I would like to have a intelligent discussion about the horrible shooting that occurred today in Boulder, Co. No politics allowed.

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Studies have shown that each year over 2k guns are sold to individuals on watch lists. Since just being on the watch list doesn’t disqualify you from purchasing a firearm all the FBI can do is flag the record for review of increased surveillance or monitoring. Unless you are going to support additional questioning or interviews with field agents prior to the approval then it is kind of meaningless. I for one would fully support this occurring but I also feel fairly sure people would oppose having someone questioned because they are on a watchlist.

As to whether it is odd that people on the watch lists are involved in mass shootings why would that be? They made those lists for a reason so the fact that someone people were concerned about potentially being violent turning out to be violent doesn’t surprise me at all. In fact I’m more surprised when it’s an individual not on the watch list.

What kind of watch list are you talking about? The “no fly” list? Some politicians have pushed for those on the no fly list to be barred from gun purchases, but that’s ensnarled innocent people. There are people on that list solely because they have a similar name as someone who SHOULD be on the list, or a clerical error has been made. And once you’re on the list, it’s almost impossible to get off.

Ted Kennedy used to be caught up in this, as well as Rep. John Lewis. Even with their political standing they kept being stopped. I know two people who get flagged every time they fly, because their names are similar to names of people legitimately there. Both have been denied entry to flights on a few occasions, delayed by hours on others.
Would someone refresh my memory on what happened with the Dylan Roof fiasco as to how he got a gun? Was the background check not handled properly and efficiently by the FBI? This issue may have been addressed in another post but I haven't read them all.

I just remember there was something unsatisfactory relative to the way the FBI handled the background check.

IIRC the issue with him is in SC after three days no answer is back then the person is allowed to purchase the gun.

I could support extending that time frame, but studies have shown extending wait times isn’t statistically significant in stopping violent crime.
IIRC the issue with him is in SC after three days no answer is back then the person is allowed to purchase the gun.

I could support extending that time frame, but studies have shown extending wait times isn’t statistically significant in stopping violent crime.

Why was there no response back from the FBI in three days?
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What kind of watch list are you talking about? The “no fly” list? Some politicians have pushed for those on the no fly list to be barred from gun purchases, but that’s ensnarled innocent people. There are people on that list solely because they have a similar name as someone who SHOULD be on the list, or a clerical error has been made. And once you’re on the list, it’s almost impossible to get off.

Ted Kennedy used to be caught up in this, as well as Rep. John Lewis. Even with their political standing they kept being stopped. I know two people who get flagged every time they fly, because their names are similar to names of people legitimately there. Both have been denied entry to flights on a few occasions, delayed by hours on others.
It was FBI anti-terrorism lists. You were the one with all the conspiracy theories about shooters and these lists and now all of a sudden they are no big deal.
Unnecessary in who’s eyes, yours? It’s part of our culture and our right as Americans. Why do you feel that is unnecessary when the fact is the largest percentage of those are owned by good, honest, law abiding citizens.
I guess I just don’t understand the need to have guns and so many of them.
Are you bunch of gun-toting "merica" loving folks going to let these far left liberal pantywaist bed-wetter get the best of you?
Yall liberals who support " sensible" gun control laws and think government is always the right answer. Gonna let these redneck guns hanging in the back window of their chevy AR-15 loving shoot 1st ask questions later guns dont kill people I do. Get the best of you? This thing is only 29 pages long come on yall. Come on you bunch of sissies
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Are you bunch of gun-toting "merica" loving folks going to let these far left liberal pantywaist bed-wetter get the best of you?
Yall liberals who support " sensible" gun control laws and think government is always the right answer. Gonna let these redneck guns hanging in the back window of their chevy AR-15 loving shoot 1st ask questions later guns dont kill people I do. Get the best of you? This thing is only 29 pages long come on yall. Come on you bunch of sissies

In all honesty what law could be passed to ban AR-15 (or whatever the correct name of the rifle is) that would be effective? I just don't see any type of ban for assault rifles that would be effective. When you tell people they can't have something that makes them want "said item" even more.

If the government came out tomorrow and said "all assault rifles are banned effective 30 days from now. I would go out and buy one immediately just to defy those panty waisted politicians.
Sorry I’m late to the party but do I think people should be able to purchase assault rifles .... no . Would it make any difference in the amount of mass shootings ... absolutely not . Sickos are going to be Sickos and they will find a way . Tighter gun regs won’t stop that . On the flip side as a former gun owner I got rid of all my firearms . I have a teenage daughter with anxiety and in the last 4 years 3 of her classmates have committed suicide with guns that their parents had in the home . If someone breaks in my house I’m 250lbs , have a Louisville slugger by my bed and a 100lb pitbull ... I like my chances .

I understand your reasons for not owning a firearm. But if you believe you can protect you and most importantly your family with a baseball bat and a dog against 3 or 4 armed home invaders that know you are home and kick in the door anyway, well I hope you and everyone in your family (including the dog) are bullet proof.

I have owned Rottweilers for years and all the males were from 120 to 150 lbs. I also understand that they would be nothing more than a speed bump for a group that know they are here and are armed. Hopefully hopefully my boys would give me enough warning and time to get my uh "baseball bat".

I personally knew of a local man that was overpowered in his home and made to watch while his wife was raped and murdered. He almost died but survived. He lived in a rural area much like mine. The only thing that could be worse was if he had a daughter he had to watch as well. So please reconsider your "chances". Your chances are really that it won't happen at all, but I couldn't live with myself if it happened to my family and I made a decision that that prevented me from protecting them, could you?

I know I went off topic. But this is damn serious to me, and you only get one chance, no do overs.
In all honesty what law could be passed to ban AR-15 (or whatever the correct name of the rifle is) that would be effective? I just don't see any type of ban for assault rifles that would be effective. When you tell people they can't have something that makes them want "said item" even more.

If the government came out tomorrow and said "all assault rifles are banned effective 30 days from now. I would go out and buy one immediately just to defy those panty waisted politicians.

True point, but just as likely, mass shooters will just grab the next available type of gun that shoots the same bullets at the same rate (like the mini 14) and still do the same things.

We'd then just keep expanding the list of what is an "assault weapon" until we have single shot rifles and pistols. Which will then be used to still shoot people.
Why? What do you think the government is going to do with that information?
Given time they will confiscate as many as possible.
A group of people with an understanding of human nature far superior to yours made sure we are protected from tyrants.

If you think you know better then you should try to convince the like minded and work on a constitutional ammendment.

For now this works for me
.......the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed
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True point, but just as likely, mass shooters will just grab the next available type of gun that shoots the same bullets at the same rate (like the mini 14) and still do the same things.

We'd then just keep expanding the list of what is an "assault weapon" until we have single shot rifles and pistols. Which will then be used to still shoot people.

It was reported on the national news that one week before the shooting in Boulder, Co. a judge had struck down the right for the city of Boulder to ban assault rifles. Now, like that was really going to make a difference to a nut job that had plans to kill as many people as possible. ABC Nightly News reported it as if the judge had not struck down the ban it would not have occurred.

I mean can you imagine if the nut job that did the shooting would stop and think, hey I can't go into Boulder and shoot a lot of people because they just implemented a ban on assault rifles.
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I bet all the tough gun law nuts here are not lining up to prosecute Hunter Biden for lying on his background check to get a gun in 2018 that his girlfriend dumped in a trash can near a high school.

I'm sure all you are ready to prosecute him right not for that FELONY.
Are you bunch of gun-toting "merica" loving folks going to let these far left liberal pantywaist bed-wetter get the best of you?
Yall liberals who support " sensible" gun control laws and think government is always the right answer. Gonna let these redneck guns hanging in the back window of their chevy AR-15 loving shoot 1st ask questions later guns dont kill people I do. Get the best of you? This thing is only 29 pages long come on yall. Come on you bunch of sissies
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Defend the rest of them. And, I have many others. Your response is weak.

History has shown that the first thing dictators/communists/socialists/authoritarians do is remove the guns from
a society so people can not defend themselves. And you as well as I know that is the plan. You think Hitlers was a great guy? He didn’t kill that many folks compared to Mao or Stalin. Between them you can pick a number between 150,000,000 to 250,000,000 people murdered depending on who is writing the bio.

i think you would fit in with the present Chinese regime. They love gun control.

It takes a great leap of logic to compare any of those guys to our current situation.
He was willing to break the law by murdering people.

You honestly think registering/not registering, insuring/not insuring would’ve made a difference?

You’re not making sense.

Insurance would definitely help pay the families of the victims of this terrible tragedy.
In all honesty what law could be passed to ban AR-15 (or whatever the correct name of the rifle is) that would be effective? I just don't see any type of ban for assault rifles that would be effective. When you tell people they can't have something that makes them want "said item" even more.

If the government came out tomorrow and said "all assault rifles are banned effective 30 days from now. I would go out and buy one immediately just to defy those panty waisted politicians.

How many people do you know that own unlicensed fully automatic machine guns?

How many friends of yours own RPGs?

Probably no one so on some level weapons bans do work.
We heard a great deal about the race of the victims in the Atlanta shooting. Media doesn’t seem to covering that aspect of the Colorado shooting. Any word on this?
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I guess I just don’t understand the need to have guns and so many of them.
Do you think they just sit there and collect dust. They all have a purpose or maybe they are just fun to shoot. Some like to play golf some like to go shoot. I grew up shooting clay pigeons with my father which has turned into 3 gun contest with my son.
We heard a great deal about the race of the victims in the Atlanta shooting. Media doesn’t seem to covering that aspect of the Colorado shooting. Any word on this?

No word that I've heard thus far. It seems the MSM would want to be fair in reporting of similar incidences. LOL!
This is just one of those things I just can't help but wonder why the shooter did what he did when he took off most of his cloths.

Below is an excerpt from an article I read.

"Alissa surrendered to police after he was shot in the leg. An officer said the suspect took off most of his clothes and walked backward toward a SWAT team at the store.

"The suspect did not answer questions, though he asked to speak to his mother," the affidavit said.
I understand your reasons for not owning a firearm. But if you believe you can protect you and most importantly your family with a baseball bat and a dog against 3 or 4 armed home invaders that know you are home and kick in the door anyway, well I hope you and everyone in your family (including the dog) are bullet proof.

I have owned Rottweilers for years and all the males were from 120 to 150 lbs. I also understand that they would be nothing more than a speed bump for a group that know they are here and are armed. Hopefully hopefully my boys would give me enough warning and time to get my uh "baseball bat".

I personally knew of a local man that was overpowered in his home and made to watch while his wife was raped and murdered. He almost died but survived. He lived in a rural area much like mine. The only thing that could be worse was if he had a daughter he had to watch as well. So please reconsider your "chances". Your chances are really that it won't happen at all, but I couldn't live with myself if it happened to my family and I made a decision that that prevented me from protecting them, could you?

I know I went off topic. But this is damn serious to me, and you only get one chance, no do overs.

I totally get where you are coming from . I have no problem with your stance . Again my only reason for not owning firearms anymore is my daughters anxiety and the rash of teen suicides in my area lately . To me this is a bigger threat than a home invasion . I feel like you should do whatever it takes to keep your family safe and for me this is the way . I totally respect where you are coming from however .
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Seems to me the biggest argument against the AR is the amount of damage that can be done quickly. So for kicks and giggles let's assume all guns were banned. Does anybody think this prevents mass murders? The internet can teach you how to build a bomb with items that can be found easier than buying a gun. One bomb placed in a grocery store kills a lot more than 10 people so then what? Pretty sure bombs are already illegal but that hasn't stopped people from using them. Point is, banning guns is purely a political argument used to get votes but in actuality, there is no cure for stopping someone intent on doing harm to others unless people recognize the sickness and do something about it.
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Seems to me the biggest argument against the AR is the amount of damage that can be done quickly. So for kicks and giggles let's assume all guns were banned. Does anybody think this prevents mass murders? The internet can teach you how to build a bomb with items that can be found easier than buying a gun. One bomb placed in a grocery store kills a lot more than 10 people so then what? Pretty sure bombs are already illegal but that hasn't stopped people from using them. Point is, banning guns is purely a political argument used to get votes but in actuality, there is no cure for stopping someone intent on doing harm to others unless people recognize the sickness and do something about it.

Such a great argument.

You know that video where the guy shot his neighbors for shoveling snow onto his property? If he didn’t have a gun, no doubt he would have run home and built him a bomb.
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Here's the thing. These gun grabbers don't want compromise. They say they will compromise, but they will just settled for what they can get now, and then ask for more compromise next year and the next year, until they get EVERYTHING they want. The only thing they see in a compromise is how little or how much they can take from you. They never give anything.
Here's the thing. These gun grabbers don't want compromise. They say they will compromise, but they will just settled for what they can get now, and then ask for more compromise next year and the next year, until they get EVERYTHING they want. The only thing they see in a compromise is how little or how much they can take from you. They never give anything.
They even SAID IT OUT LOUD,....... "we need to win Georgia, and the senate, that way we can control everything and NOT HAVE TO NEGOTIATE"
Such a great argument.

You know that video where the guy shot his neighbors for shoveling snow onto his property? If he didn’t have a gun, no doubt he would have run home and built him a bomb.

That wasnt a mass shooting though, was it? One could argue those spontaneous attacks would be replaced with other weapons. Other weapons already kill a lot more people than rifles anyway.

I took his comment that mass shootings, which are usually planned, would just use other mass damage weapons. .
That wasnt a mass shooting though, was it? One could argue those spontaneous attacks would be replaced with other weapons. Other weapons already kill a lot more people than rifles anyway.

I took his comment that mass shootings, which are usually planned, would just use other mass damage weapons. .

Because other industrialized countries with strict gun laws have mass bombings?
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I totally get where you are coming from . I have no problem with your stance . Again my only reason for not owning firearms anymore is my daughters anxiety and the rash of teen suicides in my area lately . To me this is a bigger threat than a home invasion . I feel like you should do whatever it takes to keep your family safe and for me this is the way . I totally respect where you are coming from however .
Hope you didn't take it as any type of criticism. Of course a child taking their own life would also be one of those situations you would never recover from. Life sure seems much more complicated than it was when I was younger. I feel I came across stronger than I should have, if I did, I apologize.
My mouth routinely sprints faster than my head.
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