Jon Hoke told me "They'll play better.. I PROMISE YOU."

Been hearing that crap for two years. Defense will never get better with this staff. Think there's a lot of issues with players, some resent Hoke while others resent Ward. Not on the same page. How in the crap can a DC allow a QB to throw short passes the entire game, complete 24/25 passes and never jam the guy at the line of scrimmage and make them beat you deep. at least with a deep throw it has to be on target.
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I noticed in the Panthers/Texas game Carolina gave Mallett fits playing their CB's so tight ... he throws the ball so hard anyway I don't know how his receivers can catch anything less than 15-yards down the field, and that's AFTER he's taken his drop ... it really showed on those short slants with coverage so close; he was throwing 'fastballs' trying to get it in before the coverage closed and that as much as anything led to half his incompletions. He throws the ball too hard 'short' - WAY too hard.

Twice I saw 'blitzes' from the Panther CB's covering the WR's near the sidelines, once they actually caused a sack when Mallett was forced to step-up to avoid the CB coming free - pretty much right into the tackle. Both times they called that play the LB 'rotated' over to cover the 'short zone' and even with all that movement that coverage scheme provided TIGHTER coverage near the line of scrimmage than we played against Georgia.

I never saw coverage like we played against GA ever ...10-12 yards off the receivers the entire game. After 'bout 10 catches you'd think we'd cheat up a little. It looked like when we 'stacked the box' our guys were 'cheating' towards the press box - getting AS FAR AWAY as we could while still being on the field.

The worst QB in America could probably complete 24/25 throwing it not from the street to the house just from one side of the driveway to the other. We have got to 'at least' change THAT. I don't remember us contesting a single pass.

On the flip side, if we keep this up we WILL lead the nation in fewest 'interference' penalties, no question about it.

Let's get back to winning this week. If Ohio State can play the Ohio Boy's Choir one week and then the Sister's of the Deaf & Dumb the next and still maintain their rankings we're due a somewhat easier game to work out the kinks.
We seem to do that a great deal, make average QBs look like Heisman trophy contenders.
Kenny Hill became Kenny Thrill against us, then got benched (because he really wasn't that good), then transferred. We make them look so good they want to trademark their names. Grayson "can't miss the slant" Lambert?
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Our Defense is full of players who simply aren't that great especially at dB and even lb. There is only so good those guys are capable of playing. What makes it worse they are slow compared to the comp which is one reason they play off 10 or more yards. Poor recruiting has now come back to bite us. Song will remain the same again a good offense this year. We will have to beat them with our offense or we lose those games. I predict 1 more sec win this season.
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If next time means next game, I sure as hell hope so. If we can't do better against a team that lost to Furman, we're in deeper doo-doo than anyone on here realizes.

I feel you. But it's a start that Today, Tues. Sept. 22, 2015, Coaches changed Skai Moore to Will LB to use all his speed ("Skai" again made 10 or 12 tackles by himself--including a TEXTBOOK slam down of Georgia's Nick Chubbs. ). Change is coming on the D LINE and Secondary before the week is over they say. So, at least the coaches are making bold personnel changes to try and shake things up. Skai Moore says the problem is not on the coaching of Hoke, but on "us players doing our assignments". We'll see what these changes do for us against a hungry Central Florida that has lost by ONE point--two weeks in a row. I'm not throwing in the Gamecock towel on the 2015-16 season yet. Come join me somebody !

The 750,000 dollar a year promise. We he had made that prior to the UK or UGA game.

I feel you. But it's a start that Today, Tues. Sept. 22, 2015, Coaches changed Skai Moore to Will LB to use all his speed ("Skai" again made 10 or 12 tackles by himself--including a TEXTBOOK slam down of Georgia's Nick Chubbs. ). Change is coming on the D LINE and Secondary before the week is over they say. This 2015-16 season is not yet over. Come join me somebody !
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Been hearing that crap for two years. Defense will never get better with this staff. Think there's a lot of issues with players, some resent Hoke while others resent Ward. Not on the same page. How in the crap can a DC allow a QB to throw short passes the entire game, complete 24/25 passes and never jam the guy at the line of scrimmage and make them beat you deep. at least with a deep throw it has to be on target.

I feel you. But it's a start that Today, Tues. Sept. 22, 2015, Coaches changed Skai Moore to Will LB to use all his speed ("Skai" again made 10 or 12 tackles by himself--including a TEXTBOOK slam down of Georgia's Nick Chubbs. ). Change is coming on the D LINE and Secondary before the week is over they say. So, at least the coaches are making bold personnel changes to try and shake things up. And anyway, Skai Moore says the problem is not on the coaching of Hoke, but on "us players doing our assignments". Nevertheless, We WILL see what these changes do. I'm not throwing in the Gamecock towel on the 2015-16 season yet. Come join me somebody !
55-20? Wasn't 52-20 bad enough?[/f
My bad, it WAS 52-20.

And I feel you. But it's a start that Today, Tues. Sept. 22, 2015, Coaches changed Skai Moore to Will LB to use all his speed ("Skai" again made 10 or 12 tackles by himself--including a TEXTBOOK downing of Georgia's Nick Chubbs. ). Change is coming on the D LINE and Secondary before the week is over they say. So, at least the coaches are making bold personnel changes to try and shake things up.. We'll see what these changes do for us against a hungry Central Florida that keeps losing by ONE point. So,.let's not throw in the Gamecock towel on the 2015 season just yet.
According to what Hoke told a reporter who asked, the Tampa 2 entailed corners jamming receivers at the line and disrupting their routes. We have not played that yet if that's the cases.
UNC's quarterback was their Achilles heel more so than our defense. The Kentucky and Georgia game proved that. There is absolutely no excuse to play your corners that far off of receivers, even in the red zone. None whatsoever. Then not only are they playing far off but they leave the slant wide open and turn and run when the ball is snapped instead of pushing the receiver to the sideline. We can either pat ourself on the back all year over the UNC game or we can be realistic and say that we aren't as improved as we thought. Remember, last years defense shut Georgia down and we see how the test of the year went.
Amen. Do Db's back pedal anymore before turning their backs to run with the receivers? I could back pedal almost as fast as I could run but we practiced that all the time. No reason we cannot play about 4 yards off inside shoulder and take away slant. Would rather get beat deep down the sideline occasionally. If you take away slant and knock their d... in the dirt a few times that play receivers will drop some balls. You should be able to back pedal first 15-20 yards and watch qb same time.
96% completion rate, NCAA record for passing efficiency and a defeat so lopsided they turned to another game - I agree, they'd have to play better. Consider this: In the history of the NCAA, thousands upon thousands of games over decades and that debacle Hoke schemed up was the most abused in history. Ever. I feel sorry for the players in the secondary.
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96% completion rate, NCAA record for passing efficiency and a defeat so lopsided they turned to another game - I agree, they'd have to play better. Consider this: In the history of the NCAA, thousands upon thousands of games over decades and that debacle Hoke schemed up was the most abused in history. Ever. I feel sorry for the players in the secondary.

I feel ya. Still, I've just read that Coach Hoke/Ward/and others are changing personnel. They are putting the speed of Skai Moore on the Weakside. Deke Adams is probably going to change some personnel on the line--by the end of this practice week. Offensively, Spurrier is putting a very talented TRUE FRESHMAN to start as QB versus Central Florida (He's never done that.)So, to be fair, coaching IS trying to address the issues of poor gameday performance on the field. Now, of course, it's up to the PLAYERS to watch enough film of opponents; get their heads right; and to DO what they need to do on the actual field.
What if it was Muschamp instead of Hoke? We would be trashing him instead of Hoke.

Based on the way Muschamp's D is playing in ALLBARN right now I'm glad he/we passed....

If I am completely honest I have to give Hoke somewhat of a pass....He doesn't have the players he/we need to play the kind of D we should be playing...That isn't his fault!

He clearly doesn't have the coaching (assistant wise) that he/we need to be playing the kind of D we need to be playing....

My question at this point, hopefully I am right, was that he took the job knowing all those contracts come up this year and he can bring in his own staff.....

I still have to wonder why we did not make every effort possible to bring Lawing back when UF let him go and he was available and made it known he would love to be back in Columbia.....

We are missing his coaching and his recruiting more than I think most imagine.....

Honestly anything short of a complete house cleaning assistant wise after this year will be concerning......
96% completion rate, NCAA record for passing efficiency and a defeat so lopsided they turned to another game - I agree, they'd have to play better. Consider this: In the history of the NCAA, thousands upon thousands of games over decades and that debacle Hoke schemed up was the most abused in history. Ever. I feel sorry for the players in the secondary.
I feel sorry for the fans who foolishly pay over $4MM/year to SOS who turned the program over to his untalented, arrogant and unpopular son several years ago and stubbornly refuses to call plays during the game, which is the one thing above all that he's supposed to be doing. Again, why are we paying this guy?
I feel sorry for the fans who foolishly pay over $4MM/year to SOS who turned the program over to his untalented, arrogant and unpopular son several years ago and stubbornly refuses to call plays during the game, which is the one thing above all that he's supposed to be doing. Again, why are we paying this guy?

I have heard that and not sure how accurate it is, (hope it's not). Maybe that is part of the problem. Too many people calling plays. Doesnt Elliott and Mangus also have input on this or call plays at times?
I have heard that and not sure how accurate it is, (hope it's not). Maybe that is part of the problem. Too many people calling plays. Doesnt Elliott and Mangus also have input on this or call plays at times?
Jr. is a huge, huge problem.
Jr even tries to sound like his Dad in interviews, "throw it around" "try to line up". That kind of info gets old.
Based on the way Muschamp's D is playing in ALLBARN right now I'm glad he/we passed....

If I am completely honest I have to give Hoke somewhat of a pass....He doesn't have the players he/we need to play the kind of D we should be playing...That isn't his fault!

He clearly doesn't have the coaching (assistant wise) that he/we need to be playing the kind of D we need to be playing....

My question at this point, hopefully I am right, was that he took the job knowing all those contracts come up this year and he can bring in his own staff.....

I still have to wonder why we did not make every effort possible to bring Lawing back when UF let him go and he was available and made it known he would love to be back in Columbia.....

We are missing his coaching and his recruiting more than I think most imagine.....

Honestly anything short of a complete house cleaning assistant wise after this year will be concerning......

^^ Agree with 100% of this!! Excellent post!
Based on the way Muschamp's D is playing in ALLBARN right now I'm glad he/we passed....

If I am completely honest I have to give Hoke somewhat of a pass....He doesn't have the players he/we need to play the kind of D we should be playing...That isn't his fault!

He clearly doesn't have the coaching (assistant wise) that he/we need to be playing the kind of D we need to be playing....

My question at this point, hopefully I am right, was that he took the job knowing all those contracts come up this year and he can bring in his own staff.....

I still have to wonder why we did not make every effort possible to bring Lawing back when UF let him go and he was available and made it known he would love to be back in Columbia.....

We are missing his coaching and his recruiting more than I think most imagine.....

Honestly anything short of a complete house cleaning assistant wise after this year will be concerning......

Carolina is 114th in the nation in total defense, after upgrading the talent with Lewis, Sawyer and Johnson.

Hoke's old team, the Chicago Bears, were terrible on defense (Aaron Rodgers six touchdown passes in a half) last year and this year they're giving up 40 points per game.

But Hoke isn't responsible for the poor play of either unit?

C'mon, man. He took this job even though he couldn't bring in his own staff because no other Power 5 conference team was offering him a defensive coordinator position.
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I like the move to get Nunez going. Here's some plusses.
- when he's in the game , he's such a running threat we're playing 11 on 11.
with passing qb's you are playing 10 on 11.
- he's such a good runner he can break long one's on the read option or when he drops back
to pass like Connor Shaw used to.
- he's a decent passer. that's all he needs to do with his running ability.
- he allows us to keep our best playmaker outside where he can likely do the most
damage to the defense (Super Cooper).
- does anybody really think Orth is the future? If you don't why sit Nunez?

here's the negatives to playing Orth
- Cooper is double and tripled. the other wr's have shown little play making ability. If you are a passer and
your wr's don't get open, what good are you.
- our OL is better at run blocking than pass blocking . SOS has shown he will call pass play after pass play with a
passing qb in the game. you do that with Orth in the pocket, little mobility, wr's who don't get open & an OL that
struggles in pass pro on obvious passing situations and you'll get Orth killed. He knows more of the play book
but right now with his style of play it doesn't matter. we have no Sidney Rice's or Alshon Jeffrey's or Kenny
McKinley's. The pass game will not work consistently right now. <aybe it will develop but right now
run run & run some more is the best way to go at the opposing defense.
Carolina is 114th in the nation in total defense, after upgrading the talent with Lewis, Sawyer and Johnson.

Hoke's old team, the Chicago Bears, were terrible on defense (Aaron Rodgers six touchdown passes in a half) last year and this year they're giving up 40 points per game.

But Hoke isn't responsible for the poor play of either unit?

C'mon, man. He took this job even though he couldn't bring in his own staff because no other Power 5 conference team was offering him a defensive coordinator position.

While that may be true you nor I have enough information yet to say he can or can not get the job done!

As to the rest of his staff I think the past 2 to 3 years has demonstrated beyond any doubt they CAN NOT get it done!

I have been to 3 games now and while we aren't where we need to be on the D side of the ball I do see improvement from last year.

Sorry but I am going to be fair to him till I have a reason not to be any longer......
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Yep, UGA dominated on the offensive side of their field on September 19, 2015 in Sanford Stadium. But on the bright side of the 55-20 point beating that we experienced, Coach Spurrier should now be convinced that his true Freshman QB, Lorenzo Nunez only needs to learn more plays to make an extraordinary difference. To the main point, Coach Jon HOKE talked w/ me before they left Athens after the GA game, 9:45 ish. I think we should give him the benefit of any doubt. He went: "We'll do better next time (next game being Central Florida)--I PROMISE you.
He and Spurrier did "S E C Championship things" at Florida. And I say, let's remember how Bad Carolina football USED to be--and let's give our coaching duo a little time. Go 'Cocks' !
I don't know.. You would've thought they would have tightened up their coverage in the 2nd half & not let them continue to make easy catches. Its whatever
This guy who smugly calls himself HBS...ISNT......he's living on his Heisman and one championship at Florida. I see a lot of stuff on here at how bad some of the individual coaches are and how bad our recruiting is BUT the bottom line is that a HBC is responsible for hiring each and every one on that playing field and also the one who has NO ANSWER.
I'm very sad about this as I've been a Sunshine Pumper of the 100% kind until the recent few years....been belly punched too many times lately
This guy who smugly calls himself HBS...ISNT......he's living on his Heisman and one championship at Florida. I see a lot of stuff on here at how bad some of the individual coaches are and how bad our recruiting is BUT the bottom line is that a HBC is responsible for hiring each and every one on that playing field and also the one who has NO ANSWER.
I'm very sad about this as I've been a Sunshine Pumper of the 100% kind until the recent few years....been belly punched too many times lately
! championship? WTF? How about 8 SEC East titles, 6 SEC titles. Only Bear Bryant has more SEC wins. He doesn't call himself that, he says he's :"just a ball coach".
Man, I'm pissed too but this is infantile bs
I like the move to get Nunez going. Here's some plusses.
- when he's in the game , he's such a running threat we're playing 11 on 11.
with passing qb's you are playing 10 on 11.
- he's such a good runner he can break long one's on the read option or when he drops back
to pass like Connor Shaw used to.
- he's a decent passer. that's all he needs to do with his running ability.
- he allows us to keep our best playmaker outside where he can likely do the most
damage to the defense (Super Cooper).
- does anybody really think Orth is the future? If you don't why sit Nunez?

here's the negatives to playing Orth
- Cooper is double and tripled. the other wr's have shown little play making ability. If you are a passer and
your wr's don't get open, what good are you.
- our OL is better at run blocking than pass blocking . SOS has shown he will call pass play after pass play with a
passing qb in the game. you do that with Orth in the pocket, little mobility, wr's who don't get open & an OL that
struggles in pass pro on obvious passing situations and you'll get Orth killed. He knows more of the play book
but right now with his style of play it doesn't matter. we have no Sidney Rice's or Alshon Jeffrey's or Kenny
McKinley's. The pass game will not work consistently right now. <aybe it will develop but right now
run run & run some more is the best way to go at the opposing defense.

Agree with everything here. That is why it was frustrating to hear him say Orth will get reps.. Why!? Give Nunez this game and make him comfortable enough to not be looking over his shoulder. He will make mistakes. But a game like this would be best for him to relax and play. He gives us another play maker on the field. I dont think the fact that he doesnt completely know the offense is an issue. Didnt look like one in the Ga game. If you have to scale it back some then do it. Passing game hasnt been very good this year anyway.
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The pass and run blocking schemes we run, and are built and equipped to run, only work with a guy like shaw, Nunez, or any true dual threat qb. Spurrier knows this, example Dylan running the read last year. We shouldn't recruit another pro style qb at all. Its proven, with Mitch, Smelley, and others, that it can't work with the other pieces in the puzzle.
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Yep, UGA dominated on the offensive side of their field on September 19, 2015 in Sanford Stadium. But on the bright side of the 55-20 point beating that we experienced, Coach Spurrier should now be convinced that his true Freshman QB, Lorenzo Nunez only needs to learn more plays to make an extraordinary difference. To the main point, Coach Jon HOKE talked w/ me before they left Athens after the GA game, 9:45 ish. I think we should give him the benefit of any doubt. He went: "We'll do better next time (next game being Central Florida)--I PROMISE you.
He and Spurrier did "S E C Championship things" at Florida. And I say, let's remember how Bad Carolina football USED to be--and let's give our coaching duo a little time. Go 'Cocks' !

Unbelievably tired of this thought process. We know had bad Carolina football has been and it doesn't have one thing to do with this seasons' abysmal start. What you're basically saying is that we should be happy because we could be 0-3 rather than 1-2. Dang I wish our fans had a great desire to win rather than settling up.
Not quite the same...Muschamp wasn't coming unless he brought his staff (which included Lawing). A little apples to oranges comparison.

Why you say that, he went to AU without him and look at what he has done for their defense. Ellis Johnson is a better DC and AU fired him for Muschamp. AU's defense was an embarassment to the SEC with their play and tackling against LSU last week.
The "i promise we'll play better" campaign. That sounds like the lame "we promise to make better pizza" dominoes pizza advertising campaign from a few years back.
Yep, UGA dominated on the offensive side of their field on September 19, 2015 in Sanford Stadium. But on the bright side of the 55-20 point beating that we experienced, Coach Spurrier should now be convinced that his true Freshman QB, Lorenzo Nunez only needs to learn more plays to make an extraordinary difference. To the main point, Coach Jon HOKE talked w/ me before they left Athens after the GA game, 9:45 ish. I think we should give him the benefit of any doubt. He went: "We'll do better next time (next game being Central Florida)--I PROMISE you.
He and Spurrier did "S E C Championship things" at Florida. And I say, let's remember how Bad Carolina football USED to be--and let's give our coaching duo a little time. Go 'Cocks' !
That's a pretty easy statement to make. We couldn't possibly play any worse than we did against UGA.
The "i promise we'll play better" campaign. That sounds like the lame "we promise to make better pizza" dominoes pizza advertising campaign from a few years back.

Everytime I see this thread I can't get Sturgill Simpson's "The Promise" out of my head. One of the best covers of all time.

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