I'm calling out Muschamp here to make major moves

When you’re tired, you don’t play well and don’t think clearly, you tend to get hurt hitting players with your shoulder instead of having proper tackling technique....
Well then why is it not happening to every defense in the country, why don't they suffer as many injuries they get tired too...why because sometimes that's just the way it goes. That's why they issue shoulder pads and put in the targeting rule so players will use shoulder pads and not heads. I give up.
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They may have been tired because they were sprinting 97,95 and 93yards down the field in about 10 seconds. Not to mention the ESPN announcers said the air is thinner up there. Among other stupid comments.
I feel your pain 3rd base, but I think it’s more to do with personnel and injuries with the personnel issues being addressed in recruiting. As for the injuries, it does make you wonder what is going on. Is It conditioning? Is It players not knowing proper technique to protect themselves? Is an offense that can’t control clock resulting in the defense being on the field too long? Is It the way we practice? Seemed like we had a player go down on every defensive series last night
We weren't tackling early this year that never improved. Don't understand why defensive players can't tackle. That must improve next year. New guys coming in bigger stronger and faster so next year is almost here.
Coaching is not the issue. we have a very young defense with lots of potential. add the 5 and 4 star DE's we will be fine. Find another marcus lattimore type a high 4 star 5 star guy and the team is fixed. We have bentleys replacement and WR's
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You really think Muschamp likes losing to Clemson? Do you not think he wants to win more than the other guy? I saw him being interviewed after the game and he was visibly upset. This coaching staff is working their butts off coaching and also recruiting. He will do what is right for this football team. Dabo was 1 and 5 his first 6 years against us.
What a moronic post! If we can stay healthy we will be fine! Are you a tater?
Don't know about him, but I am definitely a Gamecock and. I 100% agree that the defense this entire season lacked fundamentals and almost never seemed to be aggressive
If I were to make any changes to the defensive coaching staff, it'd be Hutzler, move LT to LB coach, and hire Lawing to coach the DL. LT is a very good LB coach, T-Rob is the same as a secondary coach, and we all know what Lawing can do with a DL. Small, but effective changes and use the skills you already have on staff.

On another note, the BMac promotion that has been so criticized is beginning to look like a stroke of genius.

Once he came back down to the field.
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Hey genius, you do realize that the reason guys like Nixon, Montac, Ibe, and Harvey were brought in as grad transfers or JUCOS is because you had guys like Tayvn Jackson go out on injury, Wesley Green transferred to Indiana, Al Harris Jr. was kicked off the team, Darrin Smalls transferred, Toure Boyd transferred, Antoine Wilder transferred, Octavis Johnson left, Kaleb Chalmers transferred, and Korey Banks transferred this year. Also, Jaylen Dickerson had bad injuries that caused him to miss the entire season last year. Now make me feel better about your thoughts on Muschamp and his inability to coach defense, and why we should fire coaches? Go away already.
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