My understanding is the shooter used an assault rifle to perform his dastardly deed.

Do you believe the banning of assault rifles would prevent these mass shooting/murders?

I don't believe for one second that the banning of assault rifles would prevent these type of shootings. If they were banned nationally I personally believe there would be an underground network of assault rifles being manufactured and sold that would make bootleg whiskey in the 1920s look like a Sunday School Picnic.
You want no politics and you go right to assault rifle (political hot potato) ? You jest.
You can confiscate every gun from every citizen in this Country but that will not stop people from wanting to kill or harm each other. There is only 1 thing all of these acts have in common. Hate. Pure and simple. If there is hatred in someone then they will find every thing they can get their hands on to cause harm. Matthew 22:37-40. There is only one person alive that can solve this and that is having Messiah Yeshua in your heart. Then and only then can you truly love one another.
Well....hate on some and complete mental illness on others !
I mean are you joking? The kind of guns don't matter? Of course it matters. Ask any cop if he'd rather face a suspect with a hand gun or an AR 15 and see what he says. Why do you suppose we typically arm our military with automatic weapons as opposed to a bolt action 30:06?
The more rapidly you can fire a weapon the more potential damage you can inflict in a given time frame. Police usually respond to shots fired fairly rapidly. Why do you suppose the Vagas shooter selected semi-automatic weapons with a bump stock? As the owner of more guns than I can to admit I also do not agree with open carry at all. Having lunatics walking up & down the sidewalk scaring women & children is about the best way I know to aid the movement toward more gun control. Also the 2nd Amendment has reasonable restrictions that have been in place for close to 100 years
I absolutely agree that mental health is key. It's also impossible to weed out all those type individuals ahead of the act, but we need to do more.
The “responsible restrictions” have been put into place by the same crowd that thinks that the constitution is a living, breathing thing! Anything that goes against “shall not be infringed” is most likely illegal. Our founders never wanted the population to be outgunned by our government. We are, of course. However, there are truly many of us that would fight to our death to protect all of the constitution.
now there was an important if there. Can you complete the if statement ?
Can felons legally have/buy a gun? No

Can I legally sell a gun to someone that can’t legally own it? No

Can someone legally lie on a background check form in order to get a gun they legally shouldn’t have? No

So what do you propose we need to do more? I’m open to background checks on person to person sales. That is reasonable. I’m open to some sort of mental check. That’s reasonable.

What more do you propose?
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The “responsible restrictions” have been put into place by the same crowd that thinks that the constitution is a living, breathing thing! Anything that goes against “shall not be infringed” is most likely illegal. Our founders never wanted the population to be outgunned by our government. We are, of course. However, there are truly many of us that would fight to our death to protect all of the constitution.

It's funny how the most vocal supporters of the Constitution rarely understand it.
I mean if you’re unwilling to agree to reasonable gun control measures, what other option is there?

I’m trying to find a reasonable middle ground and you guys refuse to budge an inch.
The only reasonable middle ground is for you to stay away from guns, read the constitution and thank your neighbors that own guns. Because the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I don’t know what state you live in but here in Georgia we have open carry. Although most conceal (I do), we can wear a side arm in most places. The folks who carry have been registered, been finger printed and are never the individuals who you hear about on the news.
People murder......guns just sit there in the safe, on the table or in the rack . Guns can not do anything on their own as they are intransitive objects which only function when guided by PEOPLE. Guns don’t kill....people commit murder.

Yeah that’s why gun control measures typically impact people and not guns...

I don’t think anyone has any issue with a company making guns just for them to sit in a warehouse never touched by humans. It just wouldn’t be a profitable endeavor.
You’ve literally spent two days arguing against making it harder for criminals to get firearms.

Do you honestly not understand that?
You said that my having guns makes it "easier for people to break the law."

If you have read my posts I am not for criminals/crazies having guns. I have never argued against making it harder for criminals to get firearms. Check yourself.

Please explain your post below how my guns make it easier for people to break the law:

How do my having guns make it easier for people to break the law? I'll wait for a response.
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